125 Topics

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Member Avatar for bhob

hi guys! i have a problem regarding the queries i coded. my first query is to display the category name, description and maxscore: SELECT c.cat_name, g.maxscore, g.description FROM grp_performance INNER JOIN category c ON g.cat_id = c.cat_id the problem is, i don't know how to delete the row in the …

Member Avatar for Anuradha Mandal
Member Avatar for oinkpink

Hi, i need help , i wanted images to be for instance 4 in row, before it goes on to the next row, and below the images i wanted a title there. This are my work so far, but i just cant get to what I wanted, i've been searching …

Member Avatar for oinkpink
Member Avatar for Istw

Hello boys.. I'm here for an advice.. I have table 'users' with : ID , USER.. And 'activities' with : USER_ID , activity.. I want to select the USER_ID from 'activities' to find the user ID in the 'users' table.. I am using the VB database.. On php i know …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for mrbungle

Like the title says, I have about 10-15 rows in a local dataset. I need to take any one row, and make it the "default" (on a button click), meaning to take that row and stick it right at the top so it comes up first. I've been up and …

Member Avatar for mrbungle
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

So I've developed some code to pull the latest 8 images from my flickr feed; however, I'm having trouble with figuring out how to do what I'm trying to do. Essentially, I need each 4th image to have a different <div> class (this helps with margins and what not). Any …

Member Avatar for jrotunda85
Member Avatar for bluehangook629

Hey guys, As you can see below I am trying to add row of data to a table called tblOut. When i execute the code, it works without a single error message but the problem is I dont see any new record when i preview my table data. Can anyone …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for ptara1

I have a html form on another page that is automatically filled from data from the table. I then run the the following script on submit to update the row if any information is changed. Here is the code [CODE] <?php $db=mysql_connect ("connection info") or die ('I cannot connect to …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for sagive

Hey guys.. could someone please help me with.. What wrong with this: [CODE] echo "<td width='25%'><img src='images/Lock.png' title='" . $row['username'] . "' - '" . $row['password'] . "'></td>";[/CODE] i Get only the username.. Cheers, Sagive

Member Avatar for sagive
Member Avatar for leetari

Hi there, I am working with a 2D array, my c++ program reads input from an external file and stores it into a 2D array. Say, for example, this is my input file: 9 5 6 2 4 1 0 8 6 7 3 5 2 9 5 8 My …

Member Avatar for leetari
Member Avatar for stonybony

Hi, DW complains of a syntax error that I cannot understand. I use the code as a standalone and it is not a problem, but when used as a table element as written below, it complains of a syntax error. The red highlight is where it complains, the green seems …

Member Avatar for Gerbiler
Member Avatar for Giggaman

I've searched & searched and haven't figured it out, any help is great! I need to display certain fields from my table, right now it only displays the first row of the table. I need to display all rows in the table. Code I have right now [CODE]$query = "SELECT …

Member Avatar for reygcalantaol
Member Avatar for red_ruewei

Hi, I try to search related title but can't find any match. Here my case. I'm planning to allow user to insert record. If user put 3, mean 3 row of table will expand. Each row have textfield, select menu. Can refer to attachment. I'm using javascript to do that. …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for GH23

Hello, I'm curious as to what the "key" for a DataTable Row collection is. And if there is a better way of executing what I'm trying to do. My situation is this. I have a DataTable populated with different data from multiple databases, for the sake of this thread let's …

Member Avatar for GH23
Member Avatar for thijscream

heya, your last answers realy helped me out, but i'm still stuck with another question. what i want to do is the following. i have a database with this in it:" [CODE]id land streek rood wit rose 1 Frankrijk Bordeaux 1 1 0 2 Frankrijk Bourgogne 1 1 0 3 …

Member Avatar for thijscream
Member Avatar for chriselectrix

Hi All I have this XSL code, but I am trying to get it so every other row is light grey and the ones in between are white. I want the headers to be anjother colour all together. [CODE] <?xml version='1.0'?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl"> <xsl:template match="/"> <html> <body> <table border="2" bgcolor="yellow"> …

Member Avatar for f_atencia
Member Avatar for zepi

hi all, am just curious to know...which is the better or more efficient way of these two? Note: tblOD is a DataTable [CODE] For dtrows As Long = 0 To tblOD.Rows.Count - 1 dgv1.Rows.Add(tblOD(dtrows)(0), tblOD(dtrows)(1), _ tblOD(dtrows)(2), _ tblOD(dtrows)(3), tblOD(dtrows)(4), _ tblOD(dtrows)(5), tblOD(dtrows)(6), _ tblOD(dtrows)(7)) Next dtrows [/CODE] OR [CODE] …

Member Avatar for Mariandi
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar
Member Avatar for jay.gadhavi
Member Avatar for holmiboii

Hallo daniweb!, Im new here *hehe* anyway I've been working on our companys website for a while now but I just cant get it to work... the error is @ the 26:th line. btw we're using: Cirtex hosting the defination "myusername" and "mypassword" is in the prev. .php file (main_login.php) …

Member Avatar for holmiboii
Member Avatar for tcollins412

i am writing a program and i need to increment a table row. How would i increment a table row on the click of a button?

Member Avatar for tcollins412
Member Avatar for fredfletcher

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with something. I am not a programmer yet I am able to modify scripts to a certain extent. I recently downloaded a script to read an existing CSV file and output via an SSI call. What I would like to do …

Member Avatar for fredfletcher
Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi, is there an accepted emthod to print a selected row in a datagridview? I've done some reading and gotten as far as printing a page via the printform but I wondered can you drill down into certain rows or certain datagridviews? thanks,

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for arthurav

I have some text in a block with a certain width. I can count the number of lines in the text with substr($text,"<br />" but this is not the same with the number of line of the formatted text at that width. Is there a way to calculate that? Thank …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for tangosixfour

I'm new to C# and am having a problem with databases, specifically updating a table with dataset contents. No exceptions are being thrown, the update method tells me one row is affected but there is nothing in the table! Code below, your help is appreciated. [code=c#] RSSDataSet.NewsItemRow newRow = rSSDataSet.NewsItem.NewNewsItemRow(); …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, Simple question: How do you make a table with 2 columns? On the left column - 1 row On the right column - 2 rows -Without using a nested table. Thanks, Ashton.

Member Avatar for BSkiLLs
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

I'm using a JTable with a DefaultTableModel. I use the Load Button for populating the JTable. Anyway, the problem I have is with the Delete row button. (defaulttablemodel.removeRow). This is the whole project: [code=java] package proiect1; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; import java.io.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; …

Member Avatar for Buffalo101
Member Avatar for fx5500

Hi, Im working with an excel file. For exampler there is 500 rows in the sheet and 4 columns in the sheet. First 3 columns have data but 4th columns is empty. I want to write this column's all rows' "1. row", "2. row", "3.row"... My codes below.. How can …

Member Avatar for Cort3z
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

Hello, I want to use a JTable for displaying data loaded from a .txt file. The problem is that I don't see any methods for inserting a row. The code NetBeans generates is this: [code=java] jScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); tabel = new javax.swing.JTable(); label1 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jButton1 = new …

Member Avatar for Buffalo101
Member Avatar for rcbpro

I want to let others to delete selected row in the following datagrid view, and i have written it like this. Now when i select a row and press the delete button i can remove the selected row but it will not update the database which meant it will not …

Member Avatar for nikita111
Member Avatar for NH1

i get an error when i try and do this. [code=c] private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DBconnect db = new DBconnect(); Global.GlobalVar = textBox1.Text; string Co = new Password('J', textBox1.Text).SetSql(); ds = db.GetDataSet(Co); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { if …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for georges-louis

hi everybody, I'm looking everywhere to find out a way to access a specific column and row of a datagrid generated by a sql-query in visual basic. The datagrid looks, simplified, like this: column1 column2 data1 data2 now I would need a function, that reads data2 out in visual basic …

Member Avatar for georges-louis

The End.