Gore Should Stick to Inventing Computer Networks: Current is a Drip Community Center by Danny … answer is yes, and no. I tuned into current on DirectTV (channel 366) to see it for my own [i]eye… April 8, 2009: US Televisions may no longer work Community Center by kc0arf … money into it. I don't have cable television, nor DirectTV... I watch my Law and Order, CSI, and Star Trek… Patent on Streaming Porn Tossed Out Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher … radio stations and leading satellite and cable companies such Echostar, DirectTV, Time Warner Cable, and CSC Holdings, Inc., has had its… Re: Overlapping flash Community Center Meta DaniWeb by MidiMagic … away from using their product. It worked with Iams. But DirectTV started spamming me instead. I just added the one in… Re: Gore Should Stick to Inventing Computer Networks: Current is a Drip Community Center by Danny [b]Correction:[/b] Current does not run Google [i]News[/i] updates every 30 minutes, rather Google updates, which range from top searches to most clicked on news items. In addition, featured uploaded video segments are [url=http://www.current.tv/featured/]available here[/url]. Re: April 8, 2009: US Televisions may no longer work Community Center by gortonsfi Sounds like now would be a bad time to buy a new cheap TV Re: April 8, 2009: US Televisions may no longer work Community Center by jwenting Again the US is lagging behind. This move is almost complete in Europe already. Of course most users aren't opting for the more expensive "digital" packages, so receive the "old" analogue package over the digital signal. Who needs 100 channels of crap instead of 35 channels of crap after all? Re: Patent on Streaming Porn Tossed Out Digital Media Digital Marketing by MktgRob I have seen similar actions attempted by companies in terms of supposedly trademarked terms. One company I have worked with received a letter from a law firm that threatened them with a possible cease and decisit order if they did not stop using a specific term or paid an annual fee to keep using it. It turned out to be a fishing trip to generate…