Re: Project Euler - 06 Programming Software Development by Petcheco Obs.: void Show_Prime(int); void Show_Prime(int Wanted_Prime) { cout << &… 2 PC setup with OBS Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Steven1142 I started my first stream to learn how to use OBS and Twitch. After some time, everything worked pretty good … be a problem because I can see my stream in OBS on my streaming pc anyway. However, I was not…on my streaming pc. I just saw the video in obs, but without sound. As soon as I went live … know why I can't hear the sound in OBS? Is this normal? Re: 2 PC setup with OBS Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by rproffitt I looked at this with and have to write that the ideas I have were in the first ten hits. RxJava 3 - How to create and observe Observables Programming Software Development by dimitrilc …static <T> void subWithConsumers(Observable<T> obs){ obs.blockingSubscribe( item -> System.out.println("Received in …static <T> void subWithConsumers(Observable<T> obs){ obs.blockingSubscribe( item -> System.out.println("Received in … How to make Multiply / divide sql tables to show real price? Programming Databases by logicaweb …umv = $umv; $this->preco = $preco; $this->obs = $obs; $this->pagina = $pagina; $this->desconto = $desconto…;umv = $umv; $this->preco = $preco; $this->obs = $obs; $this->pagina = $pagina; $this->desconto = $desconto;… Changing elements of lists Programming Software Development by wiczerd … string line; ifstream fdata("jumboa_corrected.csv"); obs last_obs; getline(fdata,line); int scanned = sscanf(line…it ) { qtr_ser_obs.push_front(&*it); for (list<obs*>::reverse_iterator qtr_obs_it =qtr_ser_obs.rbegin(); qtr_obs_it !=qtr_ser_obs.rend();qtr_obs_it++){ … Help understanding C++ code in Player/Stage Programming Software Development by jayrana … i++) { if((*lp)[i] < minfrontdistance) obs = true; } } else { obs = ((sp->GetScan (2) < minfrontdistance)…? (sp->GetScan (5) < minfrontdistance) ); } if(obs || avoidcount || pp.GetStall ()) { newspeed = avoidspeed; /* once we… Re: Help understanding C++ code in Player/Stage Programming Software Development by ployer …i++) { if((*lp)[i] < minfrontdistance) obs = true; } } else { obs = ((sp->GetScan (2) < … (sp->GetScan (5) < minfrontdistance) ); } if(obs || avoidcount || pp.GetStall ()) { newspeed = avoidspeed; /* once… Problem with my api code Programming Web Development by leemyers …CODE]<?php /* * Let's make the proposed login name OBS friendly */ $ahsayLoginName = $proposedAhsayLoginName; $ahsayLoginName = strtolower($ahsayLoginName);…if(isset($dataArray['err'])) { return array ( 'error' => 'OBS API Account Creation Error: '. $dataArray['err'][0], ); } }… Re: Problem with my api code Programming Web Development by kmonroe …]<?php /* * Let's make the proposed login name OBS friendly */ $ahsayLoginName = $proposedAhsayLoginName; $ahsayLoginName = strtolower($ahsayLoginName…isset($dataArray['err'])) { return array ( 'error' => 'OBS API Account Creation Error: '. $dataArray['err'][0], ); } … Help need to create a signup form Programming Web Development by leemyers …lt;?php /* * Let's make the proposed login name OBS friendly */ $ahsayLoginName = $proposedAhsayLoginName; $ahsayLoginName = strtolower($ahsayLoginName);…isset($dataArray['err'])) { return array ( 'error' => 'OBS API Account Creation Error: '. $dataArray['err'][0], ); } … Re: Copy some data from a form to another Programming Software Development by sknake …quot;date"] = strongRow.Date; row["obs"] = strongRow.OBS; row.EndEdit(); _dt.Rows.Add(row); _dt.AcceptChanges…quot;date"] = strongRow.Date; row["obs"] = strongRow.OBS; row.EndEdit(); _dt.AcceptChanges(); } } } … Re: Changing elements of lists Programming Software Development by kvprajapati … ++it ) { qtr_ser_obs.push_front(&*it); for (list<obs*>::reverse_iterator qtr_obs_it =qtr_ser_obs.rbegin (); qtr_obs_it !=qtr_ser_obs.rend();qtr_obs_it++)… think it should be: [CODE=C++] for (list<obs>::reverse_iterator it=this_series.rbegin() ; it != this_series.rend();… Re: Problem with my api code Programming Web Development by mschroeder …() { $this->obsConfig['uri'] = ''; { function obsConfig() { $result = $this->connect($this-&…->obsConfig['apiCall'], $command, 'POST'); } } [/CODE] with [CODE] class obs { function obsConfig() { $this->obsConfig['uri'] = 'http://backupserver.123-backup… Understanding Code Programming Software Development by subhabrata.banerjee.984 … = {} = {} self.count = 0 def add(self, cls, obs): self.prior[cls] = self.prior.get(cls, 0) + 1 for…self.prior[cls] return result def classify(self, obs): candidates = [(self.discr(c, obs), c) for c in self.prior] return … Re: Changing elements of lists Programming Software Development by wiczerd … into the smaller one and hoping to modify the initial obs by referencing them through the subset list. Re: Problem with my api code Programming Web Development by mschroeder …, you will see you have a function definition in class obs that has two opening curly brackets instead of an opening… Re: Problem with my api code Programming Web Development by leemyers Hi there, I have tried this but i not get a different error :-( Fatal error: Cannot redeclare obs::obsConfig() in /home/public_html/ on line 204 url [url][/url] Re: Understanding Code Programming Software Development by rrashkin There is obviously something missing: the creation of the list, obs. Given that, the method, add(), updates the values in …prior and total for each element of obs. The method, discr(), looks like it's updating something… like a grade point average for each element in obs. The method, classify(), looks like it should return the… Type Mismatch error with Time formatting - Using Visual Basic for Excel Macro Programming Software Development by TylerTCF …header and move to last row only on the XX50Z obs For TTR2 = bottom To 8515 bottom = 1 If… Round(Sheets("OBS AT XX50Z").Range("H" & TTR2).…("I" & TTR).Value = Sheets("OBS AT XX50Z").Range("M" & TTR2).… Need help with an error in observer pattern implementation Programming Software Development by jfunchio …; } } void UpperCaseMonitor::attach(Observer* obs) { _observers.push_back(obs); } void UpperCaseMonitor::detach(Observer* obs) { int count = _observers.size(); int i;… = 0; i < count; i++) { if(_observers[i] == obs) break; } if(i < count) _observers.erase(_observers.begin() + … Need help with the implementation of an observer pattern Programming Software Development by jfunchio … with the input } void UpperCaseMonitor::attach(Observer* obs) { _observers.push_back(obs); } void UpperCaseMonitor::detach(Observer* obs) { int count = _observers.size(); int i; for…(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(_observers[i] == obs) break; } if(i < count) _observers.erase(_observers.begin() + i… Problems accessing the maintained state changes in Oberver Pattern Programming Software Development by jfunchio … with the input } void UpperCaseMonitor::attach(Observer* obs) { _observers.push_back(obs); } void UpperCaseMonitor::detach(Observer* obs) { int count = _observers.size(); int i; for…(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(_observers[i] == obs) break; } if(i < count) _observers.erase(_observers.begin() + i… MVC Programming Software Development by osiron …//Subject.cpp void Subject::subscribe(Observer* obs){ observers_.push_back(obs); } void Subject::unsubscribe(Observer* obs){ list<Observer *>::iterator it…= observers_.begin(); it != observers_.end(); ++it){ if(*it == obs){ observers_.erase(it); } } } void Subject::notify(){ list<… Problem updating dynamic fields on 'Edit' Programming Web Development by mimiaes …["estado"]; $material = $_POST["material"]; $obs = $_POST["obs"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; mysql_query ("…, local='$local' , condicao='$condicao' , estado='$estado' , material='$material' , obs='$obs' WHERE id=$id"); $id = mysql_insert_id(); for($i = 0 ;$i… Re: Copy some data from a form to another Programming Software Development by Geekitygeek … method: [CODE] //in form2 private string _no, obs; private DateTime _date; private Form2(string no, DateTime date…, string obs) { _no = no; _date = date; _obs = obs; } //in form1 private void button1_Click(… Re: Copy some data from a form to another Programming Software Development by beginerC# … method: [CODE] //in form2 private string _no, obs; private DateTime _date; private Form2(string no, DateTime date…, string obs) { _no = no; _date = date; _obs = obs; } //in form1 private void button1_Click(… Strange problem with Observer/Observable "update" method call. Programming Software Development by David22 … data, no big problem here. However, in my update(Observable obs, Object arg) method, I am trying to call another method… what I mean: [CODE] public void update(Observable obs, Object args){ Location loc = (Location)obs; weatherOverview.setText(loc.getWeatherOverview()); String temp = Double… Unexpected (and undesired) ofstream output Programming Software Development by therobot …. Component1, Component2, and Component3, and their output files contain: Component1-obs.txt: 1,3,1,3,1,4,1,4,1…,4,1,4,1..... Component2-obs.txt: ⰷⰷⰵⰷⰵⰷⰵⰷⰵⰷⰵⰷⰷⰷⰷⰷⰷⰷⰵⰷⰷⰵⰷ.... Component3-obs.txt: 8,8,9,12,8,8,9,12… How to update the database if I have a bindingsource, but no dataadapter? Programming Software Development by zilonox …As SqlCommand) As BindingSource ' Declare the binding source Dim oBS As New BindingSource ' Create new data adapter based on… Set the data source for the bindingsource to the datatable oBS.DataSource = dtGet ' Return the bindignsource to the calling …