63 Topics

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Member Avatar for 에프

How to make more than one change in windows registry with this code? How to add more DWORD keys and values? #include <Windows.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() LONG IReg; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwData = 6; IReg = RegCreateKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Multimedia\\SystemProfile\\Tasks\\Games", 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS | …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Chris Nicola

I want to make a reg file to automatically change the key KMD_EnableBrightnessInterface2 from 1 to 0 in the following string. This way I can use it on another computer. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Control\Class \ {4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} \ 0000 \KMD_EnableBrightnessInterface2 The folder 0000 contains many key values. I …

Member Avatar for Chris Nicola
Member Avatar for amvx86

Hello Everyone, I'm trying to create / edit a binary value within the windows registry so far I have this: Dim data As Byte() = New Byte() {&H48, 96} Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue("hkey_local_machine\hardware\description\system\bios", "SystemProductName2", data, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.Binary) However, I want to set a product name say "Acer Stuff" to the registry and what is …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for themaj

I have an old SSD (150mb) running Win7 along with 3 other HDDs. I disconnected everything , installed a new 480mb SSD and a new licensed copy of Win7. If I reconnect the old SSD will I have the ability to select which drive to boot from? What really important …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for mridul.ahuja

I made a program in C# and added it to startup(by modifying registry) . When I run msconfig , the program shows under Startup tab , but it doesn't start when I log on. It requires Admin previlages and uses some unmanaged DLL's Can someone temme what might be the …

Member Avatar for mridul.ahuja
Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra

>Take Heed There are lots of things to be aware of with the Windows Registry. In most cases the best thing to be aware of is that ideally you should avoid playing with it at all costs. Alas, we are what we are and we do what we do. My …

Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw How can I delete a registry key for other program, I just checked my registry and the virus was registered under the same registry key of my other program and now I want to use java as also part of learning java and the method of accessing and …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Junz_1

Hi guys, need help here. I would like to check the registry key is exist for this code: Sub main() Dim regKey As Object = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{D75F38ED-E49A-48F3-9B72-D4BC5FE73B44}", True) ' Check if it exists If regKey Is Nothing Then MsgBox("Registry key does not exist!") Else MsgBox("Registry key is exists.") End If End …

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Member Avatar for nufftalon

Is there a way to create wedding registry and baby show registry. So users get a specific login and can choose which item they want to buy for someone from the list. Once that item is bought it is subtracted from the registry list?

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Heelloooo good day. Thanks for seeking to help. I am creating a Java program(obviously). At the end of my work I wish to install it as (a)an .exe file. However I wish that after its installation, file type association would have been setup automatically(I phrased that latter part of the …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for kirtee2209

Hi. I have an application in C#. When installing the msi, the user is requested to input some values and these are entered in registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MyFolder. When running the application, the value is read from the registry location and the application uses these values for processing. This works fine …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for erum

i have following small line of code RegistryKey rkApp = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",true); rkApp.SetValue("MyApp1", "C:\\WINDOWS\\myexe"); now when i run code in c# (desktop application ) it make changes in registeries and .exe run when system start ..but the problem is whne i make setup and deploymemt of same code and deploy on …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for beep

Does any one know of a registry hack whereby one could add a 'move/copy to folder...' to the right click menu when in Windows Photoviewer? It is insanely useful in Windows Explorer and this would save me time and headaches :) Using 7 Ultimate. Also, I miss all the extras …

Member Avatar for BigPaw
Member Avatar for amvx86

Hello all, I am trying to get a bunch of sub-keys and values from the registry in vb 2010 and i remember in vb6 this was quite easy. Can anyone share code to help? Or a link where I can go? I've been searching for nearly 8 hours on line …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Remember when you had to use a whole host of 'utility downloads' just to keep your PC running smoothly? Windows has had optimization tools built in for ages now, so surely the days of PC optimization suites are long over? Not so according to iolo, which has just released System …

Member Avatar for Palebushman
Member Avatar for inneedofhelp123

Is it possible to make a cleaner like CCLeaner in VB.NET? If so, could anyone give me some hints or anything to start from? Thanks!

Member Avatar for Knowledge72
Member Avatar for oscargrower11

I've been strugglin with this all day. I'm trying to use python to walk through a registry key and delete all the values it finds. I've succeeded in getting it to find all the nested values, but as soon as I try to delete one, I'm met with "WindowsError: [Error …

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Member Avatar for blackadder

I am having trouble with my PC. The tip of the iceberg is an inocuous message which displays everytime I launch iTunes, as below: "The registry settings used by the iTunes drivers for importing and burning CDs and DVDs are missing. This can happen as a result of installing other …

Member Avatar for blackadder
Member Avatar for Rabbiedab

Greetings... I am a new member to DaniWeb. My Wife's system began its current symptoms about a week ago 08-10-2012. First sporadically, then seemed to escalate exponentially until 08-12-2012 when she could no longer: 1. double-click on her icons in... (we must right-click and choose OPEN) a. the START menu …

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Member Avatar for ingus16

Hi all ! I have a code which search registry key value in specific key path, not all registry. In registry key `SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}` find all keys with `0000 , 0001 , 0002 , 0003` and so on at the end of registry key. `{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}` . In each key ( for …

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Member Avatar for Eruditio

First of all, I realise there are a fair few related questions on many other sites, in addition to Microsoft Support pages. I have spent many hours on this issue, and this is where I stand and what I know/have been able to achieve: * I have an application written …

Member Avatar for Israelsimba

i developed a payroll running in VB6 and using SQL 2000 Database, and when i install it on my laptop with windows 7, it gives me an error message 'You dont have permission to perform this operation'. Im logged in as administrator.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for c#_fem

Hi, I have to create several services that have to use some sort of registry, to store and get data from. Also, services should have to communicate with each other, in order to exchange data, using the previously mentioned registry. Each service should be able to connect to the registry …

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Member Avatar for iPanda

I got an assignment which I don't even know how to start, I have a path to a driver & its name (Argv) and I need to create a code that will install this driver automatically. If anyone even has an idea how to make this code generic I would …

Member Avatar for BobS0327
Member Avatar for akshayinbox

Hi, I'm a student. Can you please tell me / provide me a link to an article that talks of how to use registry in programs of my own that seems legit to antivirus / Windows OS? For example, even if I include some library in my C++ program that …

Member Avatar for QuickBooksDev

I have several programs that must write to [B]HKLM[/B] in XP and Windows 7/64 Pro. The programs work in VB6 but not in VB.Net 2008 on target machines. It does works on our development machine. Same exact windows. User is an Administrator. NOT using Run as. Both programs are using …

Member Avatar for QuickBooksDev
Member Avatar for brettclavier

I'm working on a tool that can copy the registry files from a designated drive or image onto a local machine. After doing that, how would I go about reading from those registry keys? I've seen other people use RegOpenKeyEx but that was on their computer and not an external …

Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer
Member Avatar for kylelendo

Dear friends...I want to design an application that can open file of certain extensions For ex.There is a software called ARJ32 which can open file with extensions .a00 ,.a01...................,.a19. also there is application called apk emulator which can open .apk files So eve i want to design an application that …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for hotmatrixx

I am active in another thread that is turning into a bit of a flame-war. (So I thought i would bring the fight to the lounge! :-) [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1570898"]HERE[/URL] So I wanted To Start A New Thread, as I couldn't find one. So, Please only reply if your answer contributes something …

Member Avatar for lasitha2005d
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I have done pretty much all my programming using C# and very much a newbie to C++. However now I have to convert to C++ and is finding it a bit difficult. For example, I wrote a pretty simple program using C# to acquire a RegistryKey, then using a recursive …

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The End.