Invalid column name Programming Web Development by ryathegr8 … pass it in query buh it returns Invalid column name 'InformationTechnology' and Invalid column name 'Grade17' [CODE]String strCon = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings… Homework 1 please help Programming Software Development by zxz … carefully b4 i upload it to the classTutor. ( im studying Informationtechnology not computer science ) i only have Java as programming class… Re: Invalid column name Programming Web Development by croker10 Have you tried inserting the variable inside single quotes? ie: [CODE] string query = "Select * from EmpInfo where Department='" + dd_AdmViewProf_dep.SelectedItem.Value + "' and Grade ='" + dd_admViewProf_Grade.SelectedItem.Value +"'"; [/CODE] In sql queries, when a string is used as a where paramter, they … Re: Invalid column name Programming Web Development by ryathegr8 yeah it worked:))) Re: Homework 1 please help Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill There are lots of people here who will freely give their time to help you become the best Java programmer you can be. DaniWeb Member Rules (which you agreed to when you signed up) include: "Do provide evidence of having done some work yourself if posting questions from school or work assignments"… Re: Homework 1 please help Programming Software Development by riahc3 > 1- write a java programm which calculate the Faculity of a given numbe n (n!). > 2-a) write a java programm which reads a typed number and prints it out : if n neative : "input number is negative" > if n positiv : "input number is positiv" , if n = 0 : "input number is Zero" > 2-b) epand your program : … Re: Homework 1 please help Programming Software Development by gusano79 As for #1, it looks like it's supposed to be "[factorial]("; that's what `n!` usually means. #4 makes sense that way, too. Re: Homework 1 please help Programming Software Development by riahc3 > As for #1, it looks like it's supposed to be "factorial"; that's what n! usually means. #4 makes sense that way, too. OK. Re: Homework 1 please help Programming Software Development by stultuske you may want to re-think some of the logic in there. if (Double.parseDouble(num)==0) { System.out.println("Number is cero"); if (Double.parseDouble(num)%2==0) { System.out.println("Number is even");… Re: Homework 1 please help Programming Software Development by riahc3 > you're repeating code. In all sincerity, I have never really cared. I perfer repeating code 100 times and program takes up 100MB in memory rather than not repreat code and the program take up 1MB. To me, a program should be made so I can understand and it does what it is suppose to do. Ive said several times I am not a great programmer, I … Re: Homework 1 please help Programming Software Development by riahc3 Liked that so much, its in my sig now :P Re: Homework 1 please help Programming Software Development by ddanbe Hey you are getting [philosophical](! Re: Homework 1 please help Programming Software Development by stultuske might be you don't care about it, but the OP (or others who land in this thread looking for answers) might care about programming decent, and if they don't, chances are their teachers or employers will. so when providing an answer, it's always a good thing to keep it as good as possible.