Re: Calculating Zodiac Sign using DoB Programming Software Development by MosaicFuneral DOB? That and most PiHKAL's will land you a long prison sentence. (This is why you should specify, and not use weird acronyms as questions. As well: [url][/url] ) Re: Date validation Programming Web Development by JorgeM >$('#dob').value() < ... and all that or how do I go … clicked. there are lots of examples online to do date/dob/age verification checking. Re: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object Programming Web Development by diafol ["DOB"]=> string(10) "23-10-1992" This format is not compatible with datetime type, the format should be Y-m-d H:i:s (the time part is optional and should default to 00:00:00) Re: Date of Birth Programming Software Development by LizR DOB shouldnt matter if someones capable of doing a job they are capable however, I dont see why it shouldnt be there. DOB field-how to use text field and pop out calendar same time? Programming Web Development by felicekiew Good afternoon: As before, i use pop out calendar for DOB field, but is not so good for user to access. … choice.How can i use 2 method together for my DOB field? Thank you for answering. Here is the code for… DOB field at the moment.. [ASP] <td width="40%&… DOB Range Validation Programming Web Development by Master Mascus I need jquery code for DOB range validation(age should be at least 15) using the .validate() jquery function. I am not able to create the function in the rule, help anyone ? Re: DOB program in C Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon …year = 2010; int day = 1; time_t today, dob; memset(&tm,0,sizeof(struct tm)); tm.tm_year …= Jan, 1 = Feb, etc tm.tm_mday = day; dob = mktime(&tm); today = time(0); double diff …= difftime(today,dob); printf("dob = %u\n", dob); printf("diff = %lf\n… Re: DOB program in C Programming Software Development by Martin B Do we really want to use functions in time.h? Three integers for the current date, three integers for the DOB, then find the difference given an array of the lengths of months and the algorithm for checking if a year is a leap year (year divides by 4 and not 400). Re: Filter by Age from column containing DOB Programming Databases by sid78669 … AS NAME, CONVERT(VARCHAR, [User].DOB, 120) AS DOB, (DATEDIFF(dd, [User].DOB, GetDate()) / 365) AS Age FROM…) SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND (DATEDIFF(dd, [User].DOB, GetDate()) / 365) > = ' + CONVERT(varchar(10),@ageFrom)… 0 ) SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND (DATEDIFF(dd, [User].DOB, GetDate()) / 365) < = ' + CONVERT(varchar(10),@ageTo) … PHP DOB - Concatination Programming Web Development by LloydFarrell … ie. dob_y \ dob_m \ dob_d the database field is named "dob" [code] $dob_db = "$dob_y-$dob_m-$dob_d"; iv also… INTO users(securecode, gender, firstname, lastname, dob, age, login,) VALUES('$securecode','$gender','$fname','$lname','$dob','$age','$login')"; [/code] its driving me… Re: PHP DOB - Concatination Programming Web Development by darkagn … be entered as 2010-01-01. That said, if your dob is a single date field, then your query should look…] insert into members3t (securecode, gender, firstname, lastname, dob, age) values ('$securecode','$gender','$fname','$lname','$dob','$age') [/code] Notice that the number and… insert DOB through html form into database using php Programming Web Development by preetg hello........... i m facing problem regarding storing DOB of employee into database using html form m using date … other fields are properly working and storing into database but dob filed shown empty.... [code=html] <html> <head…></tr> <tr> <th>DOB <td> <select size="1" name… Re: PHP DOB - Concatination Programming Web Development by LloydFarrell … all, iv been trying a few different things with this dob but im still getting erros when i try [code] $dob_db…, lastname, dob_y, dob_m, dob_d, age, VALUES('$securecode','$gender','$fname','$lname','$dob','$age', [/code] i get the following error message "Warning… Filter by Age from column containing DOB Programming Databases by sid78669 I have a users table that has a table titled 'DOB', of format DateTime in MSSQL. Now, I would like to … used this code: [CODE=SQL] SELECT * FROM [User] WHERE [User].DOB > = DATEADD(YEAR, @ageFrom, GetDate()) [/CODE] this statement returns nothing… Re: insert DOB through html form into database using php Programming Web Development by tomatocms … a HTML more clear by using three separated fields for DOB filed: [code=php] <select name="yearOfBirth">… Get DOB from AGe Programming Software Development by kerek2 Hi, i need your help to get date of birth (DOB) from the Age that given...example AGE = how to get the DOB?...tq Re: Get DOB from AGe Programming Software Development by apegram …]Hi, i need your help to get date of birth (DOB) from the Age that given...example AGE = how… to get the DOB?...tq[/QUOTE] You're not going to get a precise… Calculating Zodiac Sign using DoB Programming Software Development by Traicey Does anyone know a source code for calculating Zodiac Sign using a given DoB Thanks Re: Calculate age based on DOB? Programming Web Development by jbisono Lets say that your DOB is being display by a textbox id = "txtDOB" then you can do this. [code=csharp] int years = DateTime.Today.Year - Convert.ToDateTime(txtDOB.Text).Year; [/code] Logical and runtime Error(s) in programs Programming Software Development by acardiac … as primary key char name[25]; char father_Name[25]; Date dob; char city[25]; }; //Passport pass[NUM]; void AddRec(…cin>>pass[i].dob.year; if((pass[i].dob.year<1900)||(pass[i]>2009)) cout<…][i+1]; pass[i].dob.month=pass[i+1].dob.month; pass[i].dob.year=pass[i+1].dob.… How to insert data read from text file into linked list? Programming Software Development by W@n …("Address = " + address); System.out.println("DOB = " + dob); System.out.println("Phone Number = " + phoneNumber);…("Address = " + address); System.out.println("DOB = " + dob); System.out.println("Phone Number = " + phoneNumber);… using and in a query Programming Web Development by crazyitalian … user_name='$user_name' AND full_name='$full_name' [COLOR="Red"]AND dob='$dob'[/COLOR]") or die (mysql_error()); $num = mysql_num_rows($rs_check); // … where user_email='$user_email' AND user_name='$user_name' AND full_name='$full_name' AND dob='$dob'") or die (mysql_error()); $num = mysql_num_rows($rs_check); // Match row… File handling Programming Software Development by pawan_sharma777 … char address[30]; char fname[30]; long int redgno; s_date dob; char clas[5]; char name[20]; int sub1,sub2,sub3… cin>>s[i].dob.dd>>s[i]>>s[i].dob.yyyy; sa: cout<&…;"\nDate Of Birth:"<<s[i].dob.dd<<"-"<<s[i…n\tDate Of Birth:"<<s[i].dob.dd<<"-"<<s[i… how to clear fields in a form using javascript onload function Programming Web Development by bharathisankhya …=yes, resizable=no') } function showSdateCal() { var string2 = "dob"; //alert(string2); var string2val = document.getElementById(string2).value; var…quot;pfindexno").value=""; document.getElementById("dob").value=""; document.getElementById("input"… Implementing Factory pattern Programming Software Development by Violet_82 … + name + ", surname=" + surname + ", dob=" + dob + ", type=" + type + "]"; } public…"full_time": employee = new FulltimeEmployee(name, surname, dob, type); employee.printDetails(); break; } } } ReadData package … problem again Programming Software Development by cyber_aziz …]; char fath_name[25]; char moth_name[25]; ddate DOB; char POB[15]; char sex; long admno;… <=0 || temp.DOB.month > 12 || temp.DOB.month <=0 || temp.DOB.year > 2005 || temp.DOB.year < 1980) { temp.DOB….day=0; temp.DOB.month=0; temp.DOB.… Form Validation Programming Web Development by Dhanish …document.InputForm.pass1; var pass2 = document.InputForm.pass2; var dob = document.InputForm.dob; var occupation = document.InputForm.occupation; var which = …in the format 'dd/mm/yyyy.'"); } } if (returnval==false) { return returnval; } if (occupation.value == "")… Save Problem Programming Software Development by coolblazer …(depart); setjoinDate(jd); setnationality(n); setreligion(r); setdate_of_birth(dob); setmaritalStatus(ms); setusername(S_username); setpassword(S_password); setlogintype(S_logintype);…() const {return religion;} void Staff::setdate_of_birth(int dob) { date_of_birth= dob;} int Staff::getdate_of_birth() const {return date_of_birth;} void… form values are not storing in the database Programming Web Development by d.jobinraj …." SET firstname = '$firstname', lastname = '$lastname', gender = '$gender', dob = '$dob', dob1 = '$dob1',dob2 = '$dob2',dob3 = '$dob3',dob4 = '$dob4',…userid, userlevel, firstname, lastname, gender, month(dob) dmonth, dayofmonth(dob) dday, year(dob) dyear, email, plist FROM ".TBL_USERS."… "The method setInt(int, String) is undefined for the type Statement" Programming Web Development by grendel0 …into employee (employee_id, username, password, first_name, last_name, email, qualification, dob, age, sex, insurance, travel_method, salary, tax, user_type, phone_number, …into employee (employee_id, username, password, first_name, last_name, email, qualification, dob, age, sex, insurance, travel_method, salary, tax, user_type, phone_number, …