16 Topics

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Member Avatar for azapovjednik

hello all, I want to make some simple database in access that would track student information, semesters etc... I have created basic tables like: students, professors, subjects.. now I am stuck with the most important part: semesters and subjects... here is the link [Click Here](http://prntscr.com/2jafl6)where you can see database relationship …

Member Avatar for Shahbaz_2
Member Avatar for azapovjednik

Hello I have two tables: Students and Professors (both with usual info like name, last name, email... etc) I also need to have info about their knowledge of foreign languages, and I guess that should be a third table (languages for example) it should look like: Language_id, Language, Speaking, Writing, …

Member Avatar for azapovjednik
Member Avatar for entities

Hi I am currently searching for entities in this case study and I am hoping to create an entity relationship diagram after I have found all the entities. So far I have managed to come up with the following entities Members Group members Organised club racing Training sessions Boat Design …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Robert_9

Hello, I am a student and I was assigned to create my first entity relationship diagram and I'm kind of lost. The professor hints the paintings should be broken into a generalization hierarchy since they have so many attributes but I can only break them into two sub(entities) based on …

Member Avatar for Robert_9
Member Avatar for rajesh1158

I have a search in my drupal website which searches for users registered in my website (finder module). Upon clicking any user from the user search result, it takes to that user's profile page. At the top of that page, a text 'Relationship' is displayed. Under it, a link saying …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for avroshk

Hi! So I have two "tabs" implemented using radio buttons as shown in the code (visibility is controled by CSS). There is one control in each tab contained in the div. I hope the code is clear enough. Now, I am inside a javascript function where I have the control …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I use Visual Basic 2008 Database is Mysql Three tables: 1. table article fields: item number, item description, color number, month number 100 chair 2 3 2. table colors fields: color number, color description 1 red 2 blue 3. table months fields: month number, month description 1 January 2 February …

Member Avatar for dre-logics
Member Avatar for Farhan_B

hi i have a simple relationship which is shown in the link below [url]http://www.flickr.co...N06/6948010043/[/url] after doing much research i cannot find a proper way of deleting rows which are linked in all 3 tables. could someone guide me on the best way of doing this. This is the code i …

Member Avatar for 0x90
Member Avatar for klemme

Looking for an answer about how I can use relations in my DB, when a link is clicked. I have the main navigation in the top of the page, the table is called:"SUBJECTS", primary key is ID. I also have a local navigation in the left side of the page. …

Member Avatar for madCoder
Member Avatar for zuko9215

Hey guys i d like to pick your brains about something.. Suppose i want to create a database for storing, lets say computer stuff, parts, hardware, peripherals etc.... Which way would be better? 1 ------ Create a Basictable with all the common fields (like ProductName, Price,Guarantee....) and then create multiple …

Member Avatar for AdeelM
Member Avatar for JakeStanely

Hey everyone and happy new year. I'm a java beginner and I am doing my first program, a dvd rental system. I've got 4 classes with the following variables: the main class the dvd class - dvdID, title, rating, producer the cleint class - cleintID, name, surname, address the rentals …

Member Avatar for JakeStanely
Member Avatar for Easytime

Dear VB Pros, Please I want to solicit your assistance on a comprehensive database design for the following explanation: I have a customer order form comprising of: 1. the following controls will get information from the customer that will be stored in the customer table. [[B]CustomerName[/B]], [[B]CustomerAddress[/B]], [[B]City[/B]], [[B]State[/B]], [[B]DateofPurchase[/B]] …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for dthung

When I try to design relation database using MSSQL Server 2008, I find that the MSSQL Server 2008 allow designer can create two relationships with one direction from a table to other table (for example, I have two table A an B, I can create two relationship from table A …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for cgoasduff

Hi There, I have been scouring the web for an asnwer on something I would have thought was quite common. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a database which contain job ads/ I have one table "dbo.tbl_jobadvert" which contains the ad itself and another table "dbo.tbl_jobFiles" which contains …

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Member Avatar for samyot2002

Hi, I am creating an inventory control database, and my products are using serial numbers, I am stock in desinging the tables needed . Produts in stock 50 I need to store 50 serial numbers for that product. One product number has many serial numbers. Products can be in many …

Member Avatar for cao
Member Avatar for garcon1986

Hello, Now i have 3 tables which are: [CODE]CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS experience( experience_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, salarie_id int(11), consultant_id int(11), post varchar(255), entreprise_name varchar(255), start_time varchar(255), end_time varchar(255), description varchar(10000), PRIMARY KEY(experience_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS salarie( salarie_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(255), ..., …

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The End.