Paris Olympics Chatbot- Get Ticket Information Using Chat-GPT and LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …api) API to create document embeddings (convert documents to numeric values) and the Python [LangChain](https://python.langchain.… for category B for men's single tennis games for non-medal games?" generate_response(query) ``` **Output:** ``` … category B for men's single tennis games for non-medal games is €185. ``` I tried asking … Re: Cart not adding the grand total of all the products Programming Web Development by gce517 Non numeric value error occurs when you try to add a string (… one of the values you are trying to add is non numerical. Which one is it? Without more details, there isn… Re: INSERT query - insert data to database Programming Software Development by kvprajapati Non-numeric field value must enclosed with [b]'[/b] (single quote). [code] … "non numeric" error Programming Software Development by forgot … elseif ($rentpaid > $rentdue ) { $prevbal = $rentpaid - $rentdue; $latechg = $late; } // *** 29 non numeric both *** //MySqli Select Query $results = $conn->query("SELECT…:\xampp\htdocs\property\payment.php on line 29 Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in C:\xampp\htdocs\property\payment.php on… Re: "non numeric" error Programming Software Development by Dani … complaining that it can't do a math equation with non-numeric values. It needs numbers :) Then it's complaining about an… Non-Numeric Value encountered. Programming Web Development by GhostDragon …> </html> It display these errors: Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in D:\xampp\htdocs\omniwrench\latinromans.php on… line 39 Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in D:\xampp\htdocs\omniwrench\latinromans.php on… Checking for illegal non-numeric characters Programming Web Development by Venom Rush …I have the following script that strips out acceptable non-numeric characters that you would find in a telephone number…t figure out how I would check for illegal non-numeric characters (characters you wouldn't find in a … }[/code] At the moment, if you enter an illegal non-numeric charater the error [inlinecode]"The tel number is the… Re: Checking for illegal non-numeric characters Programming Web Development by Venom Rush … myself otherwise. The code below doesn't seem to eliminate non-numeric characters. I can still enter !#$%&* into the input field… Need help breaking a loop when a non-numeric value is entered Programming Software Development by jfunchio … enter a temperature repeatedly, stopping when a q or other non-numeric value is entered." as said in the directions. We… assignment help - handling non numeric data Programming by rhaylee … some assistance with adding code to my program for handling non numeric data/user input, specifically letters. The program is coded in… PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in Programming Software Development by janice_1 … in a php program i am using PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in xxxxxxx db_connect.php on line 60 // find… Re: error on the current page if non numeric value entered Programming Web Development by Xufyan i am newbie and didn't understand your code at all , i think you didn't understand my question, i want.. when a user enter non numeric value and submit the form then error must be shown on the same index page and if the user entered both the numeric value the result must be shown on the next page. Numeric TextBox Programming Software Development by blazted … when the form first loads and the character entered is non-numeric it then allows the first charcter to be entered can… a number then erase it it will not allow a non-numeric character. I saw one example of this but the texbox… Re: Numeric TextBox Programming Software Development by mksinghal … when the form first loads and the character entered is non-numeric it then allows the first charcter to be entered can… a number then erase it it will not allow a non-numeric character. I saw one example of this but the texbox… Re: Numeric TextBox Programming Software Development by mksinghal … textbox like 26354 and now i want to paste something non-numeric it will erase all data that i have already entered… numeric value restriction c++ Programming Software Development by parth27987 … can restrict user to input only numeric value and make a loop if user enters non-numeric value. for example for conversion from… Re: Numeric Check for Decimal Values Programming Software Development by rubberman …* which will be set by the function to the first non-numeric character. FWIW, `strtod()` [double] and `strtof()` [float] will also accept… specific (rare) circumstances where I need to validate a particular numeric format. Re: Numeric Check for Decimal Values Programming Software Development by Remzz …(number); if (rc==0) printf("\n Numeric \n"); else printf("\n Non Numeric\n"); } int ProcessCheckNumeric(char szTemp[]) { int… Re: Non-programmer tutorial, stuck at list exercise Programming Software Development by Ene Uran … properly though. 3) use a try/except to protect against non numeric entries Here is the code sample updated: [code]#true = 1… against just enter or not numeric print '-' * 36 print "Need integer input!" # pick a non existing menu_item to start at… Re: having problems with auto_increment and the numeric data type Programming Databases by hielo … field is auto_increment and it will ignore any non-numeric value you attempt to insert since the value…around the value you are inserting. Use apostrophes around non-numeric values only -ex. [iCODE]INSERT INTO movie VALUES…',5);[/iCODE] Having said that, this: [iCODE]rental_rate NUMERIC([COLOR="Red"]2[/color], [COLOR="Green&… Re: Validating for empty and numeric values on windows Form C# Programming Software Development by tontano … do and that is presents an error when pressing a non-numeric error. Is there something the is preventing me from entering… validate user input Programming Software Development by tyserman5674 …quot;, physically in the text box, or "non-numeric value" then I do want the error message…txtLoanAmount, "Please Enter a Non Zero valid Numeric value") 'if non-numerics gives error Throw New …Exception("Please enter a valid Non Zero numeric value") End If Catch ex As … Why doesnt this search correctly Programming Web Development by berserk …10; if(strlen($k) == $min_length) { //filter out non numeric and special characters $k = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_GET['$k']);…email']; } if(strlen($newnum) == $min_length) { //filter out non numeric and special characters $empname = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_GET['empname']); $newnum… Help with Loops Programming Software Development by rickdanna … MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Numerals Only", "Non Numeric Character", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) Me.EndNumTextBox.Focus…Then MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Numerals Only", "Non Numeric Character", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) Me.StartNumTextBox.Focus()… Can you help me do this question? Programming Software Development by 9107you … entry { System.out.println ("Warning: A non-numeric value was entered"); System.out.println ("Your…NumberFormatException nfe) { System.out.println ("Warning: A non-numeric value was entered"); System.out.println ("Your variable… Need Help ASAP PLEASE PLEASE HELP! Programming Web Development by sylo … if the first of the two student number fields is numeric, exactly 8 digits long and that the two copies of… valid or an error message describing the error (non-numeric student number, incorrect length, non-identical student numbers). i dont no what or… HTML javascript form to JSP page Programming Web Development by liam_page1 … if the first of the two student number fields is numeric, exactly 8 digits long and that the two copies of… valid or an error message describing the error (non-numeric student number, incorrect length, non-identical student numbers). i dont no what or… help with mips Programming Software Development by monkey1 … program has to return -1 if th euser eners a non numeric value, which I have problem with. here is my ass… prints the factorial of that number. ü If the input is non numeric then print -1 ü If the number is negative print -1… Batting Average Programming Software Development by webber2015 …: 1.The result should go out 3 decimal places. 2.Non-numeric values should not be accepted. 3.Negative numbers should not…, representing batting avgs of the team. 2.If value is non-numeric or negative, program asks for the batting avg again. 3… Binary Simulation Using LEDS Programming Computer Science by Katie_4 … 127 and -128 to be converted to binary. Enter a non-numeric input to end. 3 3 is out of range. Enter… 127 and -128 to be converted to binary. Enter a non-numeric input to end."); printf("\n \n\n"…