unable to get DeferWindowPos to make correct z order Programming Software Development by cppgangster …(); i++) { if (i == 0) { if (DeferWindowPos(cmdWnds, col[i], HWND_NOTOPMOST, x_pos_start_pr + i * x_offset_pr…SWP_SHOWWINDOW) == NULL) return ERROR; } else { if (DeferWindowPos(cmdWnds, col[i], col[i - 1], x_pos_start_pr +… Re: Good Day Hardware and Software Information Security by Tedain …, DdeUninitialize, DefDlgProcA, DefDlgProcW, DefFrameProcA, DefFrameProcW, DefMDIChildProcA, DefMDIChildProcW, DefRawInputProc, DefWindowProcA, DefWindowProcW, DeferWindowPos, DeleteMenu, DeregisterShellHookWindow, DestroyAcceleratorTable, DestroyCaret, DestroyCursor, DestroyIcon, DestroyMenu, DestroyReasons, DestroyWindow, DeviceEventWorker… Re: Simulate Mouse Move Programming Software Development by alex130 … support stuff. * NOHELP - Help engine interface. * NOPROFILER - Profiler interface. * NODEFERWINDOWPOS - DeferWindowPos routines * NOMCX - Modem Configuration Extensions */ #if defined(RC_INVOKED) &&… Re: focus last application Programming Software Development by radu84 …;http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms632681.aspx"]DeferWindowPos[/URL] functions. The user changes the z-order by activating…