480 Topics

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Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi everyone! Long story short; I got a Secugen Hamster IV finger print device. I want to use it in my hospital application to be used in identification of patients at the hosptl. However, I do not find this device to be useful in that they they dont' have current …

Member Avatar for savedlema
Member Avatar for Thee Anointed

write a pseudocode algorithm to accept a group of numbers and print there product and average the program must end when user enter 999 PLZ HELP ME

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for mohamed_69

Hello, guys i am having a problem with the Printing some tickets i need to print each ticket in a different page beacause the printer i'm using can only print the size you customize it to print and my program can have different variations knwint that i import an Excel …

Member Avatar for Suzie999

Hi all, I'm having trouble finding information for what I need. I think it's because I don't really know the nane of what I'm looking for, so keywords are eluding me in my search. I hope my explanation might give someone a clue who can help or at least tell …

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for Japhet_1

How to make picturebox from form to picturebox rdlc reportviewer vb.net Imports Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms Public Class BCPrint Private Sub BCPrint_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'PNJKDCDataSet.tbl_Pat_Image' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. Me.tbl_Pat_ImageTableAdapter.Fill(Me.PNJKDCDataSet.tbl_Pat_Image) 'TODO: This line of …

Member Avatar for shantanu534

i want to solve this problem>>After that the code will select a random problem for you from my problems database based on your previously solved problems, your skills and your weaknesses. But while I was coding for implementing this great idea, I found that, all of my problems are scattered …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for prpasim1

I have a search button that displays results into a gridview from the database. In my database I have a "Link" colum that has different links to other pages in my project. For example onetime.aspx, template.aspx etc. What I want to do is: When the user searches and the results …

Member Avatar for imagetvr

I wish to print invoice using printer.print method ( using USB dot matrix printer in continous paper) Some invoice contain 6 lines, some 15 lines. Now afer printing 5 lines printer ejectng paper. so paper waster ( paper width 5 inches, continous paper). I wish to top printing after printing …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for MarkOrban

Hi, 1. I downloaded a free trial version 3.7 of WinRAR. 2. When i tried to open the compressed files, i could not open it, and got the message" WinRAR: Diagnostic messages" window open, and there are 3 options: Close, Break Operation and Copy to Clipboard. 3. Is it a …

Member Avatar for sam07
Member Avatar for Adam_24

Hi there, I'm trying to create an instant price calculator in Javascript . Similar to https://mixam.co.uk/brochures but hopefully less complicated. I have 4 fields; 'Paper Size' 'Pages' 'Numbering' 'Quantity' I've managed to work out the code below following guides on other helpful websites. Currently it shows the correct price once …

Member Avatar for Adam_24
Member Avatar for jemartalaban_1

hi, can u help me, what can i do to print a form, example: in form1 there is a button that will print the form2 that has registration form. it is possible or other ways? please help

Member Avatar for tmccmt
Member Avatar for athenaswrath

I need a ArrayList of Entertainment objects of some size. Then I need a menu that searches, adds, deletes, prints, and lastly quits this is a loop. I need the user to choose between Movie or TVShow my other classes to pass over to my constructors. Each menu option needs …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Joseph_18

I was able to get the ComboBox to load a list of files from a directory. but, now i am trying to get the contents of that file output to a TextBox or richTextBox. I am able to use this to output to another ComboBox(however, this is not what i …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Joseph_18

I was able to get the ComboBox to load a list of files from a directory. but, now i am trying to get the contents of that file output to a TextBox or richTextBox. I am able to use this to output to another ComboBox(however, this is not what i …

Member Avatar for Joseph_18
Member Avatar for Rajiv_2
Member Avatar for Ammar_7
Member Avatar for සශික

I generate income statement of the business using windows form on vb.net. And Now I want to print it. I want print it this way, *.I prepared some income statement on word document. * I want to put my text boxes values to word document right places.

Member Avatar for J Michael

I have the following code which handles my Print Button but I'm getting my ListView contents all on 1 page only (overwriting). How can I loop through the ListView items an d print on more than one page? Excuse my "newbiness". Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for antona

I want to be able to control the print head of a Canon PIXMA iP5000 (inkjet) for printing. This printer has the finest resolution of any I.J. Printer made and it is this resolution I need to be able to utilise and control. I do have access to Cannon's Official …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for negru

Write a program that will print all highly prime numbers from the input interval <a,b>. Prime number is highly prime if deletion of every digit from right is a prime. Example: 239 is highly prime because 239,23,2 are primes. Could someone point out what are logic errors in the following …

Member Avatar for negru
Member Avatar for RaYan_1

I need to write a C++ program that declares an array of type integer of size 10.The user will enter the number of integers N to be stored in the array. The program should have a number of functions each of them will at least take two parameters.These functions are …

Member Avatar for chrisschristou
Member Avatar for ashley9210_2

import random import time badmStudentsF = ["FNAME1","FNAME2","FNAME3","FNAME4","FNAME5"] badmStudentsM = ["MNAME1","MNAME2","MNAME3","MNAME4","MNAME5","MNAME6","MNAME7","MNAME8", "MNAME9", "MNAME10","MNAME11"] random.shuffle(badmStudentsM, random.random); random.shuffle(badmStudentsF, random.random); print "HackLab Groups : " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++" for i in range(0,len(badmStudentsM),1): if i == 4 or i == 8 or i == 12 or i == 16 : print "------------------------------" for …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for <HHH>

i'm trying to import random & urllib.request libraries in sublime test but it give my the below error File "C:\Users\7oss\Desktop\print.py", line 47 import random IndentationError: expected an indented block Any ideas ?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for javalover

Hi Dani Kings, I am creating an application where all the printing options can be set programmatically and prints the file without print setup prompt. I have gone through Java API for this job to be done and pretty good there are many options we can configure so far I …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Herbert_1

Private Sub btnPrint_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrnt.Click Dim genCMR As New GenerateCMR Me.pReport.Controls.Add(genCMR.Generate(Request.QueryString("GUID").ToString)) Me.hlReport.NavigateUrl = "~/Secured/CMRTemplates/cmr.aspx?GUID=" + Request.QueryString("GUID").ToString Me.lReport.Visible = False mpext.Show() ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript([GetType](), "print", "window.print();", True) End Sub

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Zac_3

I got the program to run, but the output is not the way it should be and I don't know where I went wrong. The output is supposed to look like this: Sample Input 6 8 7 3 8 3 8 Sample Output - - - - - - - …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Mattia_1

I'm tryng to read sentence for sentence from an input with python: sentences = raw_input("Insert some sentences here: ") (For example: Hello, my name is Mattia) How i can read sentence for sentence? For example: 1 = "Hello" 2 = "," 3 = "my" 4 = "name" 5 = "is" …

Member Avatar for Onion13
Member Avatar for Sidrah_1

I am writing a python program on Windows using Python 2.7. Basically, it's a program that takes a 5-digit, negative & positive, number from user & spells it out in English using num2word & then speaks it out too. I have used espeak & pyttsx both but i'm getting errors …

Member Avatar for Sidrah_1
Member Avatar for tissam

In MySQL I have "users" table and one user for password and username exist. i need to change this password using basic HTML form. But when press the "Update Password" button every time given print out "The username you entered does not existThe new password and confirm new password fields …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ThePlacid

Hello, i need help with my project. Im making a program that encrypts and decrypts the contents of a text file. I had to generate an 8 character key which is converted to ascii and then calculate the offset factor of the key that was generated (New every time program …

Member Avatar for dcampbell

This is a proto type of a much larger project. I have items that different values and only on needs to be seleced. Then I want to compile alll selected components to new html window for printing or export to .pdf. I have gottent to the end of my knowledge …

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The End.