RichEdit subclassing problem, can't call Default Proc. Programming Software Development by killdude69 …procedure because I don't know it's name. The RichEdit (RichEdit 3.0) is not doing anything because I can'… [code=cplusplus] // Main Window Procedure switch(message) { case WM_CREATE: { // Declare RichEdit: hRichEdit SetWindowLongPtr(hRichEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)MyRichEditProc); // This works fine } break… RichEdit and Autoscroll Programming Software Development by lapassion Hello everyone... I'm having a problem with RichEdit and its default scrolling behaviour. When a new line …is added to a RichEdit (via a Timer OnTimer event), it autoscrolls to the …ve tried to detect SB_LEFT, SB_LINELEFT... messages but it seems RichEdit's control doesn't send these messages but instead just… RichEdit 2.0 Control in ATL project Programming Software Development by SalvatMollet … ATL dll, under C++ VisualStudio 2008. I would include an RichEdit 2.0 Control in an AxDialogImpl dialog. To use… RichEdit 2.0 it is needed call AfxInitRichEdit2(). I did it … of errors. Anybody knows if it is possible to use RichEdit 2.0 with ATL projects? RichEdit printing! Programming Software Development by sixstorm1 … everyone, I am trying to print content from a Win32 richedit control, but it doesn't work. The text wraps to… of the page, and after printing, the text in the richedit is also messed up (word wrap to the half width… adding more then 65,535 characters to richedit Programming Software Development by crunchycoder … = LoadLibrary("Riched32.dll"); HWND RichEdithWnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "RichEdit", "", WS_CHILDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL |… made a function to add a single line to the richedit control like this [code] void AddLinetoRichEdit(char* cpyText) { … Strange tab mismatch: RichEdit and DrawText Programming Software Development by devjeetroy …text editor with syntax highlighting. I'm subclassing richedit and using drawtext to overwrite(Exactly like in …is the full code: [CODE]HWND hWndEdit; //Handle to RichEdit Control HWND mhWnd; //Handle to main window HWND hWndStatus;…Screenshot[/URL] The text in black is by richedit and the one in red is using the drawtext… Re: adding more then 65,535 characters to richedit Programming Software Development by crunchycoder … wrapper and read somewhere else it was version2 of the richedit control...i was out of ideas and i have riched32… 1 at a time and adds each string to the richedit control then ExitThread(0) but about halfway through the looping… strings in the main window thread, it adds to the richedit the same way and it doesnt mess up halfway through… Win32 RichEdit ContextMenu and Click Tracking Problem Programming Software Development by killdude69 … up when you right click a RichEdit. I know how to create the…to check for when the user right-clicks RichEdit. This is what I have: [CODE=cpp…] case WM_CREATE: { // Create RichEdit Control // SetEventMask to ENM_MOUSEEVENTS } break; case WM_NOTIFY… Receiving vscroll events from a richedit control Programming Software Development by stinkypete … am trying to catch EN_VSCROLL (vertical scroll) messages from a richedit control. So far I have done the following: In the… form's oncreate: [CODE]int mask = SendMessage(richedit->Handle, EM_GETEVENTMASK, 0, 0); SendMessage(richedit->Handle, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, mask + ENM_SCROLL); Application… Re: adding more then 65,535 characters to richedit Programming Software Development by crunchycoder i figured it out...the problem was with using EM_SETSEL this is fine if there is less then 65535 charecters in the richedit box. use EM_EXSETSEL othewise EM_SETSEL is the 16bit version, limits (int)egers to 65,535 EM_EXSETSEL is the 32bit version, limits (int)egers to 4,294,967,295 hope somebody finds this usefull Re: Win32 RichEdit ContextMenu and Click Tracking Problem Programming Software Development by mitrmkar … { switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: // ... create the richedit window here -> hWndRichEdit // set event mask ... SendMessage(hWndRichEdit…if(pF->msg == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) { // got WM_RBUTTONDOWN from the richedit window } } } break; } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, … Re: Win32 RichEdit ContextMenu and Click Tracking Problem Programming Software Development by killdude69 …{ switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: // ... create the richedit window here -> hWndRichEdit // set event mask ... SendMessage(…{ if(pF->msg == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) { // got WM_RBUTTONDOWN from the richedit window } } } break; } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, … Re: Win32 RichEdit ContextMenu and Click Tracking Problem Programming Software Development by koushal.vv … we can do is to get the Crect [ cpoint ] of richedit box on the dialog, compare with the acutal piont then… Saving from a richedit to a txt file Programming Software Development by Fireprufe15 I want to save the contents of my richedit to a plain text file. With my current code, only …a partial of the richedit's text ends up in the plain text. Could you… I want to convert MFC RichEdit(with bitmaps) to API RichEdit(with bitmaps) Programming Software Development by lashatt2 … your control notification handler code here CreateFromFile("E:\\VC++\\RichEdit\\confused.bmp"); REOBJECT reobject; ZeroMemory(&reobject, sizeof(REOBJECT… Re: Win32 Print RichEdit to Printer Programming Software Development by TheNewKid … this function from the msdn docs to print from my richedit: BOOL PrintRTF(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc) { HDC hDC = hdc; DOCINFO… first time you print, but after it runs once the richedit gets a bit messed up and the words in it… Drop text on richedit Winapi Programming Software Development by strmstn Hi. I have a richedit control and when dropping text from another control I would like to change the format of that text. I wonder which messages I should trap or how to do this in plain Winapi. (I have already subclassed the pasting message) Thank you. Win32 Print RichEdit to Printer Programming Software Development by TheNewKid Hey guys, I have been looking around for a while but I can't seem to find any tutorial on how to print the contents of a RichEdit to a printer. Any help would be appreciated and if anyone has any links to a good tutorial please post them. Thanks! TheNewKid c++win32 - how can i get the X caret on richedit? Programming Software Development by cambalinho i'm trying getting the richedit caret positions. seems that i can't use the caret … Re: c++win32 - how can i get the X caret on richedit? Programming Software Development by cambalinho the GetCaretPos() don't works on richedit :( unless, first, i need recreate it? [ask] syntax highlighting (c++ builder) Programming Software Development by chotib …;color"); atribut->Add("size"); } //on RichEdit Change void __fastcall TFWDesign::RichEdit1Change(TObject *Sender) { ::SendMessage(RichEdit1…->Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, false, 0);//disable richedit if ( RichEdit1->Modified ) { int pawal; AnsiString teks; pawal … Flicking and/or disappearing sysmenu on MDI child window Programming Software Development by Syndication …(CS_DBLCLKS | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW, NULL, (HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW), NULL); // Function for resizing richedit: void CStatusFrame::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { if…; } [/CODE] Now the menu/caption showed up properly, but the richedit is flickering loads when I resize it. I've tried… Re: weird theme problem with my app on windows 7 64 Programming Software Development by Duoas I wish I could say. Richedit does have some random issues. 1) Make sure you are linking to the most current RichEdit DLL (4.1). 2) Make sure your window with the RichEdit control is *not* doublebuffered. 3) Make sure your manifest is correct. I assume you are using the RichEdit's scrollbar and not linking to one of your own? Advanced version of notepad - accept incoming files Programming Software Development by Katrix36 … just microsofts version of notpad does? I'm using a RichEdit as my main text window if that helps. I've… program to open up files that I drop onto the RichEdit box. Katrix36 Showing HTML tags from database Programming Web Development by mmfarhan … (i downloaded it from [url][/url]) on my page for formatting text and… Font changing in Delphi? Programming Software Development by EnderX … in delphi. (At the moment, I'm working with a RichEdit field.) I know it's possible to set the font… [B]this[/B] and [I]this[/I], in the same RichEdit component. Is that even possible? Re: Font changing in Delphi? Programming Software Development by Lord Soth Hi, 1. It is possible. 2. Manually set the selection property to the text part for which you want to adjust font and use font property of selection of richedit. 3. Check the RichEdit Demo on Demos folder for further samples. [B]Loren Soth[/B] 'Database is not in insert or edit mode' Programming Software Development by usguy …?. I have test form with 3 command buttons & one Richedit.Im using access database to test. It have just one… fields ID (Integer), sMemo (memo). I am trying to save richedit text (rtf format) to table. When I run this code… TRichEdit, alignment and reading order Programming Software Development by safder00 … change language from language bar on my task bar. In RichEdit I just want to change the reading order to right… right. How can I change (reading order and alignment) in RichEdit without loading Urdu? RTF-Based Tooltip for C# Programming Software Development by tom3.14 … in C++) [URL=""]…/richedit/article.php/c2405[/URL] I haven't found anything for …