Communication Link Failure Error Programming Web Development by Perumal ….jdbc.Statement.executeQuery( at PharmaCollection.DataBaseConnection.ExecuteQuery( at org.apache.jsp.stock_jsp._jspService(….mysql.jdbc.Statement.executeQuery( PharmaCollection.DataBaseConnection.ExecuteQuery( org.apache.jsp.stock_jsp._jspService(org.apache… data type mismatch in criteria description codes in vb 2008 Programming Software Development by ozzcar DatabaseConnection.ConnString() Try Dim litems As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem() DatabaseConnection.ConnString() DatabaseConnection.DataOpen() DatabaseConnection…adding of room done.") DatabaseConnection.DataClose() Catch ex As Exception… Programming Web Development by chriscross86 …events:EventArgs) { if(!ISPostBack) { var dataBaseConnection:OleDbConnection = new OleDbConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("…: OleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand(queryString,dataBaseConnection); var dataAdapter : OleDbDataAdapter =… ASP.NET Zedgraph.Web How to remove duplicate legend? Programming Web Development by qwedster ….ToString(); string SQLiteQuery = "SELECT BatteryName FROM Battery"; DatabaseConnection ConnectionDatabase = new DatabaseConnection(); DataSet DatSet = ConnectionDatabase.GetDataSet(SQLiteQuery); DataTable DatTable = DatSet.Tables… Add a query in crystal report. Programming Software Development by domingo …Select Username,Password FROM tblUser where Username = 'asd'",DatabaseConnection.conn); rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read())…MessageBox.Show (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count.ToString()); DatabaseConnection.conn.Close(); CrystalReport1 rcp = new CrystalReport1(); rcp.… Maintainining common API between related classes Programming Software Development by tropico …if (connection instanceof DatabaseConnection) { Map<String, String> result = ((DatabaseConnection) connection).getResults(); // DatabaseConnection-specific output logic }… web service // return the string response } } class DatabaseConnection extends Connection { public Map<String, String>… illegal start of type -- NetBeans Programming Software Development by dgrblr …quot;")throws Exception { Connection databaseConnection; try { Class.forName("sun…";DriverID=22;READONLY=true)"; databaseConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(strDriver,"","… Re: illegal start of type -- NetBeans Programming Software Development by dgrblr …quot;") throws Exception { Connection databaseConnection; try { Class.forName("sun… ";DriverID=22;READONLY=true)"; databaseConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(strDriver,"","&… how to load specific data into a texbox... Programming Software Development by romes ….mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;" Dim dataBaseConnection As New OleDbConnection(cnString) Dim dataBaseCommand As…& """", dataBaseConnection) Dim dataReader As OleDbDataReader Try dataBaseConnection.Open() dataReader = dataBaseCommand.ExecuteReader() dataSet… JSP null pointer problem Programming Web Development by mindbend …: [code=java]package oeffenen; import java.sql.ResultSet; import database.DatabaseConnection; import java.sql.SQLException; public class Speler { oeffenen.Connection connection…quot;oeffenen.Connection"%> <%@page import="database.DatabaseConnection"%> <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding… Problems sorting gridview Programming Web Development by Ana D. … is like this: Private Sub BindMyGridView() Dim DatabaseConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyServer").ConnectionString… @id" Dim selectCMD As New SqlCommand(selectSQL, DatabaseConnection) Dim id As Integer = firstGridView.SelectedValue selectCMD.Parameters.… Problems binding DropDownList (VB.NET) Programming Software Development by Ana D. …in the code behind using the following code: [CODE]Dim DatabaseConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("myServer").ConnectionString) Dim… name LIKE @name + ‘%’” Dim selectCMD As New SqlCommand(selectSQL, DatabaseConnection) selectCMD.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@name", SqlDbType.VarChar… Bind CheckBoxList using AJAX Programming Web Development by Ana D. …in VB.NET is something like this: [CODE]Dim DatabaseConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyServer").ConnectionString) Dim… FROM myTable" Dim selectCMD As New SqlCommand(selectSQL, DatabaseConnection) selectCMD.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@name", SqlDbType.… ASP stored procedures call error Programming Web Development by stevenfagan … be called before addParam and callStoredProcedure ' '------------------ Public sub setup(databaseConnection, storedProcedureName) 'Note: The Connection must already be made and …open to the desired database cmd.ActiveConnection = databaseConnection cmd.CommandText = storedProcedureName cmd.CommandType = 4 End sub … Varchar to Money Conversion Programming Web Development by stevenfagan … be called before addParam and callStoredProcedure ' '------------------ Public sub setup(databaseConnection, storedProcedureName) 'Note: The Connection must already be made and …open to the desired database cmd.ActiveConnection = databaseConnection cmd.CommandText = storedProcedureName cmd.CommandType = 4 End sub … DataGrid does not display the record if it starts with Less Than symbol Programming Software Development by kurtzky123 …, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) BindData(); } private void BindData() { DatabaseConnection db = new DatabaseConnection(); GridView1.DataSource = db.GetAllClients(); GridView1.DataBind(); } protected void GridView1_PageIndexChanged… connection string not working Programming Software Development by kingwash ….DataAccess.Client Imports System.Data Public Class DataBaseConnection Private con As New OracleConnection ReadOnly Property …cmd As New OracleCommand Dim con As New DataBaseConnection Dim returnVal As Integer = 0 Try … Change PHP Script for mysqli / PHP 7.2 to work Programming Web Development by daisyr …); // Connect to db and check for errors $db = new DatabaseConnection ($mysql); if ($db -> error) { $pageTitle = __… with vars from config * @return result from connect () */ public function databaseConnection ($mysql) { $this -> config = $mysql; return $this -> connect… Insert the deleted data into table history using MSSQL in visual basic 2008 Programming Software Development by nurman_1 …" Dim dbConn As New DatabaseConnectionForPDA.DatabaseConnection Using con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(DatabaseConnectionForPDA.DatabaseConnection.CONNECT_RO_FOR_COMMON) Using cmd As New SqlCommand() With… Re: Query/Array to table display Programming Web Development by urtrivedi …coach_career.season Asc, coach_career.league_id Asc"; $statement = $databaseConnection->prepare($query); $statement->execute(); $statement->… = ? AND coach_career.league_id = ?"; $statement2 = $databaseConnection->prepare($query); $statement2->bind_param('ii', $pid, $league_id); … Re: Query/Array to table display Programming Web Development by urtrivedi ….season Asc, coach_career.league_id Asc"; $statement = $databaseConnection->prepare($query); $statement->execute(); $statement->… = ? AND coach_career.league_id = ?"; $statement2 = $databaseConnection->prepare($query); $statement2->bind_param('ii', $pid, $league_id);… Please Help Me, I Am to Be Fired! Programming Web Development by vbgaya … there any otherway of achieving it? I have included the databaseconnection in a method that is called for the clickevent of… Servelt Error Programming Software Development by sweetheartjava ….HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import cadsemployeebean.EncodeDecodePassword; import databaseconnection.estaconnection; public class CheckLogin extends HttpServlet { PrintWriter out=null; HttpSession… INSERT INTO Syntax error Programming Software Development by shuey79 …; & SalespersonID & "')" da = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(sqlWrite, Databaseconnection) Dim temp_num As Integer temp_num = da.ExecuteNonQuery() [/code] Any suggestions… Re: INSERT INTO Syntax error Programming Software Development by Teme64 …; & SalespersonID & ")" da = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(sqlWrite, Databaseconnection) Dim temp_num As Integer temp_num = da.ExecuteNonQuery()[/CODE] Use quotes… The value for the useBean class attribute untitled5.dataBase_Connection is invalid Programming Web Development by shahbaz5144842 … of this [COLOR="red"]org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /databaseConnection.jsp(26,0) The value for the useBean class attribute… array question Programming Software Development by jlego … create a dynamic array [code] dim strArray() as string moddata.databaseconnection("select email from system_users") do until adors.eof… making multiple separate sessions for php login Programming Web Development by Jaklins … session_start(); // Always at the top include "conn.php"; // Databaseconnection include "functions.php"; // Functions // Login if (isset($_POST… session_start() server error after session_set_save_handler Programming Web Development by ZER09 …('session_write_close'); } public function mysql_session_open($session_path, $session_name) { $this->dbConnect = new DatabaseConnection(); $this->savePath=$session_path; $this->sessionName=$session_name; return TRUE… file upload error Programming Web Development by karthikmanda …;%@page import="com.oreilly.servlet.*,java.sql.*,java.lang.*,databaseconnection.*,java.text.SimpleDateFormat,java.util. *" %> <%@ page import…