Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by KomalBhatt … they're toying with our emotions for the sake of ratings, and honestly, it's exhausting. Also reality shows, don't… Re: How can I make my website easier to use? Programming Web Development by mathanm In short: Enhance the overall design for a more modern and visually appealing look. And add features like comment sections, likes, shares, and user ratings to increase user engagement. Re: Ratings Button Programming Web Development by ashiiiish ya i searched in google but i am not gtting any knowledgebase 4 the same. All what i am getting is pre preapred ratings tab, whcich I dont want to imply. Please help me with the idea. Do we only Focus on Name, Icon and Gaining Ratings of Mobile App.? Digital Media Digital Marketing by edwardstandley Recently I have read an article that how to maximize chance to be famous by spending special care on your app name, icon and gaining ratings to stand out from the crowd. Its that really true that we just need to focus on only Name, Icon and Gaining Ratings of Mobile App.? Re: Do we only Focus on Name, Icon and Gaining Ratings of Mobile App.? Digital Media Digital Marketing by LastMitch >Its that really true that we just need to focus on only Name, Icon and Gaining Ratings of Mobile App.? It really depend whether the app is useful or not. Even if it has a nice design doesn't mean it useful that people will used that app. Multiple star ratings on one page Programming Web Development by valonesal … and I cant figure out how to add multiple star ratings to one page. [CODE]<? require "config.php"… How to Increase Review & Ratings For Android Apps Programming Mobile Development by yeshamarques Hello Friends, How Are You............. Please Give Me Help How to Increase Review & Ratings For Android Apps Summing the contents of an array Programming Software Development by Locane … the second, and then sum them together without using ratings[1] or ratings[3] as the access variables [CODE]public class MovieRating…[] args) { // Create an array with 4 movie ratings MovieRating[] ratings = new MovieRating[4]; // Some hypothetical ratings. Note that we have to create a… Re: Summing the contents of an array Programming Software Development by haranaboy … will be to count the quantity of ratings for that certain movie. The second variable… 0; i < ratings.length; i++) { if (ratings[i].getMovieName().equals(s)) { ++movieCount; int sum = ratings[i].getNumStars(); cSum += sum… php variables for updating sqlite db Programming Web Development by Hephaestus … $_POST[Tour_Rating]); $ratings = intval($rating); $ratings += $postRating; $counts = intval($count); ++$counts; $avgRatings = $ratings/$counts; $avgRating =… } $sql = "UPDATE Tours SET TotalRatings = '$ratings', RatingNo = '$counts', Tour_Rating = '$avgRating' WHERE Tour_Id … Poll Application Programming Software Development by Taino …;iomanip> using namespace std; //void stars(int ratings) void main() { int const SIZE = 5; … = ratingTotal /SIZE; cout<< "\nThe ratings average is: " << ratingAverage; // Find…this function later as a histogram[/B] //{ //for ( ; ratings > 0; ratings-- ) // first line of histogram // { //cout <<… Dynamic Memory Question Programming Software Development by iAndrewMeyer Am I freeing and declaring this 2d array correctly? int **ratings; ratings = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int *) * (numCouples*2)); for(i=0; i&…lt;numCouples*2*numCouples;i++) ratings[i] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * numCouples); //Data is read into… Re: Poll Application Programming Software Development by WaltP …<<"\t\t" <<"Ratings"[/quote] So output your 'response' and 'rating'…output manipulators. [QUOTE=Taino;]Lastly the output of ratings should use asterisks, I have a function prepared at…do you use it? { for ( ; ratings > 0; ratings-- ) // what is the starting value of ratings? { cout << '*'; } cout … Re: Dynamic Memory Question Programming Software Development by deceptikon …: int rows = numCouples * 2; int cols = numCouples; int** ratings = malloc(rows * sizeof *ratings); // Check if malloc() failed... for (i = 0; i &…lt; rows; ++i) { ratings[i] = malloc(cols * sizeof *ratings[i]); } // Populate the data... for (i = 0; i… Re: php variables for updating sqlite db Programming Web Development by diafol …'m a slightly wrong here, but I'd have the ratings as a separate table: tour_id (FK) | user_id (FK) | rating (tinyint…. EG: **SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_ratings, AVG(rating) AS ave_rating FROM ratings WHERE tour_id = 22** Re: accept lower case or uppercase in c# Programming Software Development by pivotcity … message if movie data is enetered, but the ratings are not it will print results. so i …quot;, length.ToString("F1")); Console.WriteLine("\n******************Ratings******************"); Console.WriteLine("\nActing : {0}", acting_rating… Re: Poll Application Programming Software Development by Taino …;"\t\t" <<"Ratings" if one of them is ratings[index] what is the other and how… them line up under each column. Lastly the output of ratings should use asterisks, I have a function prepared at the… Re: accept lower case or uppercase in c# Programming Software Development by pivotcity …still new this is common. If i enter the ratings, and try to enter them again it will not…quot;, length.ToString("F1")); Console.WriteLine("\n******************Ratings******************"); Console.WriteLine("\nActing : {0}", acting_rating);… Input problem using arrays Programming Software Development by Koldsoul … has user input ten movie titles and their corresponding ratings. This program must use parrallel arrays. There is … movie rental choices // and rate them 1-5. Convert ratings to number of *'s and // sort using parallel arrays.… "Enter ten movie rental movie titles and thier corresponding ratings." << endl; cin.get(movieTitle[j], … Child div's (faux columns) showing irregularly in FF Digital Media UI / UX Design by austind …quot; /> <title>DCS College Football Ratings and College Football News</title> <link…nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &raquo;DCS Ratings &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&raquo;…="3"><b>DCS Ratings</b></font><br&…;b>Info about the most current DCS ratings update here. More typing going on to fill… Select Query Programming Web Development by Webbg … genre varchar movieid int unsigned # foreign key to movies table ratings ratingid int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key rating float…, genres.genre, directors.directname from movies, ratings, genres, directors where movies.ratingid = ratings.ratingid and movies.movieid = genres.movieid and directors.directid… Learning OOP FAIL (on passing variables) Programming Software Development by bspace … ' + movie[n] + '\n') if 0<=userInput<=5: self.ratings.append(userInput) n+=1 else: print "Invalid input. Try…): userFile=open('output.txt', 'a') userFile.write(self.userName + self.ratings + '\n') userFile.close() class Movie(object): def __init__(self): self… Keeping my footer at the bottom :( Digital Media UI / UX Design by drumichael87 …-size: 12px; padding: 3px 0 0 3px;} .comments_link {float: left; } .ratings {float: right; } .ratingtext {display: none; } /***MISC***/ .box_space {width: 700px; …;!--comments link--> <div class="ratings"> RATINGS STARS </div><!--ratings--> </div><!--post_bottom_inner… accept lower case or uppercase in c# Programming Software Development by pivotcity …ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("WARNING: RATINGS INPUT HAS NOT BEEN ENTERED");…;F1")); Console.WriteLine("\n******************Ratings******************"); Console.WriteLine("\nActing :… Re: accept lower case or uppercase in c# Programming Software Development by pivotcity …ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("WARNING: RATINGS INPUT HAS NOT BEEN ENTERED");…ToString("F1")); Console.WriteLine("\n******************Ratings******************"); Console.WriteLine("\nActing : {0… Help with Displaying a Chart Programming Software Development by tallygal …is my code. [CODE]Public Class Form1 'String array stores ratings Dim ratings() As String = {"1-Awful", "2….EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load studentCount = 0 studentRatingComboBox.DataSource = ratings DisplayBarChart() End Sub Private Sub submitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object… How do I store the output of a query in another table? Programming Databases by apanimesh061 I have a table ... Ratings (userid, movieid, ratings, time) where ... select count(*) from ratings where userid = X; (No of ratings of a particular user) Here, X ranges from 1-6040! How should I get the count of each user and then store it in another table 'Users' in the attribute 'countUsers' ? Please help ! Are your algorithm tweaking skills worth a million bucks? Programming Game Development by happygeek … (personal data cleansed) user ratings, the metric is simply how close predicted ratings of movies match subsequent actual ratings. The catch, and there… debugging error help needed Programming Software Development by coder19 …feat/features.txt" #define MAX_RATINGS 100480508 // Ratings in entire training set (+1) #define MAX_CUSTOMERS…// Current number of loaded ratings Data m_aRatings[MAX_RATINGS]; // Array of ratings data Movie m_aMovies[MAX_MOVIES]; //… Working in Firefox not in IE!Form validation:S Programming Web Development by Roses89 …; <p class="side"> To visit the Ratings Form please click on the following Link: </p>…"> <li><a href="Ratings.html"> [Ratings Page] </a></li> <…