Recieve Data From Serial Com Port C# In One Line And Convert To integer Programming Software Development by ahmedsa Recieve Data From Serial Com Port C# In One Line And … port for weighting machine it is ok working but it recieve data in more lines.I try to make it receive… Recieve Multiple Emails (Only need one for me and one for the user) Programming Web Development by <M/> … web form has been submitted. Good thing is that I recieve the email, but bad thing is that I get multiple… styling... Plus another problem is that the user doesn't recieve confirmation... I will paste in my code if it is… Re: Recieve Multiple Emails (Only need one for me and one for the user) Programming Web Development by <M/> okay, i fixed part 1 of my issue, I just need help with this part: > user doesn't recieve confirmation... Help me fix and make a progressbar recieve in client recieve file Programming Software Development by myfit Hi all, I have project about send a recieve file in LAN network between 2 PC, code of progressbar …in server it good and code of progressbar recieve file in client program I have write but when debug… Canot recieve gmail email in Officeoutlook 2003? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by rhino1616 … perfectly. My second acccount can only send emails, but not recieve any & I receive this message: "The server you… continue using this server? also under the errors tab I recieve this: Task’myaccount2 – receiving’ reported error (0x800CCC90): ‘Your incoming (POP3… socket minimum recieve Programming Software Development by programmer.code … send 1000 byte with socket.send , I always recieve 1000 byte with socket.recieve. I know it shouldn't be true for… sms sever that can send and recieve based on the content of recieved messag Programming Software Development by Rolandwizy sms sever that can send and recieve based on the content of recieved message. I want help ….Student send thier student id via phone 2.sms application recieve the message,scans through the message to extract the stud… Re: Help me fix and make a progressbar recieve in client recieve file Programming Software Development by myfit Oh yes, I will describe again, I want to make a progressbar recieve file in Client program. My ability of programming is not good i will try as I say in #1, so I need help. Thank very much. Here is project client original. Cannot recieve external emails, Exchange 2003, new account Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by troverman … allow full email functionality. The new user can send and recieve in-house emails, can send emails to external addresses, but… cannot recieve mail from any external addresses. All other users in the… Re: Cannot recieve external emails, Exchange 2003, new account Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by troverman … email account on our Exchange 2003 server. She can send/recieve internal emails from our domain, send to external domains, but… cannot recieve email from any external domain. **Update** I have fixed it… Outlook Send/Recieve progress annoyance!! Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by himerus … says "Don't show this dialog box during Send/Recieve" it will never go away. It constantly steals focus… Re: Outlook Send/Recieve progress annoyance!! Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by himerus No, not even on errors... practically for every send/recieve. 99% of the time, there are no errors. It's just random... sometimes it works like it's supposed to, but most of the time, it doesn't How to recieve input from user such as "#help" Programming Software Development by Electrohead Hi again, I have started to make an angle calculator using C++ but i am struggling. How would i recieve a command from the user to open a help screen?? Help would be appreciated, thanks! can send packets but not recieve!? Hardware and Software Networking by kseer i have a windows xp home computer and i can send alot of packets but recieve maybe 2 in an hour i canot conect to the internet i hasave gone to cmd and renewed and released my ip the only way i can conect is through i direct link IE.. ethernet to router idk what it could be c++ mail recieve Programming Software Development by chris.vargas.773 i wrote this code for sending and recieve mail but i can't get the output that is … [Help] Fix a code about Program send and recieve file Client Programming Software Development by myfit Hi all I have a client program about send and recieve file on LAN Network between 2 PC, but it get … Help me fix a type of variable in program send a recieve file Programming Software Development by myfit Hi everybody, I have write a program send and recieve a large file , now it can transfer a file size … send and recieve pakcet to xbee using Programming Software Development by muna.nassr how can do that please any one can help me about send and recieve packets by serail port the pakeck that i need to send is in hex to controll some thing how can do this in how can do like this design in the picture below please help me dynamic sql problem Programming Software Development by abhinav_8 ….trandate,p.voucherno,p.itemno,p.itemname, SUM(isnull(p.recieve,0)) Recieve,SUM(isnull(p.issue,0)) Issue,SUM(isnull(p….trandate,p.voucherno,p.itemno,p.itemname, SUM(isnull(p.recieve,0)) Recieve,SUM(isnull(p.issue,0)) Issue,SUM(isnull(p…trandate,p.voucherno,p.itemno,p.itemname, SUM(isnull(p.recieve,0)) Recieve,SUM(isnull(p.issue,0)) Issue,SUM(isnull(p… Delphi to C# translation(Read More) Programming Software Development by GAME …=\"");recieve=recieve.Remove(i-1,40); explode(EX1,"<a… } public static class Unit1 { public static TForm1 Form1; private string recieve,within; private TStrArray EX1,EX2; private boolean stop = false; internal… Re: dynamic sql problem Programming Software Development by abhinav_8 …' ;with cte as ( select *,t.opening+Recieve+returnback-Issue as balance from( SELECT p.trandate,…p.itemno,p.itemname, SUM(isnull(p.recieve,0)) Recieve, SUM(isnull(p.issue,0)) Issue,SUM…p.itemno,p.itemname, SUM(isnull(p.recieve,0)) Recieve, SUM(isnull(p.issue,0)) Issue,… Re: dynamic sql problem Programming Software Development by Smith5646 ….trandate,p.voucherno,p.itemno,p.itemname, SUM(isnull(p.recieve,0)) Recieve, SUM(isnull(p.issue,0)) Issue,SUM(isnull(p… How to use select() in UDP Sockets to read and write from client to server Programming Software Development by Damian_2 …(1) { readfds = original_socket; writefds = original_stdin;//problem int recieve = select(numfd, &readfds, &writefds,/*NULL,*/ NULL…, &tv); if (recieve == -1) { perror("select"); // error occurred … Problem with Client-Server Socket Connection Programming Software Development by Rajnesh …(); connect.addActionListener(this); send.addActionListener(this); recieve.addActionListener(this); jpA.add(tfa); jpA.add…e){status.setText(message);} } if(ae.getSource()==recieve){ try{ System.out.println("sock details… Not recieving data from server properly.. Programming Software Development by Infame …cNick, *cUser; char nBuffer[1000]; short int nPort; }; void recieve(); void nonBlock(); void sendI(char* cMsg); Server innerIRC; WSAData WsaDat…} IRC::~IRC() { shutdown(Socket, SD_SEND); closesocket(Socket); } void IRC::recieve() { Server conInfo; int nData = recv(Socket, conInfo.nBuffer, 1000,… Help, client/server chat (multiple clients) Programming Software Development by johnscanlon …length); // block until there is a packet to recieve, then recieve it (into our empty packet) udpServerSocket.receive(receivePacket); …DatagramPacket receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, receiveData.length); // recieve a packet from the server (blocks until the packets… question Programming Software Development by fastcarz3 …pays its employees as managers (who recieve a fixed weekly salary), hourly workers (who recieve a fixed hourly wage for up…their hourly wage-for overtime hours worked), commission workes (who recieve $250 plus 5.7% of their gross weekly sales), …or pieceworkers (who recieve a fixed amount of money per item for each of… PThread_create problem Programming Software Development by sarwar …,rq,"Bytes Sent: %d", iResult); //---------------------- // Recieve response message iResult = recv(ConnectSocket, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0); …-1; } else { //log_error(LOG_WARN,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Recieve HTTP response failed"); iReturn = -1; } return iReturn; } … need help please with c Programming Software Development by wollacott …pays its employees as managers (who recieve a fixed weekly salary), hourly workers (who recieve a fixed hourly wage for up…their hourly wage-for overtime hours worked), commission workes (who recieve $250 plus 5.7% of their gross weekly sales), …or pieceworkers (who recieve a fixed amount of money per item for each of… Threaded Socket Issue Programming Software Development by patrickkonsor …quot;); close(socket_main); exit(1); } // Recieve result = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); memset(msg, '\…1); } sem_post(&sem1); // Recieve Port result = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); …