60 Topics

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Member Avatar for noorf

Hi everyone :) This is one of my first programs using C, so I am facing some issues. our professer asked us to develop a TCP socket (client/server) where the client sends lets say an ID,Name or Major and the server searches into a txt file and returns the line(s) …

Member Avatar for Trentacle
Member Avatar for sleepybug

I'm trying to do some socket programming in java. what i have is, i've written this program to create a server and client on my local machine and make separate two threads for socket input and out put in [B]Se.java[/B] file. Similarly two separate threads for socket input and output …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for CSloan7597

Hey everyone. I have recently decided to try and learn how to use java Sockets for client/server communication, as well as swing and threads, etc. and have (pretty much) completed a small client server application. The application is basically a syntax-highlighting notepad, a client swing GUI which connects to a …

Member Avatar for CSloan7597
Member Avatar for edbtzy

I am trying to create a client to connect to a mysql database using sockets. I have the following code but of course, its not working to my advantage. Right now, this code connects to a server file located on a linux machine...i havent coded it yet to connect to …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for kytro360

I want to post data to a form with sockets. I know I cant just post directly to the HTML of the site but how would I go about doing so?

Member Avatar for ©lick

Hi. I have this connection code: [CODE]using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; namespace ConnApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Socket sck = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IPEndPoint ip = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 1234); try { sck.Connect(ip); Console.WriteLine("Connected!"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error!"); …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for NickPatton

I'm using sockets in C to write 10 bytes to a socket and then read 10 bytes from that socket. I create a parent process that forks, creating a child that acts as the socket server that writes the 10 bytes. After the 10 bytes are wrote, back in the …

Member Avatar for NickPatton
Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter

Hi folks, I'm working on a PXE server application as part of a toolchain that I'm going to use to develop an OS. At the moment, I'm concentrating on the DHCP part, then I'll look at the TFTP part later on. Now, I'm aware that a DHCP uses UDP to …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey people. i am trying to build a synamic page that updates its contents dynamically without using javascript. a friend of mine sugested me web sockets. and when i checked it it was awsome. now i can build a web socket that can be accessed from command prompt. now my …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Hazardous_Byte

Hey everyone! It has been a very long time since I posted, but I have a new question for you guys. So, I made a sort of "remote-desktop" program that allows me to move the mouse from another computer. However, the mouse will move to where I want it but …

Member Avatar for initialise

Hi All, I am writing a client server program that has quite a few GUI's in it. Basically, everything is working except for the problem I'm encountering. Well, obviously :P I am not currently running my server program in order to simulate what would happen to the client if the …

Member Avatar for dsit86

hi i need to write a program that connects to a device through Ethernet over the UDP protocal and get the data sent by the device. I tried using the .NET udp client methods but was unsuccessful. Can you guys help...this is my code.... [CODE] static void Main(string[] args) { …

Member Avatar for amit_tare1

hello, I am Amit tare (India) currently i am working with the C++ server. which having the facilities of:: run on all the platforms(Operating systems), memory management, thread safety, and handlers.... pooling features...... I am using VC++ IDE on Windows platform.... [B]please help me to build the core features of …

Member Avatar for seanbp
Member Avatar for yuri1969

Hi, I'm a BSD Socket beginner and I would like to make a small networking program written in C. I've read many instructional articles and I haven't found a example how to send/receive a non-char - string sending everywhere. I mean, I thought about sending some various structures as "frames". …

Member Avatar for yuri1969
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Does anybody know how I would use sockets to tap into the SMS protocol for sending+receiving SMS messages. Basically, all I want to be able to do is setup a php script that will be able to act as the SMS server and send+receive the SMS's directly through the SMS …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for bnickerson

Hi, I am writing code for a webserver and am trying to send a html file called index.html over a TCP socket. How would I do this? At the moment I am trying to read the contents of the file and then send them over the connection. However, the page …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for bbman

Hi folks, I am a beginner in Socket Programming. I am trying to do some simple stuff but had a basic query. I would like to implement something like wget in C top of a TCP socket (i.e., without using any HTTP libraries). Just provide a URL (Example-- $wget [url]www.foo.com/bar.pdf[/url]) …

Member Avatar for Jamesbch
Member Avatar for bushman_IL

Hello, I am trying to send an object over a socket using C#. I originally used a memorystream and binaryformatter, but to do this I need to include a reference from program1 to program2. I don't want to have a reference, so I just want to be able to transform …

Member Avatar for bushman_IL
Member Avatar for emperor43

I'm trying to connect to devices on a network through TCP , one is a wireless device with limited capabilities (a 802.11g transceiver with an incorporated SoC ) or the client and the other is a normal pc , the server . As the client is meant to be in …

Member Avatar for emperor43
Member Avatar for lionaneesh

[code]// Dumps raw memory in hex byte and printable split format void dump(const unsigned char *data_buffer, const unsigned int length) { unsigned char byte; unsigned int i, j; for(i=0; i < length; i++) { byte = data_buffer[i]; printf("%02x ", data_buffer[i]); // Display byte in hex. if(((i%16)==15) || (i==length-1)) { for(j=0; …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for lukegw

I am trying to make an IP chat using TcpServer. As many people are behind a router, how would it be possible to connect to them directly? I know how to call up my external ip, and how to find out my internal one assigned by the router, but how …

Member Avatar for lukegw
Member Avatar for Bapes

Hello, I am currently trying to create a server/client file transfer system in which the server sends the client .mp3 files. The file transfers fine but when I go to play the file, it is all scratchy and skips and I think it has something to do with the bytes …

Member Avatar for Bapes
Member Avatar for ignusb

Hello, I've written a basic class to help check on the status of various services, to be used in hopefully an extensible and easily modified manner.. I'm just a ruby/scripting/coding newbie, using tutorials online to learn from and working it all out as I go. I was hoping to get …

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for yanni13

Hi, I've got two programs (client and server) using sockets. The program are working fine if I set the client IP to local host ( or the LAN IP (, but can't connect if the IP is set to external Internet IP (92.24.xxx.xxx). Anyone have an ideea, please? Thanks!

Member Avatar for yanni13
Member Avatar for Tech B

Everything works great. But sometimes I get an Error message saying something about ip/port bindings. I don't have the traceback but this could cause problems down the road. Any suggestions? [code] #Backdoor Server #Version 0.3.0 #Every now and the I get an Error dealing with the ip/port bindings # seems …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for Olliepop

Hey guys :) I am stuck on this piece of code i am about to give below. What happens, is the server sends a "ping" to the client, the client sends "pong" back, but when the server sends "pong" back to the client (i KNOW this is sent) the client …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for blasata

Hi all, I have a problem with winsock in c++ while developing a client program: - When I send the first, it is ok, appears in the Server, but the other "sends", in the server appear as a empty string! the send command return is Ok, the number of bytes. …

Member Avatar for blasata
Member Avatar for prushik

I am trying to write a TFTP server. I have successfully completed the code, it is fully RFC 1350 compliant. However, I wrote the whole thing in Haiku OS, and in Haiku, it works great. However, I also need a DHCP server, and I don't have one for Haiku. So …

Member Avatar for prushik
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I recently started messing with tcp socket programming. I hacked up a little instant messaging application that seems to work has some little problems but the world isn't in need of more IM clients. but I wanted to know a good practice for sending large files over tcp sockets. i …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Vitriolics

I thought i had complex declarations nailed, as in i could tell you what a pointer to an array of functions that returned int and took doubles as arguments looked like i find this little horror: [CODE] /Return the IP address of a domain name DECLARE_STDCALL_P(struct hostent *) gethostbyname(const char*); …

Member Avatar for Vitriolics

The End.