Help with timeit Programming Software Development by jmoran19 … linked lists. [CODE] def get_time() : import cell import timeit for i in range( 1, 16 ): lista = cell.…integers 1 through i * 1000 listb = cell.make_list(i) mytime = timeit.Timer( 'list_concat_copy( lista, listb )', 'from cell import list_concat_copy' ) … Re: Help with timeit Programming Software Development by lrh9 … module and it will be available.) It says in the timeit module that it is really only suitable for measuring the… Re: How to find execution time in python .. ? Programming Software Development by snippsat …. Here i set timit to run 1000 loops. [CODE]import timeit test = ''' L = [] for i in range(1000): L.append(i… range(1000)] ''' print timeit.Timer(stmt = test).timeit(number=1000) '''-->Out 2.51438868285 ''' print timeit.Timer(stmt = test_lc).timeit(number=1000) '''-->Out… Thread & Queue Vs Serial Programming Software Development by zyrus001 … import OptionParser import os, base64, time, sys, hashlib, pickle, threading, timeit, Queue BLOCK_SIZE = 32 TFILE = 'mytestfile.bin' CHUNK_SIZE = 2048 * 2048 KEY… import OptionParser import os, base64, time, sys, hashlib, pickle, threading, timeit, Queue TFILE = 'mytestfile.bin' CHUNK_SIZE = 2048 * 2048 class EncSeries(): def… How to find execution time in python .. ? Programming Software Development by rahul8590 … in range(100): L.append(i) if __name__=='__main__': from timeit import Timer t = Timer("test()", "from __main__… import test") print t.timeit() [/code] The time taken to execute or displayed was 21… vbScript Creating a Clock/Timer Programming Software Development by Papa_Don … number of seconds from midnight. It looks like this: Function TimeIt(N) Dim StartTime, EndTime StartTime = Timer For I = 1 To… N Next EndTime = Timer TimeIt = EndTime - StartTime End Function However I'm not sure how… Re: How to find execution time in python .. ? Programming Software Development by Gribouillis The Timer.timeit function runs your function 1 000 000 times by default, so your function runs in 21 microseconds on average. If you want to run a program only once and measure its performance, you should use the 'cProfile' or 'profile' module. See [url][/url]. Base Conversion Module Programming Software Development by lapo3399 … C) makes everything so easy in Python. Edit: I used timeit. Although toBase10 was an attempt to imitate int() for the… MySQLdb interface problem Programming Databases by bhanu1225 …cgi mimetypes threading _Dlg cgitb mimify time _Drag chunk mmap timeit _Evt cmath modulefinder tkColorChooser _File cmd multifile tkCommonDialog _Fm… Timing While and For Loops in Python Programming Software Development by bumsfeld The myth is around that while loop is faster than the corresponding for loop. I checked it out with Python module timeit, and came to surprising conclusion. This snippet can easily be modified to time any of your functions you write. Reasonably fast solution of Project Euler problem 61 (under 3 ms) Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … bad actually: J:\test\Project Euler>\python27\python -m timeit "import euler61" "euler61.euler61()" 100 loops… small factors numbers by sieve and other method timed with decorator Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … the rules. Of course I could have used also the timeit module. I have implemented task by using previous results and… Fast Prime List Functions Programming Software Development by vegaseat There is always room for optimizing primelist functions. Here is an assortment timed with Python module timeit ... Numeric List Closest Pairs (Python) Programming Software Development by vegaseat Comparing a number of different approaches to finding the closest pair of numeric elements in a list. The timing is done with the mpmath module, but you can also use Python module timeit. fgets with sscanf new line vs carriage return Programming Software Development by COKEDUDE … windows files which usually use carriage returns. Most of the timeit "seems" to work ok with carriage returns but… Python program crashes after using too much memory Programming Software Development by Raisefamous … pd import statsmodels.tsa.stattools as ts import csv import timeit from numpy import log, polyfit, sqrt, std, subtract from pandas… web scraping with beautiful soup Programming Software Development by Geethu_2 … import shutil import thread from PIL import Image, ImageTk from timeit import default_timer as timer from functools import partial # In[27… Re: A slow slow function. Any ideas ? Programming Software Development by woooee … print( "test_extend took %0.3f micro-seconds" % (timeit.Timer(test_extend).timeit()) ) print( "test_insert took %0.3f micro-seconds"…( "test_string took %0.3f micro-seconds" % (timeit.Timer(test_string).timeit()) ) """ ##--- insert 5 zeroes test_extend took 3.241… Re: how do I make a class instance act as a class?? Programming Software Development by Tcll …__class__` is faster than `isinstance()`: >>> timeit.timeit(setup="class t: pass\nx=t()", stmt…__class__==t") 0.15827869999999677 >>> timeit.timeit(setup="class t: pass\nx=t()", …x,t)") 0.19831620000002204 >>> timeit.timeit(setup="class t: pass\nx=t()", stmt… Re: Character counting... Programming Software Development by vegaseat …re' and 'improved just Python' approaches import timeit import re def count_char1(text): ""&…, elapsed) ) stmt = 'count_char2(text)' t = timeit.Timer(stmt, setup="from __main__ import count_char2, text…, elapsed) ) stmt = 'count_char4(text)' t = timeit.Timer(stmt, setup="from __main__ import count_char4, text… Re: Which is faster, a Dictionary Lookup or an Index Operation? Programming Software Development by vegaseat …search # tested with Python 3.1.1 vegaseat import timeit data = """\ Bill Brutus Daphne Dorky… setup = "from __main__ import mylist" t = timeit.Timer(statement, setup) # doing 1000000 passes (default) gives …microseconds per pass elapsed = t.timeit() sf = "Code %-20s takes %0.3f micro-… Re: Timing a fast code Programming Software Development by vegaseat … example of using module timeit ... [code]# using Python module timeit on a simple statement # (timeit turns off garbage collection) import timeit stmt = "x… microseconds elapsed = lambda stmt, n=1000000: timeit.Timer(stmt).timeit(n) # run and show the timeit test print( "%s took %0.3f… Re: Sorting a large dictionary Programming Software Development by djidjadji …;make_dict()", "from __main__ import make_dict") dur_make = t.timeit(count) print "make_dict()", dur_make t = Timer("sort_forloop…;from __main__ import sort_generator") print "sort_generator()", t.timeit(count)-dur_make t = Timer("sort_listcomp()", "from __main__… Re: isprime function (Python) Programming Software Development by HiHe ….py check the speed of three isprime functions ''' import timeit import sys print(sys.version) def isprime2(n): ''' check…= 'isprime3(9999991)' find_function = 'from __main__ import isprime3' t = timeit.Timer(stmt, setup=find_function) # doing 1000 passes * 1000 gives the… Re: isprime function (Python) Programming Software Development by vegaseat … passes --> micro-seconds/pass elapsed = lambda stmt: timeit.Timer(stmt).timeit() stmt = "not 9999991 & 1" …# True if even # run and show the timeit test print("'%s' took %0.3f micro-seconds&…" # True if even # run and show the timeit test print("'%s' took %0.3f micro-seconds"… Re: A slow slow function. Any ideas ? Programming Software Development by vegaseat You can test this sort of thing with module timeit ... [code]import timeit stmt1 = "x = '0' + 'ff12'"…;%s took %0.3f micro-seconds" % (stmt1, timeit.Timer(stmt1).timeit()) ) stmt2 = "x = ['ff12'].insert(0, …quot;%s took %0.3f micro-seconds" % (stmt2, timeit.Timer(stmt2).timeit()) ) """my result --> x = … Re: break a list comprehension Programming Software Development by snippsat …to see the time differntence. For this we use timeit module,now it run the code in 1000000 loops. …[CODE]import timeit l = ''' l = [] for x in range(5): if…(5)] ''' #print timeit.Timer(stmt = l).timeit(number=1000000) '''-->2.28020209272''' print timeit.Timer(stmt = ls).timeit(number=1000000) '''-->… Re: Starting Python Programming Software Development by sneekula …: ''' use Python module timeit in a wrapper modified vegaseat code …import %s" % (module, name) t = timeit.Timer(st1, st2) # elapsed time is in microseconds …microseconds/pass" % \ (st1, 1000000*t.timeit(number=number)/number)) # optional ... return eval(fs)… Re: Starting Python Programming Software Development by vegaseat … the two options ... import timeit print( "Timing study ..." ) t = timeit.Timer('hex(705083)') elapsed = (10 * t.timeit(number=100000)) print( 'hex… %0.3f microseconds/pass' % elapsed ) t = timeit.Timer('"%X" % 705083') elapsed = (10 * t.timeit(number=100000)) print( 'Format operator takes… Re: overflow Programming Software Development by Ene Uran …things up: [code=python]import timeit stmt = "math.sqrt(123456789)" t = timeit.Timer( stmt, "import …" % (stmt, t.timeit(1000000)) stmt = "123456789**0.5" t = timeit.Timer( stmt) print "%s… took %s microseconds/pass" % (stmt, t.timeit(1000000)) """ my result ---> math.sqrt…