Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by Reverend Jim … rebuild it. Except they only rebuild three of the twelve rooms you used to have. That's how their backup/restore… Multimedia Conference Rooms Community Center by bonz78 What kind of setup do you have? I'm in the process of updating our conference rooms to LCD's as opposed to projectors. I'm setting up two 46" LCD's in one room, but I'm not sure what the best video splitter to use? What kind of setup does everyone have in their conference rooms? Thanks! Chat Rooms Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Ketsuekiame …'s just me, but I find the fact that the rooms re-order their position slightly irritating. The active room always… pushed to the right one space. This means that the rooms are constantly re-ordering themselves based on when you last… Re: Chat Rooms Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani > Also, is there any real need to maintain the room list once you close the window? I'll look into forcing you out of the rooms when you close the window. > Could you not maintain the room state information inside the User's session instead? That wouldn't allow a working list of who is in each chat room. game rooms help Programming Web Development by talala How is it possible to make rooms for a game i own so only one user can enter the game and while he is on it nobody can enter? thx :D Selection of rooms Programming by dewengordon6 …++ program that asks the user to enter the number of rooms in a house. For each room, the user must be… Re: Selection of rooms Programming by rproffitt …-program-that-asks-the-user-to-enter-the-number-of-rooms-in-house-for-cach-room-the-user-must-be-prompted… Wumpus Hunt 2 Programming Software Development by Nathaniel10 … (play == 1000 + rooms[0][0]) { rooms[3][0] = rooms[0][0]; rooms[3][1] = rooms[0][1]; rooms[3][2] = rooms[0][2]; rooms[3][3] = rooms[0][3… (play == 1000 + rooms[1][0]) { rooms[3][0] = rooms[1][0]; rooms[3][1] = rooms[1][1]; rooms[3][2] = rooms[1][2]; rooms[3][3] = rooms[1][3… Wumpus Hunt 3 Programming Software Development by Nathaniel10 … 4; j++) { if (play == 1000 + rooms[i][0]) { rooms[3][j] = rooms[i][j]; } } } if (rooms[3][1] == 1) { cout <<…i++) { // loop for the rooms. rooms[i][0] = room_num(); // randomizing of room numbers. if (rooms[i][0] == rooms[3][0]) {i--;} // … Re: Menu Driven program not running properly..... Programming Software Development by CGSMCMLXXV …].booked = false; }; if (!rooms[entry_number].occupied && !rooms[entry_number].booked) { rooms[entry_number].customer_name = ""; rooms[entry_number].customer_surname = ""; rooms[entry_number].customer_phone = "… Here is the doc file for the assignment Programming Software Development by tjay … [COLOR=#000000]7. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Number of rooms[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]ΓΌ …[COLOR=#000000]No_RM[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Number of rooms[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Int[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000…COLOR=#000000] CALL Input Value for Number of rooms[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] CALL Ask Message 1… Re: Wumpus Hunt 3 Programming Software Development by Nathaniel10 … correct that the random class is not needed. I had rooms[] in a class in the first versions of this program… more complicated than it is now because there are 4 rooms and I was trying to loop over them. (You can…; from Monday or Tuesday.) How can I make classes for rooms[] and hazards[] giving them objects that don't complicate main… selecting reports using dates Programming Web Development by Kcachilove …middlename,guests.lastname) AS guest from ((((rooms left join bookings on(((rooms.roomno = bookings.roomno) and (rooms.hotel_id = bookings.hotel_id) and (…,roomstatebydate.guest from rooms left Join roomstatebydate ON rooms.roomno = roomstatebydate.rmno and rooms.hotel_id = roomstatebydate.hotel_id where rooms.hotel_id=1 and… willing to py for someone to write this code in C++ Programming Software Development by pepemongo13 … (); void showMenu (); int main() { float choice; float rooms = 0; float gallon; float squarefeet; float hours; float …cin.clear(); cin.ignore(1000,'\n'); cin >> rooms; } cout << "\t\ Please enter … TypeCasting Programming Software Development by pbracing33b …cnt<<"?"; cin >> rooms; while (rooms < 10) // Validate input { cout …quot;?"; cin >> rooms; } total += rooms;//Accumulator cout<<"How many…lt;"Error, Number of occupied rooms cannot exceed rooms listed \n"; cout<&… C++ Homework Help Programming Software Development by StainlessSteelR …int highnum = 20000; double occupancy; int topfloor, occupiedrooms, rooms, roomtotal, occupiedroomstotal, emptyrooms; cout << "…; occupiedrooms; if (occupiedrooms< highnum) highnum = occupiedrooms; roomtotal += rooms; occupiedroomstotal += occupiedrooms; emptyrooms = roomtotal-occupiedroomstotal; topfloor = topfloor - 1… jtable problem............... Programming Software Development by Jessurider …lt;wd;k++) { if(ME[k]>0) { ROOMS[COUNT]=ME[k]; DEPART[COUNT]="Mechanical"; COUNT++; …lt;wd;k++) { if(CE[k]>0) { ROOMS[COUNT]=CE[k]; DEPART[COUNT]="Civil"; COUNT++;… Ambigious cout, what does this mean? Programming Software Development by GSLENK …quot; <<endl; cin >> rooms; while (rooms < 10) { cout<< "… } totalOccupied += occupiedRooms; { totalRooms += rooms; rooms=0; occupiedRooms=0; floors--; } } //calculate vancant rooms and percentage occupied totalVacant = totalRooms-totalOccupied;… Re: Really need some Help with some pointers!! Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA … other): MazeDone(other.MazeDone), Name(other.Name), Rooms(other.Rooms), visitedRooms(), CurrentRoom(other.CurrentRoom) { return; }…other) { MazeDone = other.MazeDone; Name = other.Name; Rooms = other.Rooms; visitedRooms = other.visitedRooms; CurrentRoom = other.CurrentRoom; return … Need some help with A program for Class Programming Software Development by sleepytoast …the floor with the least amount of occupied rooms. I have gotten everything to work except…namespace std; int main() { int topFloor, count, occupied, rooms, empty; int totalRoom, totalOcc; double occRate; count = 1;…quot;; cin >> rooms; totalRoom = totalRoom + rooms; cout << "How many rooms are occupied on floor "… C# Programming Help Please. Programming Software Development by campbell.st04 …x.GetRooms() ); x.SetRooms( -4 ); Console.WriteLine("The rooms of x is: " + x.GetRooms() ); x.SetPrice(… + x.GetPrice() ); x.SetPrice( -4 ); Console.WriteLine("The rooms of x is: " + x.GetPrice() ); } } } … >= 1 && NewRooms <= 100) rooms = NewRooms; else rooms = 1; } public void SetPrice(double NewPrice) { if… Re: Popullating drop down menu - urgent Programming Web Development by qazplm114477 …",$db); ?> <select name=rooms> <?php $query = "SELECT houses, rooms from rooms"; $result = mysql_db_query($db, $query, $connection… in mysql by running the query $query = "SELECT houses, rooms from rooms"; //you don't need the $connection //$result = mysql_db_query… Re: Really need some Help with some pointers!! Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA …), MazeDone(other.MazeDone), Name(other.Name), Rooms(other.Rooms), CurrentRoom(other.CurrentRoom) { return; } ….StepsTaken; MazeDone = other.MazeDone; Name = other.Name; Rooms = other.Rooms; CurrentRoom = other.CurrentRoom; return *this; } bool MazeMovement… array help! Programming by Joel_10 … 'Y') { cout << "Enter amount of rooms occupied: " << endl; cin >>…cin >> occupied; } if (occupied > Rooms) { cout << "Error: The amount … Re: Structures, external files, and functions Programming Software Development by Duoas … /* get direction 1 */ if (!fgetline( f, s, 20 )) break; if ((rooms[ i ].direction1 = str_to_direction( s )) == d_error) break; /* get destination 1 */… /* get direction 2 */ if (!fgetline( f, s, 20 )) break; if ((rooms[ i ].direction2 = str_to_direction( s )) == d_error) break; /* get destination 2 */… Wumpus recoded in C Programming Computer Science by kogorman … 1080: /* PRINT " BOTTOMLESS PITS - TWO ROOMS HAVE BOTTOMLESS PITS IN THEM" */ printf("%s…\n", " BOTTOMLESS PITS - TWO ROOMS HAVE BOTTOMLESS PITS IN THEM"); break; case 1090…1100: /* PRINT " SUPER BATS - TWO OTHER ROOMS HAVE SUPER BATS. IF YOU" */ printf("… Re: selecting reports using dates Programming Web Development by LastMitch …) plus also try to organized it: SELECT roomstatebydate.rmno, rooms.roomno,rooms.hotel_id,roomstatebydate.the_date,roomstatebydate.hotel_id, roomstatebydate.id_state,roomstatebydate.reservation_id,roomstatebydate… MySQL reverse engineering Programming Web Development by HunainHafeez …),(87,'Elevator',44),(88,'Safe',44),(89,'Soundproof Rooms',44),(90,'Designer Hotel',44),(91,'Baggage Storage',… int(255) NOT NULL, `person` int(255) NOT NULL, `rooms` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `country` varchar(255) NOT NULL, … and Mall of the Emirates. It features luxurious rooms with chandeliers and marble bathrooms, as well as… why occupancy rate is 0? Programming Software Development by rayda …{ public static void main(String[]args) { int floor; int rooms; int occupied; int totalRooms; int totalOccupied; int totalVacant; double …); totalVacant=totalRooms-totalOccupied; System.out.println("The total vacant rooms in the hotel is: "+totalVacant); occupancyRate=totalOccupied / totalRooms… Re: make my program simple Programming Software Development by DarkLightning7 …=0;y<rooms.length;y++){ if(rooms[x]<rooms[y]){ int dummy=rooms[x]; String dummy2=names[x]; rooms[x]=rooms[y]; names[x…