12 Unanswered Topics

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Member Avatar for kouty

Hi my friends! Here is a wrong code, Wrong and I don't know why. My purpose is to make a **sieve of Erasthotene**. I make an unique function with many inner loops. But the execution **don't go cross the lines** I illustrate this with the help of printing the different …

Member Avatar for danialazri

I have a situation where that i want to make a system where i can generate **multiple unique number** for **lucky number**. Example : Name: John Resit Amount : **$50** **Lucky Number** : **1000 , 1001 , 1002 , 1003, 1004** John bought something that is $50. For **every $10**,he …

Member Avatar for scottd82

Hey everyone, I am trying to create a random number generator with MIPS assembly. I have most of the code written, I just need to change my set number for a guessing game to a random number. I also want to ask the user if they'd like to play again. …

Member Avatar for Matkoo

Hello, guys. I made a program to compare numbers, Example input: [QUOTE] 1 3 10 845157 2 1101101 16 5AE12 [/QUOTE] It transfers numbers from different number system to decimal, then it compares them, but it is not so fast as i need, maybe just a little advice needed, I …

Member Avatar for sammry

I am currently able to achieve number format as 1,000,000,000 but I want to get it as 1,00,00,00,000. How can I achieve this? can some one help please. Currently I use as below. [CODE]<? echo number_format($row["SUM(Amount)"],0); ?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Ravenn

hi i'm making an excel worksheet that will generate some random numbers. i used this formula: =RAND()*(High-Low)+Low, to generate a number between 0 and some other value and then subtract that from another number. Like this i obtain random variations around a value(just lower than the original). However, i need …

Member Avatar for Thisisnotanid

Hi all, I wrote code to list primes that are in a given "radius" of an even number. For example, 6 - 1 = 5 and 6 + 1 = 7, 14 - 3 = 11 and 14 + 3 = 17, etc. I used Euler's sieve to obtain the …

Member Avatar for Josue198s

Write an assembly program, `fsm1234.asm`, that prompts the user for a number and checks it against the fsm in the figure 2. Figure 2. `L={1,2,3,4}` All numbers besides 1 must be preceded AND followed by a 1. So every 2,3 and 4 WILL have a 1 before and after it. …

Member Avatar for shep32

Hi, I am writing a code for a restaurants online order service so that products can be delivered to customers. I have completed the code but the owner has said that they have recieved bogus orders and i have decided that a validation on the order form is needed for: …

Member Avatar for Chelp261

I have a program which is as follows: We'll extend the Search and Rescue Simulator. You will implement a class to represent the location of a person, and add searchers to the simulation. A Person class that will be used to represent both the missing person and the searchers, details …

Member Avatar for gabrielhuebsch

I am exporting a large amount of data from SQL Server 2005 to Excel. Most of the data appears as I want it to- without the exponential notation. Any values [I]smaller [/I]than 0.0001 (i.e. four zeros to the right of the decimal) are displayed as, for example, 7E-05 rather than …

Member Avatar for cVz

I get the following message when executing a stored procedure. [COLOR="Red"]The query has exceeded the maximum number of result sets that can be displayed in the results grid. Only the first 100 result sets are displayed in the grid.[/COLOR] However , i cannot change the fact that the SP uses …


The End.