Re: problem to insert data into database using check box, radio button... Programming Web Development by Sujan Shrestha $tablename="requested_quotes"; Re: plz explain th datatable Programming Web Development by umair41 tablename User Collapse | Copy Code Id int Email varchar(500) Password … Re: Obtain table name from TextBox value when creating a table/column (MySQL) Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim >Tablename.replace("TextBox1.text"); That is not only syntactically incorrect, but it also is a meaningless statement. - what is Tablename - what is the text that you are replacing select syntax for variable tablename?? Programming Databases by anso_pro … name in select syntax?? * from tablename here tablename is a variable name ..i read tht it …a procedure like this.. [code=sql]create procedure vartable(tablename varchar(255) begin declare varsql varchar(4000); varsql='…select * from tablename'; exec(varsql); end;[/code] is this right?? or… Create file '$tablename'.php Programming Web Development by Gerald19 … name is stored in a variable called $tablename, and the filename should thus be, $tablename.php. for example, a table called guestbook… dot. Thank you in advance. [CODE=php]<?php $filename = $tablename.php; $fp = fopen($filename, 'x'); fwrite($fp, '1'); $data = fread… Re: Create file '$tablename'.php Programming Web Development by DB_err The "dot" is concatenating these strings tablename and php. [url][/url] I'm not a php developer, have you tried putting the decimal in quotes? [code] $filename = $tablename.".php"; [/code] Re: Create file '$tablename'.php Programming Web Development by SimonMayer It should be [code]$filename = $tablename.".php";[/code] "display *all* from *tablename* *colloum_id* in a random order " Programming Databases by Kniggles HI, Could you please explian this code so it will work, { "display **all** from **tablename** **colloum_id** in a **random order** " } I am trying to get all the data echoed into a random string ie. echo = "3,4,5,6,7,3,2,6,3,22,43,132,ect. not in a table. thanks. Hello, someone please HELP me Programming Web Development by coyo80 …])]!=-1)&&(isset($_GET[tablename($tmp1[$i])]))) { $pagequery.=tablename($tmp1[$i]).'='.$_GET[tablename($tmp1[$i])].'&'; $query.=tablename($tmp1[$i]).'=\''.dbcleanup(base64_decode($_GET… Re: Hello, someone please HELP me Programming Web Development by cwarn23 …)&&(isset($_GET[tablename($tmp1[$i])]))) { $pagequery.=tablename($tmp1[$i]).'='.$_GET[tablename($tmp1[$i])].'&'; $query.=tablename($tmp1[$i]).' LIKE \'%~'.…amp;&(isset($_GET[tablename($tmp1[$i])]))) { $pagequery.=tablename($tmp1[$i]).'='.$_GET[tablename($tmp1[$i])].'&'; $query.=tablename($tmp1[$i]).'=\''.dbcleanup(… Update from Datagridview problem Programming Software Development by Cavemankrug …m_DataAdapter.Fill(m_PhadiaDataSet, instrumentname) TSDA.Fill(TSDS, tablename) m_PhadiaDataView = New DataView(m_PhadiaDataSet.Tables(instrumentname)) …TSDV = New DataView(TSDS.Tables(tablename)) m_CurrencyManager = CType(Me.BindingContext(m_PhadiaDataView), CurrencyManager)… warning: mysql_num_rows - supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource Programming Web Development by chienee … = addslashes($_POST['whereclause']); $choose = addslashes($_POST['choose']); $tablename = $_POST['tablename']; if (isset($_SESSION['USERID']) and isset($_SESSION['groupid'])) {…if ($cat=="1") $tablename = "vwtrainingandeventcats_asn"; else $tablename = "vwtrainingandeventcats_pep"; elseif ($… Mysql Table Creator Programming Web Development by Brianbc …} }else{ $temp[$bibi[$i]] = $bibi[$i+1]; } #obj=new setup('tablename','database','password',array('field'=>'dataype'),'field','datatype'); #$obj=new… setup('tablename','database','password',array('field','dataype','field','field1','field','field2')); … Combobox filling from Access Database Programming Software Development by kavithabhaskar … Case 6 query = "SELECT DISTINCT UGSTRUCTURES FROM table1" TableName = "UGSTRUCTURES" cbo = ComboBox6 Case 7 query = "SELECT… table1 WHERE GRAPHICSVERSION NOT NULL AND ORDER BY GRAPHICSVERSION" TableName = "GRAPHICSVERSION" cbo = ComboBox12 End Select objcmd.Connection = con… Making user choose values only from the combobox Programming Software Development by kavithabhaskar … Button2.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Bisque Dim TableName As String = "" Dim query As…query = "SELECT DISTINCT UGSTRUCTURES FROM table1" TableName = "UGSTRUCTURES" cbo = ComboBox6 Case 7… GRAPHICSVERSION IS NOT NULL ORDER BY GRAPHICSVERSION" TableName = "GRAPHICSVERSION" cbo = ComboBox12 End… Simple Ajax and xml Programming Web Development by avinash_545 …;i++){ var namenode=xmlDoc.childNodes[i];//refers to Nom/Name tableName=tableName+"<tr>"; var nameNo=namenode.childNodes.length…>&nbsp</td>"; } tableName=tableName+"</tr>"; } tableName=tableName+"</table>"; document.getElementById("… login credentials not correct Programming Web Development by lovell_82 …gt;pwd = $pwd; $this->database = $database; $this->tablename = $tablename; } function SetAdminEmail($email) { $this->admin_email = $email; } …']); $formvars['confirmcode'] = $confirmcode; $insert_query = 'insert into '.$this->tablename.'( name, email, username, password, confirmcode ) values ( "' . … How to keep columns header on excel without change after export data to exc Programming Software Development by ahmed_101 …CONCAT('SELECT TOP 10 ',Cols,' FROM ',TableName,';') ,@TableName = TableName FROM #FinalExportList SET @PythonScript = N'… file path where Excel files are placed ,@TableName = @TableName ,@FixedPath=@FixedPath ,@ExportPath=@ExportPath CREATE TABLE [dbo… mock credit card with mysql & filewriter Programming Software Development by ceyesuma …(); } public String getTableName(){ return tableName; } public void setTableName(String tableName){ this.tableName = tableName; } public String getData() throws SQLException{ if(tableName==null || tableName.equals("")){ return… URGENT!! Need help regarding primary key!! Programming Databases by isaackhazi …FETCH_STATUS = 0 ) BEGIN PRINT 'Altering NOT NULL --> '+@tablename+' ' EXEC('ALTER TABLE '+@tablename+' ALTER COLUMN FPC_CODE varchar(255) NOT NULL') FETCH NEXT…FETCH_STATUS = 0 ) BEGIN PRINT 'Altering Primary Key -->'+@tablename+' ' EXEC('ALTER TABLE '+@tablename+' ADD PRIMARY KEY (FPC_Code)') FETCH NEXT FROM Alter_tables_cursor INTO… Expand/Callapse All Help! Programming Web Development by bigalo …;; </script> <script> // Panel Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ChangeRowVisibility(tableName, strVisibility, intRowIndex) { if(strVisibility == "visible") { document.getElementById… Learning Enumeration Programming Software Development by ceyesuma … LocationAvailableFormController.setLocationDesc(thisLocation); LocationAvailableFormController.setTableName(tableName); //some how call the enum…a product of time slots tableName = availabilityRecordEnun.LocationAvailableEnum.tableName; //_________on submit ConnectLocationAvailableDAO clad… Select Column Names or PKs in Table (SQL Server, Oracle, AS400, IBMDB2) Programming Databases by JOSheaIV …COLUMN_NAME AS ColumnName FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='{0}'", TableName);` Oracle `String.Format("SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS ColumnName FROM … OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(constraint_name), 'IsPrimaryKey') = 1 AND table_name = '{0}'", TableName);` Oracle `String.Format("SELECT cols.column_name AS PrimaryKey FROM… Timeout Expired Programming Software Development by bhagawatshinde …if (avl_subject != "") { string TableName = ""; if (avl_subject == "01 Biology&…Srno"].ToString(); string str_update = "update " + TableName + " set RepeatQno=1 where Srno = " + … Backuprestoremodule Programming Software Development by Lle26 …values SQL = "select * from [" & TableName & "]" CMD = New OleDb.OleDbCommand CMD…R.FieldCount ' write the info FS.WriteLine(TableName) FS.WriteLine(ColumnCount) FS.WriteLine(RowCount) … How to get label text from table reference on database based on Table Name Programming Web Development by ahmed_116 …>() .HasKey(t => new { t.Code,t.TableName,t.FieldName }); } } Employee View Create(this static and…name =======Sample data======== Sample data for ReferenceTable Code TableName FieldName EnglishtextforLabel 1 Employee EmployeeId Code 2 Employee … Move out java code from jsp Programming Software Development by Soni_7 … ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery("select * from "+ tableName ); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs1.getMetaData(); int noOfCols = rsmd.getColumnCount();… UtilityObj.put("txtTname",tableName); ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery("select AUDIT_DATA … load db info to a combo box Programming Software Development by Mr.Wobbles ….Open() sSQL = "SELECT fieldName FROM fieldInformation WHERE tableName = '" & tableName & "'" da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sSQL…, oConn) da.Fill(oDS, tableName) Dim record As DataRow For Each record In oDS.Tables… A few problems with VB.NET! Programming Software Development by kavithabhaskar …Button3.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow Dim TableName As String = "" Dim query …GRAPHICSCARD IS NOT NULL ORDER BY GRAPHICSCARD" TableName = "GRAPHICSCARD" cbo = ComboBox4 …GRAPHICSVERSION IS NOT NULL ORDER BY GRAPHICSVERSION" TableName = "GRAPHICSVERSION" cbo = ComboBox5 … limit database updates per hour using timestamps. Programming Web Development by AON07 …quot;Your code has already been added to the $tablename database."; echo "</td><…;/table>"; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO $tablename (code, time) VALUES ('$textbox_value', NOW())"; $result = mysql_query($query…250">'; echo "code added to $tablename Database"; echo "</td><…