Re: need help with this code Programming Software Development by ddanbe Selectionsort looks more like a bubblesort to me. The swap? in your if-statement should be in braces{} I would declare my variables out of the for-loop. What is temp doing? Re: SelectionSort Programming Software Development by Dewey1040 … [code=C] #include <stdio.h> void SelectionSort( int A[], int n ); int main(int argc, char…&A[i]) == 1; ++i) size = i - 2; SelectionSort( A, size ); printf("\nFirst five numbers:\n"); for…d", A[i]); fclose(fin); return 0; } void SelectionSort( int A[], int n ){ int i, j, min_index, temp… Re: SelectionSort Programming Software Development by Dewey1040 … code. [code=C] #include <stdio.h> void SelectionSort( int A[], int n ); int main(int argc, char *…(fin, "%d", &A[j]) == 1; j++) SelectionSort( A, j + 1 ); printf("\nFirst five numbers:\n"…;%d, ", A[i]); fclose(fin); return 0; } void SelectionSort( int A[], int n ){ int i, j, min_index, temp; … SelectionSort Programming Software Development by Dewey1040 I understand the algorithm SelectionSort, but once again my problem is the easy part( i …? I thought i did it right but when i run selectionsort it prints out from A[0] to A[100000] when… Filling an array from Class and sort the array by selectionsort Programming Software Development by Tinemelk …, and then sort the elements by using the selectionsort algoritm. Im guessing I have to replace my filling… like Cars<int>Cars[10]? [CODE]void selectionSort(int *tab, int antall){ int indexLargestSoFar; int temp;…cout<<"Sorterer tabellen....." <<endl; selectionSort(tab,tab_length); for(int i = 0; i < 10… Help with Selection Sort for vectors and arrays Programming Software Development by asundar …vector <int>&>(smallVector,smallVector.size()); SelectionSort sort; sort.sortDataIter(smallArray,smallSize); cout << …{ min = j; } } swap(theList[i],theList[min]); } } void SelectionSort :: sortDataIter (vector<int>& theList, int sizeOfList) { int… Re: Problem converting Selection Sort to Class Programming Software Development by Bench … a constructor which accepts a range of values - eg, [INLINECODE]Selectionsort::Selectionsort(int* begin, int* end) [/INLINECODE] or one which accepts an… array, eg, [INLINECODE] Selectionsort::Selectionsort(int arr[]) [/INLINECODE] Whichever of these you use, I don… Problem converting Selection Sort to Class Programming Software Development by Lomas …include <iostream> using namespace std; class Selectionsort { private: int i, j; int numbers[]; int…public: void sort(int[], int); void print(); }; void Selectionsort::sort(int numbers[], int array_size) { for (i =… {Urgent} need help with file compression and decompression Programming Software Development by j2swift …++count_array[charPosition][nextPosition]; ++sort_array[charPosition][nextPosition]; } selectionSort(sort_array, indexSize); //**TEST for(int x=0;… ++count_array[charPosition][nextPosition]; ++sort_array[charPosition][nextPosition]; } selectionSort(sort_array, indexSize); //Display frequency //option to display … Re: C++ newbie Need help^_^ Programming Software Development by Lerner … fileName that's been sent to selectionSort that is being used fileName1 in selectionSort until you overwrite it on line… 114. Since you are using an ofstream in selectionSort and fileName1 is the string declared to hold the …to, I suspect you really want to send fileName1 to selectionSort, not fileName, anyway, which would be another good … How many loops Programming Software Development by helixkod … while (swap); count++; return count; } //********************************************************************* //selectionSort takes in the array numbers and sorts the numbers from…to sort the numbers. * //********************************************************************* int selectionSort(int array[], int size) { int… add selection sort as function in code Programming Software Development by NitaB …<< endl; } } //**************************************************************************** void selectionSort(size_t allCount[],size_t Size) { for (int …<< endl; } } //**************************************************************************** void selectionSort(size_t allCount[],size_t Size) { for (int … [HELP] Converting my java code to GUI code Programming Software Development by gm.rupert ….print("The Sorted numbers: "); access.SelectionSort(x); } } //selectionSort class public class SelectionSort { public void SelectionSort(int[] arr){ for(int i=0; i… Re: Help with Selection Sort for vectors and arrays Programming Software Development by tinstaafl Your algorithms seem to be ok, the problem appears to be in the swap. You're only swapping the values not the elements of the collection itself. See if this helps: void SelectionSort :: swap(int& one, int& two) { int temp = one; one = two; two = temp; } Question Reading from a file and inputting into a string array I am getting a errors. Programming Software Development by dpfaff …inlab.dat, array, MAXSIZE); print (array, MAXSIZE); printNewLines(3); selectionSort (array, MAXSIZE); print (array, MAXSIZE); inlab.dat.close(); return… 0; } void selectionSort (String array[], int size) { int start, minIndex, minValue; for… Help with minor corrections for selection sort and binary search Programming Software Development by trace63b …Student Names - Unsorted", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); //Call for selectionSort method selectionSort(studentNames, NO_OF_STUDENTS); //Display dialog box with sorted array …could not figure out how to correct public static void selectionSort(String studentNames[],int NO_OF_STUDENTS) { int index; int … C++ newbie Need help^_^ Programming Software Development by 07tr0wa07 … prototype int binarySearch(long aray[], int, int); //function prototype void selectionSort(ofstream & , char[] , long aray[], int); //Fuction prototype void showarray… >> singleary; } //display the sorted numbers to the outfile selectionSort(outfile, fileName, aray,loop); //display unsorted array showarray(aray, loop… Help with Average Class: arrays Programming Software Development by bustersox …quot;); data[index] = keyboard.nextInt(); // Call the selectionSort method. selectionSort(); // Call the calculateMean method. calculateMean(); } } /**…data The array to sort. */ public void selectionSort() { int startScan, index, minIndex, minValue;… program help Programming Software Development by broodwich …, 6545231, 3852085, 7576651, 7881200, 4581002 }; int accountNumber; selectionSort (accounts, SIZE); cout << "\nPlease enter a…." << endl; return 0; } void selectionSort(int array[], int size) { int startScan, minIndex, minValue… Radix sort Programming Software Development by aaal … = "BubbleSort"; break; case 'S': f = &selectionSort; algstr = "SelectionSort"; break; //case 'Q': f = &quickSort; algstr =… = "BubbleSort"; break; case 'S': f = &selectionSort; algstr = "SelectionSort"; break; //case 'I': f = &insertionSort; algstr =… Re: Question Reading from a file and inputting into a string array I am getting a errors. Programming Software Development by dpfaff …inlab.dat, array, MAXSIZE); print (array, MAXSIZE); printNewLines(3); selectionSort (array, MAXSIZE); print (array, MAXSIZE); inlab.dat.close(); return… 0; } void selectionSort (string array[], int size) { int start, minIndex, minValue; for… Re: [HELP] Converting my java code to GUI code Programming Software Development by gm.rupert …; i++) { x[i] = input.nextInt(); } SelectionSort access = new SelectionSort(); System.out.print("The Sorted numbers: "); access….SelectionSort(x); } } please help me again sir..… Re: Problem converting Selection Sort to Class Programming Software Development by Bench … create a member function to work it out [CODE]int Selectionsort::size() { return ( sizeof(number)/sizeof(int) ); } [/CODE… selection sorting issues Programming Software Development by rQQt …double data [20000]; int dataCnt; readFileIntoFloatArray(inputFilename,data,&dataCnt); selectionSort(data,dataCnt); int j; printf("\n\n OUTPUT after…dataArray[i]); i++; cnt++; } fclose(fp); *dataCnt=cnt; } void selectionSort(double *data, int count) { int i, j, min, temp; … okay, why is this not working?????? Programming Software Development by rogenie … "Holland, Beth", }; int result; char nameString[SIZE]; selectionSort( names, NUM_NAMES ); cout << "Enter name: "…) cout << array[index] << endl; }*/ //selectionSort function void selectionSort( char array[][SIZE], int size ) { int startScan, minIndex; char… Re: okay, why is this not working?????? Programming Software Development by rogenie …;, "Holland, Beth", }; int result; char nameString[SIZE]; selectionSort( names, NUM_NAMES ); cout << "Enter name: "… ) cout << array[index] << endl; } //selectionSort function void selectionSort( char array[][SIZE], int size ) { int startScan, minIndex; char… How do I make the program to run. Programming Software Development by dpfaff …]; enter (inlab.dat, array, MAXSIZE); print (array, MAXSIZE); printNewLines(3); selectionSort (array, MAXSIZE); print (array, MAXSIZE); inlab.dat.close(); return 0…; } void selectionSort (string array[], int size) { int start, minIndex, minValue; for (start… Creating 2 dimentional graphs Programming Software Development by DarkoX …t2=clock(); av1+=double(t2-t1); clock_t t3=clock(); SelectionSort(b2,n2); clock_t t4=clock(); av2+=double(t4-t3);… clock_t t5=clock(); SelectionSort(b3,n3); clock_t t6=clock(); av3+=double(t6-t5); … why isn't the program running Programming Software Development by rookanga …} while (swap); // Same as while (swaps == true); return exchanges; } int selectionSort(long array[], int size) { int startScan, // Array indexes to be… compared minIndex, exchanges = 0; long minValue; void selectionSort(int array[], int size); for (startScan = 0; startScan &… Help about Menu Dev C ++ Programming Software Development by kenetpascua …endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; }// end main() void selectionSort(int arr[], int size) { int indexOfMin, pass, j; for …indexOfMin]) indexOfMin = j; swap(arr[pass], arr[indexOfMin]); } }// end selectionSort() void swap(int& x, int& y) { int temp…