7 Topics

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Member Avatar for drimacus

Hi, this is probably a trivial question but I'm so new to this I would learn a lot from any help... Why does the content in global variable "str" disappear as soon as I unclick the alertbox? How can I keep it? I put the string in a <div> and …

Member Avatar for drimacus
Member Avatar for klatuu

I have [I]some[/I] experience with Java and Javascript and searching this forum has helped me tremendously, but haven't been able to find this exact problem explicitly. In a nutshell: I want to call a java class straight from javascript i.e. use a java class in javascript without OBJECT or APPLET. …

Member Avatar for EBS.VivekGupta

Hi, I am working over a ASP .NET application and SQL server database. The databases i m using is huge and takes time while updating or generating report by my ASP .NET application. As the reporting and updating require some calculation, if the user presses ESC button or Back button …

Member Avatar for EBS.VivekGupta
Member Avatar for jeraldmuthu

please find the attached file and see the output. And help me out please this code getting system current date and function. but my requirement is get date from database like the clock want to spin. Please help me out to fix the error d3.js [CODE] (function(){if (!Date.now) Date.now = …

Member Avatar for ben_dajao

[CODE]<td id="table-cell"><label> Travelers: </label></td> <td id="table-cell"><input type="button" onClick="" name="" value="Add Traveler" /></td> [/CODE] I need an ajax/js function that will generate an input form to be filled up when the Add Traveler button is clicked. (not open a new window but generate it on the [COLOR="Green"]same page[/COLOR]) So, I want …

Member Avatar for Virangya

suppose i have div which has a class called "suf-text", and there could be other class names like "suf-gang", "suf-hub" .. so on.. i want to trigger an onclick even on these divs. i actually don't know how to do it.. would following do? $('body').find() but does find() need an …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for thomas6188

was trying the drag and drop feature in html5. I have three blocks(boxA,B,C). Items are moved from box A to B or C. The problem is [B]when i move items from A to B, Box A doesnt retain the object [/B](instead of copying, it just moves the object). I have …


The End.