133 Topics

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Member Avatar for max.v8

Hello guys, this is my first time in these forums, so I apologize for my bad English. Well, here's the problem: I need to get the frequency of integer numbers that are stored in a file, their range is from 0 to 100, their amount is unknown and depends on …

Member Avatar for max.v8
Member Avatar for kjock002

[CODE] # PURPOSE: to calculate the sum of the first (n) counting numbers # # INPUT(S): the number (n) which will be the last number added to the sum # # OUTPUT(S): the sum of the first (n) counting numbers # # EXAMPLES: input: 4 ; output: 10 # input: …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for J217

I have beautiful floating number effect, written in JavaScript, which is not working on website under Firefox 3.x. It does work in any version of Internet Explorer. Can anyone help me fix it? Here's my site: [url]http://home.wlu.edu/~feldmann/[/url]

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for DealthRune

Well, I'm making this script that deals with numbers that can go up to some VERY large numbers. Like 1.0E+150 I have tried [CODE] <?php echo number_format(1.0E+10); ?> [/CODE] But that returns 10,000,000,000 I want a way to show that number, but without the comas. Can anyone help?

Member Avatar for DealthRune
Member Avatar for easyb

Hi techies, I am new into C++. I like to write a program that generates all the primes number between 1 and 100. Below is the code I have written but brings no output. Thanks for any help... [CODE]//A program that generates all of the prime numbers between 1 and …

Member Avatar for easyb
Member Avatar for dragontruong

I am unable to print out the error message when there is no input. I've tried different methods for it, but I can't get it to work. What am I missing? print should be: p2 invalid input but I get: p2 segmentation fault when I do this with an int …

Member Avatar for dragontruong
Member Avatar for jballen87

I'm trying to create a program in C# that allows for arithmetic of Complex Numbers. Just adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Anyone got any suggestions?

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for avirag

This is a snippet that takes a min value, max value and how many random numbers from the user then, after it checks to make sure it's not already in the list, adds the new random number to a List.. I hope it helps you..... :)

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for Namibnat

[COLOR="Red"]Note two things: First off, I don't guarantee that it works well. Writing to files, if done wrong can always break things. Be careful. I mostly participate in this forum (the Python part) for fun, and my code is written like that. Second: this script is about copying things. I …

Member Avatar for Namibnat
Member Avatar for Moonrise_state

Hi again, I have a small application that calculates time left over in a day after events. The problem I have is that if either the starting time or ending time is 4.10 or 5.10 I get slightly incorrect answer. Eg. if the only event starts at 4 and ends …

Member Avatar for Moonrise_state
Member Avatar for Mafia619

Hey, I've got an assignment from my computer teacher in school. I've got to make a program that displays the prime numbers in a range and also display the number of prime numbers that are present. And i'm only supposed to use the basic header files.....that means the program should …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I was just making a tiny program, where I need the user to enter numbers. My question is, how do get numbers? I tried: [code='python'] self.panel=wx.Panel(None,-1) self.n=wx.TextCtrl(self.panel,-1,"Number") self.get=int(self.n.GetValue()) [/code] -but that didn't work... so how do I do it?

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for dbmikus

I am writing a function to extract decimals from a number. Ignore the exception and its syntax, I am working on 2.5.2 (default Leopard version). My function does not yet handle 0's. My issue is, the function produces random errors with certain numbers, and I don't understand the reason. I …

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The End.