Re: Random images from imagelist Programming by pritaeas ImageList is a container control, not a visible one, hence it does not have a Location property. What you need is a PictureBox control. You can show this on the form, load different images in it, and move it around use it's Location property. You can set a PictureBox's Image like so: pictureBox1.Image = imageList1.Images[0]; imagelist out of memory error Programming Software Development by neosonic … how to free a memory after I am using a imagelist or picturebox/ image file. I have a program who loads… picturebox into a imagelist, only 2 pictures at the time. My problem is, after… Re: imagelist out of memory error Programming Software Development by vb5prgrmr … = LoadPicture()[/code] Then since the ListView is tied to the ImageList, you will need to "Clear" the contents of… the ListView prior to clearing the contents of the ImageList... [code] ListView1.ListItems.Clear ImageList1.ListImages.Clear [/code] But all… ImageList Images Disappearing Programming Software Development by srikanth2321 … and the code is Graphics g = this.panel2.CreateGraphics(); ImageList photoList = new ImageList(); photoList.TransparentColor = Color.Blue; photoList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; photoList… ImageList Control Question Programming Software Development by zachattack05 If I add an imagelist control to my project it asks me to select images from the hard disk. When my application is compiled and distributed are the images I selected serialized and/or compiled into the exe? or do the images need to reside on the end-user computer in the same location? imagelist toolbar control Programming Software Development by subrata.roy.7583992 hi guys, i am using vb6.i want to know which type of picture used for imagelist and toolbar control. Re: imagelist toolbar control Programming Software Development by rishif2 i think imagelist can work well with jpg , Bitmaps , Gif , ico etc. Re: Calling an image from imagelist Programming Software Development by Wolfgan … bmp := TBitmap.Create; try for idx := 0 to ImageList.Count - 1 do begin ImageList.GetBitmap(idx,bmp); Canvas.Draw(0,idx*bmp… ComponentCount-1 do if (Components[idx] is TImage) then begin ImageList.GetBitmap(i,bmp); (Components[idx] as TImage).Picture.Assign(bmp… Random images from imagelist Programming by Onion13 …I wanted to make the illusion of an explosion using imagelist. When I try to do it I get an …use Location. Location is underlined and say the following "ImageList" does not contain a definition for "Location&…quot;Location" accepting a first argument of type "ImageList" could be found (Are you missing a using directive… Calling an image from imagelist Programming Software Development by hness1 … need to be able to grab an image from an imagelist. I tried searching through the properties and methods, but found… would help. [CODE] begin PicArray[WhichCol, WhichRow].Picture := {Image from imagelist} end; until Imageindex[WhichCol, WhichRow] = I;[/CODE] where outlined in… Remove imageList Programming Software Development by on93 After deleted the image inside the imageList , do the imagelist auto arrange the image following by the number ? Re: Remove imageList Programming Software Development by Begginnerdev How are you declaring imageList? Is it: Dim imageList as New List(Of Image) How are you storing these images? Re: Remove imageList Programming Software Development by on93 oh i see ... so is this the code for remove image from the imageList ImageList1.Images.RemoveAt(1) Re: Remove imageList Programming Software Development by tinstaafl Yes `removeat` will work. In addendum to my previous post, I forgot that imagelist implements a keys collection. If you `setkeyname` of the images when you add them, you can use such methods as `removebykeyname`, `containskey`, `indexofkey`, etc. This would be an even better way of not having to worry about changing indexes. Change ImageList size at runtime. Programming Software Development by mps727 Is it possible to change an imagelist size at runtime? I want a user to be able … Windows extensions and their images - ImageList/ImageIndex Programming Software Development by ShadowScripter … between them). I was just wondering if there is an ImageList and/or ImageIndex deep down in windows libraries somewhere that… How to populate an ImageList from a Resource File Programming Software Development by dhatsah Just wondering if there is a way to populate an ImageList from a Resource file. I have looked around on the web, but everything seems to have been from back in 2003/2005. Any advice would be appreciated thanks in advance. Re: How to populate an ImageList from a Resource File Programming Software Development by dhatsah I have realised that I had not mentioned I am wanting to add 100+ images so I am looking for an alternative to the standard ImageList.Images.Add() How to add a bmp image to a listview not using imagelist. Programming Software Development by Simon180 … out no flickering, I have done this before using a imagelist but I would really like to just to keep all… Re: slideshow problems Programming Web Development by Violet_82 …()",3000); } function animate(){ $("#home_page_image").attr('src', 'imageList[frame]').fadeOut('slow'); frame += 1; $("#home_page_image").attr('src… that this line [ICODE] $("#home_page_image").attr('src', 'imageList[frame]').fadeOut('slow'); [/ICODE] would change the src attribute of… Show image in Listview when populating with an array Programming Software Development by elmbrook …ListViewItem))); // Create two ImageList objects. ImageList imageListSmall = new ImageList(); ImageList imageListLarge = new ImageList(); // Initialize the ImageList objects with bitmaps. imageListSmall…quot;media\\image\\user.bmp")); //Assign the ImageList objects to the ListView. this.lstUser.LargeImageList = … slideshow problems Programming Web Development by Violet_82 …: [CODE] <script type = "text/javascript"> var imageList = new Array( "images/homepage/home_0.jpg", "images… : - ) [CODE] <script type = "text/javascript"> var imageList = new Array( "images/homepage/home_0.jpg", "images… problem binding wx.ProgressDialog with wx.CheckBox Programming Software Development by maybetuesday …Grayscaling", "Progress", len(imagelist), style= wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME | wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME …if gray.GetValue(): grayscale_progress(path,imagelist) frame.Destroy() button.Bind(wx… Re: problem binding wx.ProgressDialog with wx.CheckBox Programming Software Development by lllllIllIlllI …dialog=wx.ProgressDialog("Grayscaling", "Progress", len(imagelist), style= wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME | wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME | wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE) count… def onclick(event): if gray.GetValue(): grayscale_progress(path,imagelist) frame.Destroy() button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,onclick) frame.… Re: slideshow problems Programming Web Development by Violet_82 … type = "text/javascript"> var imageList = new Array( "images/homepage/home_0.jpg&…function animate(){ $('#' + imageList[frame]).fadeOut('fast', function(){ frame++; if ( frame >= imageList.length ){ frame = 0; } $('#' + imageList[frame]).fadeIn('fast'); });… Calling a method from another class (Images used) Programming Software Development by xx_kandikidd_xx … SimulatedData(guiDisplay); } }); } public ImageIcon[] loadImages(String imageDir, String[] imageFiles) { ImageIcon[] imageList = new ImageIcon[imageFiles.length]; for (int i = 0; i <… add item to listview in backgroundworker without refreshing the listview Programming Software Development by sah …backgroundworker I had to add images to ImageList and add ImageList to ListView. So I have used …Bitmap btmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(flName); scanNo++; //imageList.Images.Add(newBtmap); when backgroundworker was not used this….SafeInvoke(d=>d.imageList.Images.Add(newBtmap)); ListViewItem item; item = … Problem with stretched images in largeicon view Programming Software Development by JRSofty …with a Listview control set to LargeIconView with an ImageList control assigned to the LargeIconImageList property of the Listview.… I've got the Imagelist control's image size set to 110,110. …will both be 110). Loading the images into the Imagelist is working just fine. Showing the images in the… Re: slideshow problems Programming Web Development by Airshow …]. This does not vary. The image URLs in the array imageList should be used to set [iCODE]$("#home_page_image").attr… c# application doesn't work properly in some pc Programming Software Development by sah … loaded many images in a listview using ImageList in c# .net framework 4. The… I had to add images to ImageList and add ImageList to ListView. So I have used…} public void addItemToLvImageContainer(Bitmap newBtmap) { imageList.Images.Add(newBtmap); ListViewItem item; item =…