Re: one letter Community Center Geeks' Lounge by maui_mallard Dealer Re: Help required with double-sided ram Hardware and Software Hardware by caperjack dealer never heard of double sided ram!! new is he ! [url][/url] Car dealer system Programming Software Development by kazek Am currently working on a car dealer system. Am trying to design the system in a way … c++ project help on "Automobile dealer shop" Programming Software Development by sakshu "URGENT" Structure or design(how many and what kind of classes may be involved) of "Automobile Dealer shop" project Blackjack Assignment Programming Software Development by Latent12 …Display(); void Hit(); void Ace(); void Stay(); void Dealer(); void Display1(); void Dealer_Hit(); void Results(); //************************************************************************* void…() {// if (play_total <= 21) {//begin IF Dealer(); }//end IF else {//begin ELSE cout <<… Trying to line break to a new line Programming Software Development by geteducated …;cards/" + newCard.toString()))); dealerPanel.updateUI(); } // end hit dealer private void deal() { playercount = 0; dealercount = 0; playerPanel.…dealerPanel.removeAll(); //playerPanel.updateUI(); //dealerPanel.updateUI(); //player.reset(); //dealer.reset(); STATUS.setText("\"Shuffling\""); STATUS2.setText… Having problem with a class.Cannot call functions via object Programming Software Development by lothrodel … (*DealerTotal!=21)) //If player has a natural 21 and the dealer { //doesnt, he automatically wins //display(&PlayerTotal, &…DealerTotal>*PlayerTotal) && (*DealerTotal<=20)) //Dealer wins if his hand is higher than { //players cout<… card game. I tried but failed. please help Programming Software Development by rowen_1 … way that the player receives the card first, then the dealer..and so on. round 1. the program will display the… make a random bet. if the player second card > dealer second card. the player will decide a bet. move on… display all five cards of the player and dealer compare player's and dealer's fifth card. the first card of the… Re: BlackJack Code Review (Part II) Programming Software Development by speakon … userValue; } public ArrayList<Card> getUserList() { return userList; } ///////////////////////////////////////DEALER\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /* * Add Card Dealer */ public void addCardDealer() { dealerList.add(getDeckList().get(0));//Retrieves… Blackjack error checking Programming Software Development by bwbyron …) self.players.append(player) = BJ_Dealer("Dealer") self.deck = BJ_Deck()…dealer's hand print else: # deal additional cards to dealer print self.__additional_cards( if need help correcting "blackjack" c++ game Programming Software Development by cpp noob …=10; } if (m==12) { cout<<"Dealer got a queen"<<endl; m=10; } if…m=10; } if (m==14) { cout<<"Dealer got a `A'"<<endl; m=11; } } …n=10; } if (n==14) { cout<<"Dealer got a `A'"<<endl; n=11; } } … I need help with this Lab Programming Software Development by charlie81 … between 2 and 14 and place in dealer variable Call DisplayCard( dealer ) Call Evaluate( player, dealer ) that returns a boolean (true if player….” End If Stop Start Evaluate( player, dealer ) If player > dealer then Return true Otherwise if dealer > player then Return false Otherwise… Servlet implementing runnable Programming Web Development by kevin12 ….setdealerId(dealerID); dealer.setChild(dealerID); dealer.setSale(Amount); dealer.setService(Service); dealer.UpdateChildSales(); dealer.UpdateParentWallet("w"… I need help developing a program Programming Software Development by jib … game has multiple players playing against the house, or dealer. In your version of the game, for your Python…Deal two cards each to the player and the dealer. Display the dealer’s top card. Use deal_from_deck() to deal the …for the hand just played (for example, player total, dealer total, and who won).[/COLOR][/B][/INDENT][/B] for reference… Re: card game. I tried but failed. please help Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill What exactly do you want to happen in the user interface (as seen from the user's viewpoint). Eg in round 1 if the dealer makes a bet exactly what do you hope to see happening on the screen? Re: card game. I tried but failed. please help Programming Software Development by rowen_1 after the dealer makes a bet, the user will see the first three cards of the dealer and player at round 2. Initially it will 2 cards at round 1. Re: card game. I tried but failed. please help Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill ... and if the dealer gets to make the next bet...? one solution is to … Turn based multiplayer game number matching problem in nodejs Programming Web Development by M_27 … if (playerO == 'Dealer') { if (playerOneChoice == playerTwoChoice) { // Dealer loses this._sendWinMessage(this.…else if (playerOneChoice != playerTwoChoice) { // Dealer wins this._sendWinMessage(this._players[0], this._players… Re: I need help with this Lab Programming Software Development by JerryShaw …{ double cash = 10.0; int player; int dealer; double betAmount = 1.0; while( betAmount <=…public static bool Evaluate(int player, int dealer) { if (player > dealer) { Console.WriteLine("Win"); return… Scrabbing task Programming Web Development by borntowin_786 …;<br>"; $start=strpos($inner_data,'DEALER INFORMATION')+strlen('DEALER INFORMATION')+1; $str=substr($inner_data,$start); $…objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(1, $number, $page); //Dealer name $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(2, $number, … BlackJack Help Programming Software Development by jib …= deck.append(r.randint(1, len(deck)-1) dealer.append(dealDealer) Player.append(dealPlayer) deck.pop(dealDealer)…+= i if pHand > dHand: print "the dealer is busted!" dealer = [] Player = [] setup() else: print "… how to eliminate all keyboard inputs accept a certain range Programming Software Development by bruce3210 …players[52][25]; char deck[52][25]; char dealer[52][25]; char complete_hand[52][25]; play_again_label:…deck[0]; strcat(players[l],deck[0]); } } //Dealer //Burn a card - start with (numplayers*2)+1…=0; int heartflush=0; strcpy(complete_hand[tt],dealer[0]); strcat(complete_hand[tt]," "); … Re: how to eliminate all keyboard inputs accept a certain range Programming Software Development by BinaryMayhem …quot;}; char players[52][25]; char deck[52][25]; char dealer[52][25]; char complete_hand[52][25]; play_again_label: do { cout …0; int clubflush=0; int heartflush=0; strcpy(complete_hand[tt],dealer[0]); strcat(complete_hand[tt]," "); strcat(complete_hand[tt… Blackjack problem. Programming Software Development by MJFiggs …} if (KQJ != 1) { cout << "Dealer draws a "<< Card << endl; }…} void dDraw() { Card = ( rand() %13) + 1; //Dealer Draws cardT(); dHand = dHand+Card; if ((dHand > 21) &…if (dHand == 21) { cout << "Dealer has BlackJack Dealer wins.\n\n" ; Win=2; } if ((… Help with blackjack Programming Software Development by balloonbob …() > 21) { checkWinner(player, dealer); hitButton.setEnabled(false); stickButton.setEnabled(false); … == stickButton) { while(dealer.evaluate() < 17) hit(dealer,d); //dealer only hits if under 17… Re: Blackjack problem. Programming Software Development by MJFiggs …; } if (Card==12) { cout << "Dealer draws a Queen\n"; Card = 10; KQJ = 1;… } if (KQJ != 1) { cout << "Dealer draws a "<< Card << endl; } …} void dDraw() { Card = ( rand() %13) + 1; //Dealer Draws cardT(); dHand = dHand+Card; if ((dHand > 21) &… Help with run-time check failure #. stack around the variable 'drawn' was corrupted Programming Software Development by sms5660 …22) bestHand = dealerTotal + aceValue; else bestHand = dealerTotal; } return dealerTotal; //returns dealer's new total } int main() { // Reset the random number generator…playerTotal <= 21) || (playerHighestTotal <= 21))) cout << "Dealer busted -- player wins!" << endl; else if (((dealerTotal… BlackJack function problem- SOS Programming Software Development by joru819 …) > (playerTotal && playerTotal + playerAceValue)) cout <<"Dealer wins"; else if ((playerTotal && playerTotal + playerAceValue) >…(playerC2_value, playerC2_suit); cout << endl; cout << "Dealer has "; displayCard(dealerC1_value, dealerC1_suit); cout << " showing… Help with bi-ref/program won't finish Programming Software Development by sms5660 …22) bestHand = dealerTotal + aceValue; else bestHand = dealerTotal; } return dealerTotal; //returns dealer's new total } int main() { // Reset the random number generator…playerTotal <= 21) || (playerHighestTotal <= 21))) cout << "Dealer busted -- player wins!" << endl; else if (((dealerTotal… Stressed Programming Software Development by jlillie …} if(playerStat[i] > GAMELIMIT) { cout << "Dealer beats player " << playersName[i] << endl…void game(string playersName[],int hitLim[],int i, int playerStat[]) { Dealer(playersName,hitLim,i); display(); displayHit(playersName, hitLim); deal(playersName,…