Item from Array in php file, being repeated in HTML Output page. Programming Web Development by rayhova … if ($sectionsArray['photos_uploaded'] == 1) { $sqlquery = mysql_query("SELECT * from myfeed_config_friends_display WHERE mem_id…Polls/////////////////////// if ($sectionsArray['poll_created'] == 1) { $sqlquery = mysql_query("SELECT * from myfeed_config_friends_display WHERE mem_id … Syntax Error in From Clause. Selecting between two Dates Programming Software Development by Sam_49 …; sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " Borrowers.NAME," sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " Barangay.BRGYNAME," sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " LOANS.RELEASED," sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " LOANS.DUE," sqlQuery = sqlQuery You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to Programming Databases by janguyo …($result)-1) $sqlQuery = $sqlQuery . ", "; } } $sqlQuery = $sqlQuery . ")"; $sqlQuery = str_replace("''", "", $sqlQuery); echo $sqlQuery; $result = mysql_query($sqlQuery . mysql_error()); if (!$result… Re: Syntax Error in From Clause. Selecting between two Dates Programming Software Development by adam_k … the "FROM" clause in your where. Try this : sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " INNER JOIN Barangay ON Borrowers.BRGYNO = Barangay.BRGYNO…)) " sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " WHERE (LOANS.RELEASED >= @d1) and (LOANS.RELEASED… Pulling My Hair Out! Programming Web Development by Zrakot …;SELECT * FROM ".$DbTableName; $sqlquerytodo=$sqlquery; $sqlinput=""; } else { $sqlinput=$sqlquery; } } } else { $queryerror=True; $sqlinput=$sqlquery; $sqlquery="SELECT * FROM ".$DbTableName; $sqlquerytodo… Re: Library database help. Programming Software Development by ShadyTyrant …new MySqlConnection(_connectionString); _command = _connection.CreateCommand(); SqlQuery = ""; ConnectionStatus = false;…(); } private void ExecuteQuery(string sqlQuery) { SqlQuery = sqlQuery; Reader = _command.ExecuteReader(); } private… Library database help. Programming Software Development by ShadyTyrant … private void ExecuteQuery() { Reader = _command.ExecuteReader(); } private void ExecuteQuery(string sqlQuery) { SqlQuery = sqlQuery; Reader = _command.ExecuteReader(); } private void LoadBook() { while (Reader.Read… asp.Net database Programming Web Development by datapham …SqlCommand sqlcomDelete = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, sqlconAcmeyTravel); sqlcomDelete.ExecuteNonQuery(); FillBookingDetails…;; SqlCommand sqlcomUpdate = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, sqlconAcmeyTravel); sqlcomUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery(); gvBookingDetails… Java Web Quiz System Programming Web Development by SagarSe7en … , int DifficultyID) throws ClassNotFoundException , SQLException { try { Statement SQLStatement = EstablishDatabaseConnection(); String SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO Question(QuestionDetails , FirstAnswer , SecondAnswer , ThirdAnswer , FourthAnswer , CorrectAnswer… How to make search between two dates accept null not obligat Programming Software Development by ahmedsa … (1=1)' If (@StartDate is not NULL) Set @SQLQuery = @SQLQuery + ' And (joindate >= '''+ Cast(@StartDate as …If @EmployeeName Is Not Null Set @SQLQuery = @SQLQuery + ' AND (DriverName LIKE ''%'+@EmployeeName+'%'') ' Print @sqlQuery Exec (@SQLQuery) End Function using public DataTable SearchDataA(… Execute an SQL Script in JDBC Programming Software Development by theausum …) == '-' || thisLine.length() == 0 ) continue; sqlQuery = sqlQuery + " " + thisLine; //If one command complete if(sqlQuery.charAt(sqlQuery.length() - 1) == ';') { sqlQuery = sqlQuery.replace(';' , ' '); //Remove the ; since jdbc… submiting info into a database for retrieval! Programming Web Development by Killer_Typo …;SELECT * FROM $Table WHERE opinion = 'is horrible'"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery); $number = mysql_num_rows($result); $i = 0; if ($number < 1) { …;SELECT * FROM $Table WHERE opinion = 'is great'"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery); $number = mysql_num_rows($result); $i = 0; if ($number < 1) { … reading data from excel Programming Web Development by Ugene …<param name="NumberOfVals" value="<%=sqlQuery.RecordCount%>"> <param name="NumberOfLabs…" value="<%=sqlQuery.RecordCount%>"> <PARAM NAME=ymax VALUE…VAL<%=i%>_L1" value="<%=sqlQuery("SalesTotal")%>"> <param … Please help me to solve Programming Software Development by stevelk …() myCommand.Connection = conn myCommand.CommandText = sqlquery 'start query myDataAdapter.SelectCommand = myCommand Dim …() myCommand.Connection = conn myCommand.CommandText = sqlquery 'start query myDataAdapter.SelectCommand = myCommand Dim… How to apply changes done in my DataGridView back to the DataTable than to the Databa Programming Software Development by surferxo3 …} //Search Multiple Work public DataTable Search(string sqlQuery) { try { conn = new MySqlConnection(connectionString…); conn.Open(); da = new MySqlDataAdapter(sqlQuery, conn); cb = new MySqlCommandBuilder(da);… Re: submiting info into a database for retrieval! Programming Web Development by Angelik …NameofDB"); $t ='1'; $produkt_id1 ='100301'; $sqlquery = "INSERT INTO $Table VALUES ('$t','$input1','$produkt_id1…')"; $results = mysql_query($sqlquery); mysql_close(); } if ($product == "rod_randig"){ … JSP-SQL Query to Access DB with Parameterized Query Programming Web Development by Hockey-nut …Program selection -- Case 1" ) ; sqlQuery = ("SELECT InstDegreeProgram.Program FROM InstDegreeProgram … Case 2" ) ; sqlQuery = "Case 2 : " ; sqlQuery = ("SELECT InstDegreeProgram.Program FROM… Using mysql select in shell scripts Programming Software Development by srinivas88 …cksum "$FILE" | cut -f1 -d" "` sqlquery="select CheckSum from DbCheckSumTbl where DbName='$FILE'" #echo… -e "$sqlquery" if [ -n "$sqlpasswd" ]; then connect… Edit is not working Programming Software Development by SkyCross …; #endregion } } #region Load dataGrid public void loadDataGrid(string sqlQueryString) { OleDbCommand SQLQuery = new OleDbCommand(); DataTable data = null; dataGridView1.DataSource = null… conversion faild when converting date time from charachter string error Programming Software Development by ahmedsa …@StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime as Declare @SQLQuery as nvarchar(2000) SET @SQLQuery ='SELECT * from Employee Where (1=1… is not NULL) Set @SQLQuery = @SQLQuery + ' And (JoinDate BETWEEN '+ @StartDate +' AND '+@EndDate+')' Exec (@SQLQuery) JoinDate found in table Employee… Re: mySQL database searching for registration Programming Databases by Killer_Typo … (phpforms) or tell that it couldnt connect //$sqlquery = "SELECT usr_name FROM $Table WHERE usr_name… $Table WHERE usr_name = '$usr_name'"; $results = mysql_query($sqlquery); echo "current user name " . $_POST[usr_name…/>"; echo "query returned " . $sqlquery . "<br />"; echo "query… A string problem Programming Software Development by csjenci …Here is my source code: CDatabase db; rset_ekg *ekgrs; Cstring SQLQuery,cbuff; if(db.OpenEx(_T("DSN=dsn_name;UID=user_id…ekgrs = new rset_ekg(&db); ekgrs->Open(CRecordset::snapshot,SQLQuery,CRecordset::executeDirect); ekgrs->MoveFirst(); ekgrs->Edit(); ekgrs->… Newbie - looping and array [very simple] problem Programming Web Development by rcross …'d be very grateful... [code=language] if (isset ($HTTP_GET_VARS['content_id'])) { $SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM content,content_author,content_issue,content_keywords,keywords,content_type WHERE…); ?> <p>Result from: <strong><?=$SQLQuery ?></strong></p> <? while ($output_row… Re: Newbie - looping and array [very simple] problem Programming Web Development by digital-ether … in your SQL query that selects a single article: [CODE]$SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM content,content_author,content_issue,content_keywords,keywords,content_type WHERE… cast them to int using "type casting". [CODE]$SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM content,content_author,content_issue,content_keywords,keywords,content_type WHERE… error in getting suppleir list in combo box Programming Software Development by firoz.raj … Sub FillVendorList() Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset, sqlQuery As String, i As Integer sqlQuery = "Select Suppliers.sup_id,Suppliers.Sup_name from….Recordset Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset ' rs.Open sqlQuery, con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic rs.Open sqlQuery, con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If Not (rs.EOF… Data to JTable, Jtable to contentPane - not displaying Programming Software Development by biofly ….setLayout(new BorderLayout()); comboBox = new JComboBox(sqlQuery); comboBox.setMaximumRowCount(4); topPane.setMaximumSize(new java…topPane, BorderLayout.NORTH); label = new JLabel(sqlQuery[0]); contentPane.add(label); // Size … CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DBBridge' could not be found (are you missing a u Programming Web Development by farooq82 …; } catch (SqlException sq) { throw sq; } } public SqlDataReader ExecuteReaderSQL(string sqlquery) { SqlDataReader reader = null; try { reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(DBConnection(), CommandType… Programming Web Development by kayfar …String path = Server.MapPath("App_Data\\dnis2010.mdb"); String sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM tableRegister WHERE SerialNo=@TextBox41"; … Source =" + path); OleDbCommand aCommand = new OleDbCommand(sqlQuery, aConnection); aCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("TextBox1", TextBox1.Text);… Re: Programming Web Development by kayfar …String path = Server.MapPath("App_Data\\dnis2010.mdb"); String sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM tableRegister WHERE SerialNo=@TextBox41";…Data Source =" + path); OleDbCommand aCommand = new OleDbCommand(sqlQuery, aConnection); aCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("TextBox1", TextBox1.Text);… syntax error in FROM clause.....C# HELP please Programming Software Development by ssudra …} public void loadDataGrid(string sqlQueryString) { OleDbCommand SQLQuery = new OleDbCommand(); SQLQuery.CommandText = sqlQueryString; SQLQuery.Connection = Coursework2; OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(SQLQuery); DataTable data = new DataTable…