Re: Regular Expression Help with URL Validation Programming Web Development by pritaeas preg doesn't like the first ? on line 18. Re: Extracting string from webpage Programming Web Development by diafol Preg is good. I found '\b' to be useful for ends. preg_match('/:\s(.*)\b/', $string, $match); Not tested. Re: Removing <head> from html Programming Web Development by diafol preg functions aren't really cut out for html. You need … preg replace bugs Programming Web Development by cwarn23 …So to do that I am using mainly preg replace and str replace. I have been … tag but with the [] brackets. The 3 preg replaces which are sending me crazy are as follows:…4)</font>$5',$textb); // one preg replace that works was taken out from this spot…This is more text[/CODE] The above is preg/str replaced with the below currently. [CODE=… Preg match and replace for img urls Programming Web Development by ade92uk I have used preg match to find in a page all img tags: [CODE]&… Problem in Preg Replace Programming Web Development by jhbalaji Recently i was Writing a Preg replace Function in PHP Here is the Code below [CODE]$… there any way to skip the text containing http:// using preg replace function ? Here's an example [CODE] $textlinksname = 'Google'; $textlinksurl… help with preg match Programming Web Development by realnsleo hi...i want to use the preg match function to verify a string that should have the format format of a year - two digits - two letters - two digits, like this: [in]2005-03-IT-031[/in] thanks possible to layer preg match? Programming Web Development by andrewliu …;/div>[/CODE] This is where I have the first preg match to get this div tag. Then I wanted to… preg_replace blues Programming Web Development by diafol Hi all, preg-Replace has stumped me again. I'm just too thick … how to convert string to array Programming Web Development by alismith …,script=[js]],id=4,foo=bar]"; how to write `preg pattern` for change `$str` to : $str = "[cat=[0=php… Re: Help with regular expression Programming Web Development by SerjSagan I got this: echo preg_replace("\&amp;diff.+?=prev", "", $mystring); using this tool: [url][/url] But that gives me this error: Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in /home/enhancement/www/www/index.htm on line 134 Re: Preg_match regex help Programming Web Development by Setvir … email headers (nearly impossible task ;-)) from raw emial data. This preg should use be able to split the following strings: multipart… Re: Preg_Match Help... Programming Web Development by Joe34 How do I stop preg match when it reaches a certain character. For example this text string... auto">auto, I want to just get auto? how do I do that? I want to basically stop at "> Re: preg_match - where do I err? Programming Web Development by Stefano Mtangoo … lot, someone answered [URL=""]here[/URL]. Can I… Re: Replacing class ID with ID contents Programming Web Development by pritaeas A preg will not suffice, as there can be more classes separated by a space. Have a look at preg_replace_callback. You pattern will look something like this: [CODE=text] / class="(.*?)"/ [/CODE] Re: pregmatch for letters, numbers, slash and - hmm? Programming Web Development by klemme …'; } [/CODE] But that throws me this error: Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier ']' in C:\blah blah.. Am I completely… Re: get specific data from the specific table Programming Web Development by IIM Use pattern matching for it....Use can see how to do this from the examples in [URL=""]this[/URL] link [CODE] <?php preg_match('/^\d+$/', $price[1]); ?> [/CODE] Re: Regular expression match Programming Web Development by subrata_ushasi Hi, I think this link will help you. [url][/url] preg_replace() help Programming Web Development by cjohnweb …preg_replace() line above): > Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace.html]: Unknown modifier 'B' in C:\xampp\htdocs…line 67 > > Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace.html]: Unknown modifier 'a' in C:\xampp\…line 67 > > Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace.html]: Unknown modifier '/' in C:\xampp\htdocs-… Re: preg_replace() help Programming Web Development by cjohnweb …); Finally, we start with the biggest title and use the preg\_replace command - if an exact match (case insensitive) is found… php preg_match vs preg_replace Programming Web Development by shishtawitch … displaying it on can i do that with preg match or preg replace Preg_match Problem Programming Web Development by ajwei810192 … in Mon, Tue It gives me this: Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier '/' in /var/www/Alice.Wei/web/instruction…/trip_planner3.php on line 42 Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in /var… unknown modifier "?" error in regular expression in php Programming Web Development by mayanktalwar … am getting this error in php [CODE]Warning: preg_match_all() [function.preg-match-all]: Unknown modifier '?' in C:\xampp\htdocs\expression.php… is giving correct results but when i ran it in preg match it gave above error Problem with a UPDATE Programming Web Development by riahc3 … { comando = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE usuario SET pregunta=@preg,respuesta=@resp,email=@cor WHERE nombreu=@usud", conexion); comando…VarChar, 50).Value = usuario.ToUpper(); comando.Parameters.Add("@preg", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = pregunta; comando.Parameters.Add… Boost help + re-write of function. Programming Software Development by triumphost … need help.. definition of the function in c++ [CODE] void preg(string pattern, string subject, string &matches, int flags, int…-write to C++.. [url][/url] Attempt (takes in a string, matches… Not escaping correctly? Programming Web Development by VernonDozier …, false. I get the following error. > Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier ',' in C:\xampp\htdocs\MrLyons2\change_css.php… on line 26 > > Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier ',' in C:\xampp\htdocs\MrLyons2\change_css.php… Bad words filter through txt file Programming Web Development by ska_defender … myfile.php on line 60 > > Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in myfile… myfile.php on line 60 > > Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in myfile… Re: check text file for email address... need help Programming Web Development by digital-ether …;; ?> [/code] and I got this error: Warning: preg_match_all() [function.preg-match-all]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in…;|"[/CODE] [url][/url] Re: php and reg Programming Web Development by vibhaJ Frankly speaking i hate reg expression, because its output is also unpredictable and we cant debug it. I always used to google it and use it. I found it here [URL=""][/URL] help to optimise data base structure Programming Databases by W3Killer …ÅŸterii. Ca ÅŸi la precedenta ediÅ£ie, evenimentul a vizat pregătirea cadrelor didactice pentru obÅ£inerea certificării de Master…