Re: Design vs. Coding Programming Software Development by chuckc … a group of cave men, some were good at making wheels and some were very good at making wagons. If they… switched rolls might they get round wagons with square wheels? On the other hand, if they had a wheel maker… who insisted on making square wheels, switching roles might be a good thing. Maybe one size… Re: one letter Community Center Geeks' Lounge by november_pooh wheels Spinning Pizza Wheels Hardware and Software macOS by bcoe My MacMini entertains me very frequently with spinning pizza wheels, why? How do I fix. It appears it is busy doing someting, but I don't know what. I have run Onyx. :mad: Re: Spinning Pizza Wheels Hardware and Software macOS by John A >My MacMini entertains me very frequently with spinning pizza wheels, why? It's a common Mac phenomenan, and every Mac … Classes and inheritance Programming Software Development by jdpjtp910 …getWheels() const; virtual void print() const; private: int wheels; double milesPerGallon; }; #endif[/CODE] source files: car… Vehicle::Vehicle(int wheels, double milesPerGallon) : wheels(wheels), milesPerGallon(milesPerGallon) { } void Vehicle::setWheels(int wheels) { this->wheels = wheels; } void Vehicle::… Re: Classes and inheritance Programming Software Development by corby …getWheels() const; virtual void print() const; private: int wheels; double milesPerGallon; }; #endif[/CODE] source files: car… Vehicle::Vehicle(int wheels, double milesPerGallon) : wheels(wheels), milesPerGallon(milesPerGallon) { } void Vehicle::setWheels(int wheels) { this->wheels = wheels; } void Vehicle::… Interfaces, The Basics. Have I Got It Right? Programming Software Development by J.C. SolvoTerra …>Car Wheel Data</summary> public Wheel Wheels { get { return wheels; } set { wheels = value; } } } Any advice or suggestions would be much… How to Pass an array from one class to another class Programming Software Development by wilsonz91 wheels, double engine) { setTransport(type, wheels, engine); } void setTransport(String type, int wheels, double engine) { this.type = type; this.wheels = wheels… { String type = input.nextLine(); int wheels = input.nextInt(); double engine = input.… help from factory to abstract factory pattern with same product Programming Software Development by skyzer … car */ public String getSpecification() { return getClass()+ "\n"+wheels+" wheels\n" +engine+" cilinder engine\n"+getTax(); } } //… car */ public String getSpecification() { return getClass()+ "\n"+wheels+" wheels\n" +engine+" cilinder engine\n"+getTax(); } } //… Re: Classes and inheritance Programming Software Development by Sky Diploma [code] Vehicle milesPerGallon(double mpg); cout << "Please enter the number of wheels for the vehicle:" << endl; cin >> wheelss; Vehicle wheels(int wheelss); [/code] You are declaring function prototypes here. where-as i think, you need to call the functions there. Guess you should probably check that out! Re: help from factory to abstract factory pattern with same product Programming Software Development by moutanna … public Vehicle(int wheels, int engine) { this.engine = engine; this.wheels = wheels; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public int… String getSpecification() { return getClass() + "\n" + wheels + " wheels\n" + engine + " cilinder engine\n" … Re: Interfaces, The Basics. Have I Got It Right? Programming Software Development by deceptikon … a wheel doesn't know or care about other wheels, so `WheelCount` is in the wrong class. …class in your car and link it to known wheels. That's really all your car class needs …-engineering things: abstract class Vehicle { public List<TyrePressure> Wheels { get; private set; } public int FuelMax { get; private … Re: const - Why is this allowed? Programming Software Development by Lerner …is, it is the declaraion the member variable called wheels as const that prevents it from being changed somehow … by some other function. However, the argument called wheels passed to the constructor as an argurment is not …has been passed in. That is [code] class Car: { int wheels; public: Car(string Name, const int w = 3) { w… Re: Interfaces, The Basics. Have I Got It Right? Programming Software Development by DaveAmour With this `public List<TyrePressure> Wheels { get; private set; }` I think you can still change Items in the list. Often you see this kind of thing if you don't want things to be changed: `public IEnumerable<TyrePressure> Wheels { get; private set; }` Re: Interfaces, The Basics. Have I Got It Right? Programming Software Development by J.C. SolvoTerra … was to try and ensure properties could be accessed `MyCar.Wheels.TyrePressure.FrontWheel` like so. I hate huge lists of properties… Re: Interfaces, The Basics. Have I Got It Right? Programming Software Development by J.C. SolvoTerra I also just noticed this: ` public List<TyrePressure> Wheels { get; private set; }` Does that do what I think it does, allows the local member to be set internally but not externally... so as it suggests, readonly externally, read\write internally? 8051 codings for Controlling Movement of the Wheelchair using joystck Programming Software Development by shihara … wheelchair has four wheels, which consist of two rear wheels and two front wheels. The two front wheels are pivot wheel …There is no actuator which drives both front wheels. Thus, the front wheels can move freely in rotation and straight …wheelchair can only be performed by driving the rear wheels. Diameter of the front wheel is 10 cm … Re: help from factory to abstract factory pattern with same product Programming Software Development by skyzer …. [CODE]public class Car extends Vehicle { public Car(int wheels, int engine) { super(wheels, engine); } } // End of class[/CODE] [CODE]public class… Drop Down Error Programming Web Development by asavicz …gt; <meta name="keywords" content="tires, wheels, indiana, northwest, automotive, service, midwest tire and auto, midwest,…wheels.php"> <img src="images/wheels.gif" width="132" height="37" …0" alt="Wheels"></a></td> </tr> <tr> … OpenGL finding the co-ordinates with respect to another object Programming Game Development by altreality …1], ptrShapes->box_halfExtent[2]); glPopMatrix(); //Render the 4 wheels glColor3f(1.0,1.0,0); for (int i=0… different. I am trying to render one of the wheels without using glMultMatrixf(). So given the transformation matrix I …rendering at m2 directly. I need to render the wheels using their positions with respect to the main vehicle(… private VS protected Programming Software Development by lewashby …class Tank { protected: int wheels; public: void setWheels(int newWheels) { wheels = newWheels; } int getWheels() { return wheels; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Tank { private: int wheels protected: public: void… Passing Array element to a list Programming Software Development by cproud21 …quot;, "8.5 inch axle"}; public String[] wheels = { "51 mm", "55 mm&… void buildWheelPanel() { wheelPanel = new JPanel(); wheelList = new JList(wheels); . wheelList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); // Register the list selection listener.… Re: const - Why is this allowed? Programming Software Development by tkud …public: Car(string name,const int wheels):wheels(4){ cout<<"Wheels:"<<wheels<<endl; } private: …; } [/CODE] it would give you 2 errors; Car::wheels cannot be accessed outside the class, and that you cannot…That is when const is useful!! The value of wheels cannot be modified when tried to, because it has … php extend classes Programming Web Development by whiteyoh …private $engineSize; private $color; function __construct($wheels, $engineType, $engineSize, $color){ $this->wheels = $wheels; $this->engineType = $engineType; $…color = $color; } public function getWheels(){ return $this->wheels; } } class motorcycle extends vehicle { private $sidecar; private… Re: Passing Array element to a list Programming Software Development by LDeArm … period from this section in the BuildWheelsPanel: wheelList = new JList(wheels); . wheelList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); That should do it for you… beginner mousepressed homework Programming Software Development by euphoriae … } } [/code] [code] import wheels.users.*; public class Snowman{ protected Ellipse body, head…} [/code] [code] import wheels.users.*; public class MeltingSnowman extends Snowman{ public … Listing questions Programming Software Development by cproud21 …// To hold components private JList wheelList; // A list of wheels private JTextField selectedWheel; // The selected wheel private JLabel wheelLabel;… new JPanel(); // Create the list. wheelList = new JList(wheels); // Set the selection mode to single selection. wheelList.setSelectionMode(… Inheritance and Polymorphism Programming Software Development by VirtueAL …_bulb.setColor(_offColor); else _bulb.setColor(_onColor); } }[/CODE] [CODE] import wheels.users.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.*; public… mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){ _myCompositeObject.mouseClicked(e); } }[/CODE] [CODE]import wheels.users.*; import java.awt.Color; public class LightShow extends Frame… Devide in pages (Pageing) Programming Web Development by ruwanaru …;li>TV</li><li>Alloy Wheels</li><li>Power Door Locks<…;Power Slide Door</li><li>Custom wheels</li><li>Fully loaded</li…;li>TV</li><li>Alloy Wheels</li><li>Power Door Locks<…;Power Slide Door</li><li>Custom wheels</li><li>Fully loaded</li… Swing panels inside classes. Programming Software Development by erik.pierce1 …deckPanel decks; private truckPanel trucks; private wheelPanel wheels; private extraPanel extras; private JButton button; //…create the object panels trucks = new truckPanel(); wheels = new wheelPanel(); extras = new extraPanel();…