Hacking the Hacker; Advanced Class loading Programming Software Development by Armanious … as an interfaceInstance.getGameData(); Then me. I can decrpyt and deobfuscate the online applet, change the classes as they are loaded… How to deobfuscate JavaScript file? Programming Web Development by Stefce I need to deoubfuscate a javascript file which i need to change a link inside it can anybody help me how to do that? I can upload the file also if you need it. Re: How to deobfuscate JavaScript file? Programming Web Development by rproffitt To me this is like being asked to help me jack this car. You've been around long enough to understand this. If you want to do this, go get the source or if it's not yours, ask its author. Re: How to deobfuscate JavaScript file? Programming Web Development by gentlemedia Loads of web baed tools for that such as https://beautifier.io/ Re: How to deobfuscate JavaScript file? Programming Web Development by Dani As gentlemedia points out, there are lots of free tools available online to easily beautify Javascript (properly indent it, etc.) However, javascript minifiers replace understandable variable names with meaingless names a, b, c, d, etc. You might be able to understand `total = price_of_apples + price_of_pears` but seeing lines like `a = b + c… Re: Hacking the Hacker; Advanced Class loading Programming Software Development by Armanious Edit: cannot use Java Agents Re: Hacking the Hacker; Advanced Class loading Programming Software Development by peter_budo Forum rules: Do provide evidence of having done some work yourself if posting questions from school or work assignments Re: Hacking the Hacker; Advanced Class loading Programming Software Development by <M/> Peter is right. If you have no code or shown no effort in solving your question, we will not show an effort in doing your work or at least assisting... Assistance is the most you may get really. Re: Hacking the Hacker; Advanced Class loading Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill I think we are being too hard on OP here. He clearly has put a lot of thought into this problem, ans is now asking for more ideas. I would be more worried about whether this is intended to circumvent someone's attempt at DRM, and therefore violates DaniWeb rules. Re: Hacking the Hacker; Advanced Class loading Programming Software Development by Armanious Peter: this is a leisure time project that I have already put on many man hours in. Michael: all I'm asking for is exactly that...a little assistance James: I'm not disabling features or pirating the material. Rather, I'm using the Reflection API to access some information about the applet. Last time I checked, reflection is allowed :p Update: to…