22 Topics

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Member Avatar for JiThU89

Currently i'm doing a project in C# where i've to support multiple languages. What i decided to do is this: Create language xml files and put them in a folder ("langs"). Language file structure: [CODE] <Lang name="en" /> <!-- All forms --> <form id="mainform"> <item id="mnuFile" text="File" /> <item id="mnuFileNew" …

Member Avatar for doxa.paradoxa
Member Avatar for adam123456789

I can't figure out two expressions in xpath. Can someone help ? Here they are substring-after(substring-before(//ul[@id='biblio']/li[3], ']', '[')) //h2[normalize-space(string())='name']/preceding::h1[1]

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for andrew12s

Please help me to translate this code from c to c++ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { int n,i,j,a[20][20],ok=1,grade=0,aux=0;ok=1; FILE *f=fopen("c:\graph.txt","r"); fscanf(f,"%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) for(j=1;j<=n;j++) fscanf(f,"%d",&a[i][j]); fclose(f); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if(a[1][i]==1) grade++; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { for(j=1;j<=n;j++) if(a[i][j]==1) aux++; if(aux!=grade) ok=0; aux=0; } if(ok==0) printf("graph is not regular."); else printf("graph is regular."); getch(); clrscr(); …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for tamil.arivu.18

I want to add Joomla SEF Translate Module or Component to my php,html Website Page. how can i include this module and how to run this. please tell anyone Thanks advance

Member Avatar for tamil.arivu.18
Member Avatar for diafol

Hi all. AM having a little issue with regex. Not one of my strongest skills! I'm trying to produce a simple translation system that doesn't require arrays, gettext etc. It basically has this structure: $content=<<<CONTENT <p>{{Dyma destun||Here's some text}}</p> ... CONTENT; So the page content is held in a var …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Dman01

Hello I already posted this on [URL="http://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=306688"]opengl.org[/URL], but nobody seems to have a solution. Basically I set up Opengl and when I want to draw 3D or say I want to use the z-axis by translating in this dimension, it doesn't have any effect. What I can do, is moving …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for mykeled123

Hey all, I got a small job here. The site design is the way the client likes. Mainly, I just want to get some feedback regarding content... I don't speak Arabic or Chinese. He needed the content translated to both. He suggested Google Translate (he doesn't speak it either), but …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for chrislim2888

Hi Expert, I'm currently using the javascript as follow to display a greeting message based on visitor's location, as follow: [CODE] <script language="Javascript" src="http://www.ip2phrase.com/ip2phrase.asp?template=<CITY>, <COUNTRY><FLAG> - Welcome to my site!"></script> [/CODE] from [URL="http://www.ip2phrase.com"]http://www.ip2phrase.com[/URL] It works, but now i would like to have the auto translation for the phrase "Welcome to …

Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, This is following on from a previous solved thread. Basically, I have this code: [CODE]<td colspan="2" align = "center" style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold;">' . ((isset($_GET['error']) and ($_GET['error']=='recaptcha')) ? 'Error: The captcha was entered incorrectly. Please try again.' : '') . ' </td>[/CODE] I've now been told that the "Error: The …

Member Avatar for jpdeleon
Member Avatar for A.D.M.I.N

I want to translate text inputted multiple times then output it. I am using the maketrans() function. I want to translate multiple times, by a number of times a user would input.

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for ankur3000

Hey guys, I need some help regarding a project involving dictionary based language translation. So what I have to do is, given a text in a foreign language (like Hindi), my program should match each word from a 'dictionary like file' and give the output in English, I don't have …

Member Avatar for sergent
Member Avatar for jarograv

I have this psuedocode: [QUOTE]FUNCTION initialize FOR row = 1 to num_items get random number for the list ENDFOR ENDFUNCTION initialize FUNCTION show FOR row = 1 to num_items show output: list(row) ENDFOR ENDFUNCTION show FUNCTION sort FOR pass = 1 to num_items posn = 1 sorted = True WHILE …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for terabyte

y/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/; it is a rot13 script but I don't undestand how it works, what is the y// operator for

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for maiaoming

My question is: I'm being asked to research and provide keywords for a PPC campaign that runs at the same time we're optimizing part of our very large site for organic SEO. Do I use the same keywords? I read somewhere that long tail keywords - more specific and less …

Member Avatar for 360anish

Hi, i have two input box input box 1 : name is first input box 2 : name is second suppose if i enter "fresh" should be transliterated using google and the output in french should be displayed in the second input box. does anyone have any idea how to …

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Member Avatar for OneRunner

So, first off lemme explain what a substitution code is in case you don't know. In cryptography, it's a system by which one letter is replaced with another predetermined letter. For example, if "I" turns to "E", and "F" turns to "V", the word "If" would be written as "Ev". …

Member Avatar for OneRunner
Member Avatar for hazeeel

Hi all, I need to do a translation using 2D arrays for my Superposition algorithm. Translation: I plan to use the CA(Alpha carbon) as my invariant point which is usually the 2nd line in the pdb.txt file. So how go about doing that? Must I use an orthogonal matrix? Or …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16313[/ATTACH]More smartphones could soon be headed to Kandahar, Baghdad or other hotspots where U.S. Troops can use a little technological assistance - not to be able to Tweet or check for the latest news from their brigade on [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story299599.html"]Wikileaks[/URL] - but for communicating with the locals. DARPA - the Defense …

Member Avatar for Member 785535

My name is Melandra and I am probably a bit unusual in that rather than being any kind of a computer technician myself, I work for a company that supplies you technicians with translation of your video game text, software and help files etc. when you want to reach overseas …

Member Avatar for maceman
Member Avatar for sarfrazashfaq

Hi there I am translating PERL code into PYTHON Code My PERL code is if ( my $client = $dealing_clients->{ $data->{fundId} } ) And i translated it into python as if (client = dealing_clients[data["fundId"]]): But it is giving my following Error "Syntax Error While detecting Tuple" Any one know how …

Member Avatar for sarfrazashfaq
Member Avatar for rizviyahoo

I want to make a website just like [url snipped] , can you please help me, where to start it. Regards, rizwan7781

Member Avatar for happygeek

I am not a great fan of online translation services, or at least not the free variety which almost invariably end up making some huge gaffs. However, Google obviously likes the idea as it has been providing just such a tool for a while now in the shape of Google …

Member Avatar for carlyse_09

The End.