14 Topics

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Member Avatar for goody11

I am just starting a new WPF project using MVVM as a general guideline. The application will have a ribbon; when you switch between tabs, there will be different buttons that spawn dockable windows in the content pane below the ribbon. This part is done. Now, each of those windows …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for Kesarion

I have an array of objects that I need to iterate through in order to get three items. The parts of the object important in this context are: value and type. I need to find the first three items from the array that have the greatest value sum and are …

Member Avatar for Kesarion
Member Avatar for salty11

I have this issorted code to sort elements of an array. It's very slow as it is right now due to a lot of memory access, number of branch instructions per iteration of the poorly written loops, and unorganized instruction/register usage causing dependencies between instructions. I'm not sure on how …

Member Avatar for salty11
Member Avatar for Jsplinter

I wrote the following code to test which is faster: performing a multiplication and division many times, or accessing the results in a vector via iterators(perform the calculations ahead of time), or hard coding the results of those calculations into the program. I actually expected storing the results in the …

Member Avatar for Jsplinter
Member Avatar for ihatehippies

I'm doing some research to determine the most efficient way to copy files. I've got 3 candidate functions: #1 [CODE=python] # uses generator to load segments to memory def copy(src, dst, iteration=1000): for x in xrange(iteration): def _write(filesrc, filedst): filegen = iter(lambda: filesrc.read(16384),"") try: while True: filedst.write(filegen.next()) except StopIteration: pass …

Member Avatar for ihatehippies
Member Avatar for Ntropy

Basically, i've been told to initialise a grid into the "canvas" section of this program i've made, I need to make a fine grid that stretches across the whole canvas horizontally and vertically, 10 x 10 pixels apart example of the code i'm editing to do this below... [CODE] class …

Member Avatar for Ntropy
Member Avatar for pwolf

""" Write a function to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit scale. oC to oF Conversion: Multipy by 9, then divide by 5, then add 32. Examples >>> Cel2Fah(28.0) '82.40' >>> Cel2Fah(0.00) '32.00' """ so it says, but i couldn't think of an a way to do so efficiently. But …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for chiiqui

So basically I am done with my project, I've passed to our instructor already, and I've achieved an above average grade, but one thing though I am still not satisfied, can someone check this code out for me? give me few tips? ? or tricks about this? here's my code …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for kungfujam

The below bit of code is running very very slowly. I cant see why this should be but there seems to be almost a second delay when I'm using f8 to run through the code bit by bit when I get to the end if...any clues? [code] Sub firstResponse() Dim …

Member Avatar for SpiritualMadMan
Member Avatar for chiiqui

Can this code of mine be more efficient? [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; public class Game { public static void main(String args[]){ boolean gamestatus = true; //Boolean to control the whole game double total = 0; //Temporary variable for storing the average Banker banker = new Banker(); //creation of the object banker; int …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bribissell

I am making a page which pulls from the user's browser their preferred language, via the Request.UserLanguages....which returns a two letter code (ex. "en") or detailed code (ex. "en-GB"). I basically get the string of user languages (they are in order of preference) and store them in a string array. …

Member Avatar for bribissell
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hi everyone, I have created a random text generator -ok, not so random, works with certain parameters- and at times it runs slowly. I looked up on the internet about speeding tricks and applied some of them that looked concurrent with my code piece. The code however, is still slow …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hello everyone, I have created my own random text generator with a custom method, no Markov chains included, and now I would like to try it on a different text corpus that is larger from that of NLTK's and I wanted to know which Data structure should I use in …

Member Avatar for koveras vehcna
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

I found [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/358674"]this assignment[/URL] on C++ forum as was browsing to see little where I am in my mostly C little C++ thrown in understanding of C++ and if I should try to increase my knowledge in that language. I could not believe my eyes! The OP is completely lost …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony

The End.