344 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sundayy

Hi Guys: I have completed my source code for the following problem using the "if" statement. I have gotten 4 errors which are: Line|26|error: ambiguous overload for 'operator>>' in 'std::cin >> (Total_Number_of_Seconds / 3600)'| Line|29|error: ambiguous overload for 'operator>>' in 'std::cin >> (Total_Number_of_Seconds % 3600)'| Line|32|error: ambiguous overload for 'operator>>' …

Member Avatar for Sundayy
Member Avatar for schrope

help i can not figure this out. my home is to encryption a four digit number I have to add 7 and use mod 10-- i think i have that part but now i need to swap the first number with the third and second with the fourth. i can …

Member Avatar for Crutoy
Member Avatar for schrope

i am taking my first C++ class and i can not clear the following error can anyone help error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?) //christine gershen // Exercise 4.17: Encryption.cpp // Encrypts data given by user. #include <iostream> // required to perform C++ stream I/O #include …

Member Avatar for schrope
Member Avatar for iamthesgt

This is homework. I am not asking for someone to write this code for me, just to help me understand how to solve my problem. I have to take two lists or integers inputted by the user, sorted in ascending order and combine them using pass-by-reference to return a pointer …

Member Avatar for iamthesgt
Member Avatar for 24x24

I am to write a program that converts either binary, hex or octal to decimal. We are to use methods for the first time (Not a problem). I have written almost all of the code but the conversion. We can't use int.toDecimal or any shortcut. All must be long coded …

Member Avatar for 24x24
Member Avatar for kingofdrew

My homework is Write an applet that draw the house shown on the left in Figure 14-32. When the user clicks on the door or windows, they should close. The figure on the right shows the house with its door and windows closed. I basic want a java applet that …

Member Avatar for kingofdrew
Member Avatar for Sundayy

Hello again: I am having trouble declaring my variables. Can you please show me what I am doing wrong. The homework problem ask for me to use the "if" statement also, kinda having a few problems with that. Please see the question and my code below. Thank you for your …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for BenjyC

Hi, I am working on a piece of OOP which needs to be ran entirely by classes, by that meaning the main function should only create the first class and the rest of the program ran by member functions of various classes. Part of this task requires me to keep …

Member Avatar for BenjyC
Member Avatar for jwill222

Hey I'm having a problem with a loop in my code. It's a pretty long problem, but it is a travel expenses program. I'm creating a function that calculates the meal expenses for the user. I have to get a total for two days(first day and last day). When I …

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for 24x24

First off: I am not looking for somebody to do my homework. Although it would make it easier for me in the short term, please don't "help" me by writing my code for me. I would rather lose points for being late and understanding the code than get the grade …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for saveme123

I need help with my code for computers, our final assignment is to make a simple game, so I decided to do Hangman. This assignment is worth 20% of my final mark due on Monday so if anybody could help me with it I would really appreciate it. (I'm still …

Member Avatar for saveme123
Member Avatar for Don_k

Hi, I would like to using POSIX API system calls in C, and via command line arguments know how to go about extracting from an archive file.(in Linux). I have done the archiving process it archives the files I enter into the command line , and the last but one …

Member Avatar for Don_k

Dear guyz, I am creating a file archiver/extractor(like tar), using POSIX API system calls in C. I have done part of the archiving bit. I would like to know if any one could help me with some C source code(using above) to create [B]a file header for a file in …

Member Avatar for Don_k
Member Avatar for J0shu

Hello everyone. I've been trying to implement a linked list in C++. I found this implementation on the web, where they created a struct for the list's nodes. When trying to add a new node to the list, I get this error: [B]List.C: In member function `bool Linked::addNode(Point)': List.C:23: error: …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Don_k

In C I have created a program which can archive multiple files into an archive file via the command line. e.g. $echo 'file1/2' > file1/2.txt $./archive file1.txt file2.txt arhivedfile $cat archivedfile file1 file2 how do I create a process so that in my archivedfile I have: header file1 end header …

Member Avatar for Don_k
Member Avatar for Don_k

Dear respected programmers. Please could you help me (again) on how to put the following code into functions for my program. I have read on-line and understand how functions work but when I do it myself it all goes pear shaped(I am such a noob). Please could you help with …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for networkZombie

...so I'm trying to make a program that takes in the three sides of a triangle and then decides whether the triangle is equilateral, isosceles or equilateral. I have to have 2 different functions and I can't use global variables ( That's what my teacher wants ). My main function …

Member Avatar for Dingbats
Member Avatar for ThomasNeedsHelp

OK so I have this homework assignment for a java class that I am taking. with the exception of a couple things not working right(search, delete) ive pretty much got it. The problem I am having now is that I need to implement a controlled break so that my report …

Member Avatar for seanbp
Member Avatar for mcmc1212

My text file is delimited (2 fields (text & numeric)). I'm trying to get the output into columnar format and include a count of the # of records following the columnar format. My text file is separated by commas. So far I can only read the text file. Here is …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Kagome

I am writing a chutes and ladders game for a class, and it's mostly working but I can't figure out how to make the chutes and ladders work. Can I please have some hints? [CODE] board = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for lprk94

Hey everyone! So, I'm making a hangman game. I'm at the very beginning stages so I just have a String array and just to make sure it works correctly I want to print a random word from the array - simple, right? I am running into an error - the …

Member Avatar for lprk94
Member Avatar for xCrusade

I am having issues with this program. I am confused on how and what functions to use, how to get my program to get the information from a file, and I am extremely confused on arrays. I've been reading this chapter relevant to the problem through and through and I …

Member Avatar for Chris911
Member Avatar for Kagome

I'm writing a program for a class that's a game. It has ten places to put a peg, numbered 1-10. You have to roll 2 die and the summation is the number you have to work with to try and fill in the board. So far, my program is as …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for treger69

I keep getting the wrong answer...I have a homework problem I have been trying to understand but have resulted in a headached. Using the code shown below, select the correct output for an input of -1: [CODE] Input Number If Number < 0 Then Write “1” Else If Number ==0 …

Member Avatar for Software guy
Member Avatar for araisbec

Alright, so I've spent countless hours on this code and I need a fresh pair of eyes to give it a glance... This is my third assignment for my datastructures class, where I am to write code that turns a fully parenthesized expression (such as "((3+2)/(3-8))") into aan "arithemtic expression …

Member Avatar for araisbec
Member Avatar for DA_BKJ

Hey everyone. BKJ here, need some help with a homework, really appreciate some help. Heres the question: Write a program that reads one line of text, one character at a time, and then prints it with all its blanks, commas, astricts (*) and periods removed. Heres my answer:[CODE] #include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for DA_BKJ
Member Avatar for doctorjo5

I am supposed to: 1. create two constructors. a. query for student's names and three scores. b. take four arguments 2. write a method calculateAvg that calculates and sets average 3. write a method calculateGrade that calculates based on 90+=A, 80+=B, 70+=C, 60+=D, <60=F 4. Write a method toString that …

Member Avatar for Eric Cute
Member Avatar for c++ failure

The Green Tree Service Company offers the following services to its customers: * tree planting - $35 for a small tree, $100 for a medium tree, $250 for a large tree * tree removal - $150 per tree * tree trimming - $50 per hour * stump removal - $75 …

Member Avatar for c++ failure
Member Avatar for fidget08

Im having trouble with this program. I attached a picture of what is required. Thanks for any pointers you guys :) p.s. I'm very new to this.

Member Avatar for quila1
Member Avatar for incubus9x9

Ok so this code works great with an if else statement but i dont why when i change the showMenu to a switch statement you cannot see my print out statement as a menu!? Iv tried different ways of writing the print outs and they havent worked at all. Also …

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The End.