Android Native - How to create UI Automator tests Programming Mobile Development by dimitrilc …\bin\ Launch the `uiautomatorviewer` by calling `uiautomatorviewer.bat`. …tools\bin\uiautomatorviewer.bat As of this writing, uiautomatorviewer only works if your …click() device.pressRecentApps() //Recents is black box because uiautomatorviewer is unable to spy the Recents View device.pressKeyCode(KeyEvent… Cannot find element using UIAUTOMATORVIEWER, APPIUM and PYTHON Programming Software Development by Karthik_4 ![Screenshot_from_2016-05-05_10:40:29.png](/attachments/large/4/d1a3b93ed36e54fabc134d4a3a268ccd.png "align-center") I am trying to write a python code to verify for the presence of `.mp3` and corresponding `.json` file in the dropbox. dropboxmp3txt = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//android.widget.ListView/android.view.View/…