214 Unanswered Topics

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Member Avatar for Jiby_1

I have wriiten a script to switch on buzzer and given the path of that script in '/etc/rc.local'. So after booting my script works and it make the buzzer to switch on... my question is i want to switch the buzzer off when my device is shutdown.(for startup we use …

Member Avatar for TJoF

I am very new to powershell and I am attempting to import multiple csv files into a SQL database. I have it working if I specify the file but I want to have it import multiple files from a specific folder. The way it's working right now, it will import …

Member Avatar for ManojRajput

Hi, Below is the code i am using. On console output is fine but when i am redirecting output to file then single line is breaking in multiple lines. Please help. for dir in */; do printf "%s, " "$dir"; ls -m "$dir"; done **Output on Consloe : ** buckets/, …

Member Avatar for Ian_7

Writing a PSUnit test case where I need to get a specific value from a single row in the data table that was generated from my separate powershell function. To do this I figured I could use a foreach loop, but I am not sure how to write the inner …

Member Avatar for roshnicse

Hi....below is my .csh file. In this foreach n, i have runned my algorithm 10 times. But now i want it to run(iterate) 1000 times. i.e. foreach seed(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12......1000). I tried using awk'BEGIN{for(....);}'.But still its not working...please help. foreach n( …

Member Avatar for nick jackson

write a Bash script file that implement the RSA algorithm. The user has to enter on the command line some parameters and options, which will determine the behaviors of the script. The syntax of the shell command is $ your-shell-file-name –p<file> –q<file> –e|-d [-i <filename>] [-o <filename>] OR $ your-shell-file-name …

Member Avatar for vinodvinu

Hi all, Excuse me if i am posting this question in a wrong forum. I have YTD video downloader in my pc. But it doesn't have a download complete message box. Instead, it will display the download status in it's own listview. But if YTD is minimized, then we never …

Member Avatar for merse

Is it possible to run to run photorec such a way not to recover all photos on a drive just those with specific EXIF data? If photorec cannot solve this request itself, is it possible to do this with a script which can filter the results online?

Member Avatar for Achref_1

i have created my plsql script but i need to run it with shell script but i can get to it please help

Member Avatar for Alex_30

Is it possible to make a bot that would be able to go to a website and vote for said website multipule times?

Member Avatar for hwoarang69

How can I use seleium test case in groovy? such as clinking on links. test case <html> ... <body> <table> <tr> <td>open</td> <td>https://url.web:8010/</td> </tr> <tr> <td>clickAndWait</td> <td>link=service=homeLink</td> </tr> <tr> <td>clickAndWait</td> <td>link=name=contentLink,service=Queue</td> </tr> <tr> <td>clickAndWait</td> <td>link=BackLink</td> </tr> ... groovy script // Setup credentials def String[] credentials = new String[2] credentials[0] = …

Member Avatar for woodson2

What I would like to do is read each line in the atdinfile: A sample atdinfile would look like this: 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 664 665 666 667 668 I would like to grep through each atd job id looking for a match …

Member Avatar for whizkidash

Team, Can any one assist me with my below script requirements I log into a jump box with my login and password, Here I need to create a script which i will run from this point that will connect to a different server using ssh and it should prompt me …

Member Avatar for nsiq

How to validate multiple inputs on a dialog form using shell scripting? Validations must be performed before submitting form or when focus shift to any other input field .

Member Avatar for westony

I am having this simple script: #!/usr/bin/expect -f set values "#host=CE101 #host=CE102" set found [regexp {[A-Z]{1,2}\d{2,3}} $values CE CE1] if {$found == 1} { puts "px is $CE" puts "vpx is $CE1" } else { puts "\nfailed to match anything from\r\n$values" } puts $found So my problem is that regexp …

Member Avatar for TraderX

Hello all, I am by no means a coder, so hopefully someone has something they would be willing to share that would meet this need. I would like to have a Outlook rule, where: - When an email comes in from a specific account - Has an attachment (PDF, doc, …

Member Avatar for AwkRocks

Hi Friends. I am trying to conver the following grep syntax to replace using awk pattern match. Can you please help? tail -F $logFiles | grep " ERROR " | grep -v 'ERROR_SERVER \|Session is null for endpointId\|SYNCED_IN_VIEW_UPDATED'| cut -d" " -f10-14 | awk 'BEGIN..............}' I am seeing some buffering …

Member Avatar for srinivas88

Hi, I need to monitor the ip addresses in a server. whenever there is a fluctuation, i need to do some clean up (like restart the server/ reboot the machine) I was able to get a sample cpp program & was able to enhance it to suit my needs. But …

Member Avatar for Zizou_1

Month CBS GFS HR HR Payroll INCV cbs1 gfs1 hr1 hr2 hrm incv1 Baseline <=97 <=125 >=11 >=19 <=25 10 (6mths) 2013-07 97 89 14 28 30 4 2013-08 58 103 18 6 24 18 2013-09 54 110 11 14 25 17 2013-10 108 129 17 8 23 18 2013-11 …

Member Avatar for notsohuman

Hello, Currently I am trying to make Windows Hyper-V and Virtual-Box coexist in the same machine, normally only one hypervisor should be running at any given time but Hyper-V runs all the time. I did some Googling and found this solution (http://derekgusoff.wordpress.com/2012/09/05/run-hyper-v-and-virtualbox-on-the-same-machine/). It works just fine, however I would like …

Member Avatar for marethamogale

iam doing a python program and the question reads:Write a program that asks the user about textbook prices and reports how overpriced the textbooks are. (You may wish to read this number from the user with the input command. You can round numbers with the round command.) You should match …

Member Avatar for methuselah90

I'm currently pulling out information from column B in an Excel worksheet + the worksheet name. How would I go about pulling information from column J (which has the same start row/end row as the information pulled out from column B) in the same worksheet and assigning it to the …

Member Avatar for Deva.VG

Hi, The below link provides a solution to access snipping tool using shell script, but the same is not working against windows-8 http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/497620-shell-snipping-tool-returns-run-time-error-53-file-not-found.html Please suggest us to use snipping tool against shell scripting in Windows-8

Member Avatar for manuel.a.gonzalez.5494

I was wondering how could I solve this problem, I have a php project in which I have tables, but I didn't use `<thead>` and `<tbody>`, but now I am using DataTable jquery plugin, and it needs that the tables have them, so I need to modify all of my …

Member Avatar for MadJako

Good Morning, I'm new to Powershell and i'm attempting to create a script which will copy a folder to a spesific directory on an FTP site. I did some Googling and all I seem to come up with are ways to copy the folder contents, but not the folder itself. …

Member Avatar for k2k

Today I have finally made up my mind to quit bat scripting and go for powershell... I need to do a quick script bascially trying to looping through a command output.. can anyone shed some light? i tried foreach ($col in 'app-command -argument') { echo $col } well, guess my …

Member Avatar for Leela2403

I have to run some shell scripts in Windows using Cygwin. I am able to achieve that using %BASH% --login -i "/cygdrive/d/script.sh", where %BASH% is an environment variable in Windows set to C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe. I have a created a Cygwin environment variable $EXE_PATH = /cygdrive/d/somepath/dir. Inside my script the line is …

Member Avatar for lewashby

Below is a program I'M trying to write that will take an 8 digit date and validate whether or not it's a valid date. I'M very new to shell scripting so I really a have no idea what I'M going. Could you take a look and let me know what …

Member Avatar for nivarshn

Hi,I am using following code for FTP in shell script file and it is working.Now I want to migrate from FTP to SFTP.What code changes/steps I have to perform for SFTP ? ftp -in <<FIN open $SAP_UP_SERVER user $SAP_UP_USER $SAP_UP_PASSWORD asc put $PM00_OUTPUTS_DIRECTORY/$SAP_UP_FILE_CSV /$SAP_UP_FILE_CSV put $PM00_OUTPUTS_DIRECTORY/$SAP_UP_FILE_CTL /$SAP_UP_FILE_CTL prompt ... End …

Member Avatar for Akira01

OK so I am basically brand new to shell scripts and new to Unix in general. I have a server that has two profiles, one is a shared account for a few friends and I and the other is one that I use to run video game servers off of. …


The End.