Re: project Programming Software Development by peter_budo … now or he will suffer later. Besides: 1. Any member deadline doesn't mean anything to us. We are not obliged… Re: How would i read this text file in Programming Software Development by neoic91 Deadline is soon lol Re: Zip code locator issues Programming Web Development by pickett65 Deadline came. So to make the application function correctly, I changed … Re: DaniWeb API Developer Competition Community Center Meta DaniWeb by mmcdonald Deadline: August 31st Re: DEADLINE PHP SCRIPT WITH MYSQL Programming Web Development by fireburner29 …$total = $result->rowCount(); $row = $result->fetch(); $deadline = $row['task_end_date']; $todays_date = date("Y-m-d"); $…today = strtotime($todays_date); $expiration_date = strtotime($deadline); $timeDiff = abs($expiration_date-$today); $num_day = $timeDiff/86400; // 1day… DEADLINE PHP SCRIPT WITH MYSQL Programming Web Development by fireburner29 … to like to write a php code to(restrict) set deadline date and time in users taskmanagement page by admin… already entered by admin in the database.if the deadline date expired the user cannot access his task management page … Deadline Exceded Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by best4earn Whem i am going to resubmited my blogger site map in google webmaster , this messagd appears on the screen " Deadline Excieted" how can i fix it Re: Deadline Exceded Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by LastMitch >Whem i am going to resubmited my blogger site map in google webmaster , this messagd appears on the screen " Deadline Excieted" how can i fix it **@best4earn** I am assuming you are talk about this: problem with latest deadline scheduling Programming Computer Science by nir_kar … time T and has absolute deadline D. Summarize a formula to compute the latest deadline for completing each subtask such …that the deadline of the entire task can be… to come up with is this Arrival time = T Absolute deadline = D hence computational time = D - T so far … Prompt message at the time when deadline comes Programming Web Development by khushhappy Dear All, i want to make a program through which, our chairman gets a prompt message one day before a deadline of a specific event comes. In database, il make a database fields like, **serialno, file, intial date, deadline date, status** how a user to get a deadline prompt message continues blinking when a deadline of a file comes? Help Please ! I need the helps, the deadline is coming soon... Programming Software Development by vincent551987vn … it's so hard for me to do. Now, the deadline is coming sooner and sooner, i can't finish and… send me the code as soon as you can, the deadline is 15th Oct, following the GMT +7 of VietNam-HaNoi… contact to the administrator for your re-registration. th The deadline for this assignment is at 13:00 Monday, October 15… Re: Prompt message at the time when deadline comes Programming Web Development by Bachu Compare Today date and Dead line date... If Today date is less than deadline date , Print your Prompt message in blinking area.. If you have any doubt in date and date comparison, please check Re: Prompt message at the time when deadline comes Programming Web Development by khushhappy … recordset showing records of pending events which have crossed the deadline dates. need:- **1) alert box showing options i)VIEW ii… How to show document which are before deadline and other to move to archive? Programming Web Development by khushhappy … show only those Documents which are before the deadline of the page. when deadline equals or less than the currentdate then show… Re: How to show document which are before deadline and other to move to archive? Programming Web Development by khushhappy My deadline field in database is deadline and current date variable is $curdate Re: How to show document which are before deadline and other to move to archive? Programming Web Development by urtrivedi you can create two separate pages for say 1) current 2) archive the difference is only in query for current [CODE]select * from tablename where deadline>current_date()[/CODE] for archive [CODE]select * from tablename where deadline<=current_date()[/CODE] FCC to Miss Broadband Report Deadline Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher … week for a one-month extension to its Feb. 17 deadline for a [URL="… Google books: deadline approaches Digital Media Digital Marketing by GuyClapperton The deadline for authors to object to the inclusion of their works … ARM LPC2148 Programming Software Development by pinkesh25gar …; int period; int wcet; int arrival_time; int deadline; int state; int ceu; }; int sim_time=10…array[curr_process].arrival_time +=array[curr_process].period; array[curr_process].deadline = array[curr_process].arrival_time+array[curr_process].period; array[curr_process… c++ to c c Programming Software Development by pinkesh25gar …; int period; int wcet; int arrival_time; int deadline; int state; int ceu; int slacktime; }task…task_vec[curr_process].arrival_time += task_vec[curr_process].period; task_vec[curr_process].deadline = task_vec[curr_process].arrival_time + task_vec[curr_process].period; task_vec… A smelly XML nodes question Programming Software Development by katmai539 …keuringen/bammens3h.xml</reqs> <deadline>200120111600</deadline> <desc>WML keuring BAMMENS…keuringen/bammens3h.xml</reqs> <deadline>200120111645</deadline> <desc>WML keuring BAMMENS…<reqs></reqs> <deadline>200120111730</deadline> <desc>Inname container<… Re: Greedy Algorithm-task scheduling problem Programming Computer Science by Akshay Degwekar … Homework /*The structure is one homework task*/ { int Deadline; int Bonus; }; struct Homework Tasks[Size]; int Compare…Cnt++) printf("\n%d %d",Tasks[Cnt].Deadline,Tasks[Cnt].Bonus); } int main() { int TotalTasks;…scanf("%d %d",&Tasks[Cnt].Deadline,&Tasks[Cnt].Bonus); qsort(&Tasks[1],… Multiple javascript counters on the same page Programming Web Development by jonsan32 …new Date()); const res = Math.round(400 - 300 * ((DEADLINE - TODAY) / (DEADLINE - START))); console.log(res); document.querySelector('.rate').append(`$${res}`)…new Date()); const res = Math.round(400 - 300 * ((DEADLINE - TODAY) / (DEADLINE - START))); console.log(res); document.querySelector('.rate').append(`$${res}`)… 1000% Speed Increase Using Linux Kernel 2.6 Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TheComputerGeek … that Morton experienced 1000% speed increases. [b][i]Deadline Scheduler [/b][/i]This 1000% speed increase is only…2.6, the other is the deadline scheduler. Morton claims "the deadline scheduler is faster for the short-…greater interactivity by giving the read requests a better deadline than write requests thus ensuring that applications will … HELP: formatting date in a datagrid Programming Web Development by naseeh …', S.staffName as 'AssignedTo', T.assignedOn as 'AssignedOn', T.deadline as 'Deadline', T.priority as 'Priority' from temp_staff S, tasks T where…; & staffRecNo & "' and T.deadline > '" & finalDate1 & "' and T.deadline < '" & finalDate2 & "… Date comparison Programming Software Development by jerviejeb …, im trying to compare dates. if say, deadline is set and if the user is over the… set deadline, it should display a message box saying …that he passed his deadline. what i have so far is: If Date… Then Msgbox.Show("You've passed the deadline set by the system. You're pretty much… Re: Displaying contact form inputs properly in the email Programming Web Development by pbpyrojust …; <br /> What is the final delivery deadline <br /> for your project? <label…lt;input type="text" name="deadline" id="deadline" /> </label> &…$budget\n Need estimate by: $estimateby\n Final delivery deadline: $deadline\n Other services? Yes: $yes\n Other services?… Re: Multiple javascript counters on the same page Programming Web Development by Dani …? I'm not sure why. Same problem with the const DEADLINE. It's a constant, and yet you're trying to… Finding use cases and actors in UML Programming Software Development by waqar-khan-777 …of staff responsible for resolving a complaint, with a deadline date for its resolution. A manager may subsequently …the resolver assigned to a complaint and the associated deadline. A resolver will be able to use the …have not been confirmed, and list all unresolved complaints in deadline date order. [B]Recorded Data [/B] Staff and… 24 Hours ASP.NET Caching Programming Web Development by dfs3000my … fill up a certain type of questionnaire which has a deadline that is set by an administrator. Take for example the… deadline is 31st January 2009. The system would do a daily … those users who have, say 5 more days, till the deadline is approaching.[/I][/B] According to a user, the ASP…