Re: Using Natural Language to Query SQL Databases with Python LangChain Module Programming Computer Science by aishamushtaq very helpful Using Natural Language to Query SQL Databases with Python LangChain Module Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …;sqlite:///<<sqlite database path" ``` The script below returns the names of the top 10 customers with the most…:// The script below returns the final output: ``` print(response['output']) ``` **Output:** ``` The top 10… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim … similar depending on the size of the result it returns, the subquery returns no index but if it is on the main… Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by Reverend Jim … it fails to reset (in front of me) when it returns then they will refund my money. As for the possibility… Re: How to query database using variable and get all results not just one row Programming Web Development by Biiim … PDO so i'm not too familiar on how it returns results, either way you will know which part is faulty… Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …score for the detected tables. The `detect_table()` function returns the final output. ``` def detect_table(image_doc): # … for the detected tables. The function also returns the detected bounding box coordinates for all the… values as parameters. The `get_cropped_image()` function returns the cropped table, which you can use to… Converting PDF Image to CSV Using Multimodal Google Gemini Pro Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …()` function takes a directory as an argument and returns a list of absolute paths to all the JPG…a list of image paths as an argument and returns a list of `Part` objects, which are … images and the text prompt to the `generates()` function that returns the model response. ``` full_response = generate(imgs_b64, prompt) print(… Paris Olympics Chatbot- Get Ticket Information Using Chat-GPT and LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …pass the query to the vector database, which returns the most similar document and stores it in …retrieval chain, is passed to the `document_chain,` which returns the final response. The following script implements the … example. The following output shows that the model correctly returns the category for the lowest-priced ticket. ``` query … Paris Olympics Ticket Information Chatbot with Memory Using LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …retrieval_chain` that accepts the `retriever` and `document_chain` as parameters and returns the final response from an LLM. ``` retriever = vector.as_retriever() …function, `generate_response(),` which accepts a user's input query and returns a chatbot response. ``` def generate_response(query): response = retrieval_chain.invoke… Claude 3 Opus Vs. Google Gemini Vs. GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …, we define the `find_sentiment_gemini()` function, which accepts a tweet and returns its sentiment. Pay attention to the `content` variable. It contains… a response. The following script defines the `find_sentiment_claude()` method that returns the sentiment of a tweet using the Claude Opus 3… PDF Image Table Extractor Web App with Google Gemini Pro and Streamlit Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … define two image processing functions: `get_jpg_file_paths()` and `read_image()`. The former returns the file paths of all the files in a directory… Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Google Gemma From HuggingFace Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … pass an input query to our vector embeddings database, which returns the text with the highest similarly. ``` question = "What is… Re: Extracting values from capturing groups in regex Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim …;td>(.+?)</td>' then re.split(pat,html) returns ['<tr align="right">', '236', '', 'Roy', '', 'Allyson… only ['236', 'Roy', 'Allyson'] The expression `.+?` does a lazy match (returns the shortest possible string that matches the pattern. Re: Extracting values from a regex match Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim …;td>(.+?)</td>' then re.split(pat,html) returns ['<tr align="right">', '236', '', 'Roy', '', 'Allyson… Re: Is Coding About Authoring or Achieving a Specification? Programming by Reverend Jim … FROM LFC 'UNIT' INTO 80 BYTE ARRAYY BUFF. C END RETURNS TO FIRST RETURN, ERROR RTETURNS TO SECOND C IFIRST IS… Re: What is the function of Promiserace method in JavaScript ? Programming Web Development by IrwynCroke In JavaScript, the Promise.race method is used to create a new promise that is resolved or rejected when the first of the passed promises is executed. In other words, Promise.race returns a promise that will terminate as the fastest of the promises passed to it will terminate. Re: Fine-Tuning OpenAI Whisper Model for Audio Classification in PyTorch Programming Computer Science by habi_2 how to use the Returns the duplicate value in array t[n], which contains numbers 1 to n-1 Programming Software Development by Jaks_maths Returns the duplicate value in array t[n], which contains numbers 1 to n-1. Given two approaches with O(n) and O(n-square) complexities. GetFolder Programming Software Development by BlackDice Returns the name of a folder in a CString after allowing user to browse for it. This is just a wrapper around the SHBrowseForFolder API, but it's great for only allowing a user to browse for folders! FileExists Programming Software Development by BlackDice returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether or not a file exists Program to find the largest sum of contiguous integers in the array. O(n) Programming Software Development by Jaks_maths Returns the largest sum of contiguous integers in the array Example: if the input is (-1, 2, -3, 2, 0, 5, -11), the largest sum is 7 Time complexity is O(n). Power Set List from Input List Programming Software Development by credford Returns the power set of the elements of a given list (even if some of those elements are also lists). Linked list, how i can compare with out lost the head of Linked list? Programming Software Development by YaLeon Returns true if the string represented - by the object it is … Re: What the following method does ? Programming Software Development by javaAddict Returns true if each "father" can be divided by each of their "sons". false even if one of the fathers cannot be divided by theirs sons. If a node is null, it does not check it and returns true. Re: Postgre convert non latin chars case Programming Databases by LastMitch >returns row, but its ok. WHen we change to 'ČĘĖį' (one letter … Re: Need a little help with functions. Programming Software Development by Alochai // Returns an integer holding the value of the amount of pages.// … Re: Running web application over IIS without VS Programming Software Development by riahc3 > returns lots Configuration Error. "Lots of" configuration errors doesnt tell us much.... Re: Void Function Programming Software Development by IIM returns means returning back to calling method. cout is not returning,… Re: Help with urllib Programming Software Development by snippsat > returns the last line of that txt file and not the … Re: Spiderman 3 - post your opinions Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike.mclennan returns. oh god returns. I liked the rest.