5 Topics

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[ATTACH=right]16650[/ATTACH]In the wake of the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story302388.html"]Wikileaks scandal[/URL], the National Guard has announced new "[URL="http://www.ng.mil/news/archives/2010/08/081110-NGB.aspx"]social media guidelines[/URL]" for the nation's citizen soldiers. While a lot of the guidelines are the same sort of common sense, don't-embarrass-your-family's good name restrictions we might place on our teenagers' use of Facebook and MySpace, there's …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16800[/ATTACH]The Swedish chief prosecutor Eva Finne dismissed a warrant for the arrest of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange less than a day after the warrant for charges of rape and molestation was issued. Finne declared, "I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape." She did not …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16604[/ATTACH]The White House administration is asking allied Western governments to consider criminal charges against WikiLeaks founder, Australian-born [URL="http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/06/07/100607fa_fact_khatchadourian"]Julian Assange[/URL]. Assange is currently in hiding, due to the furor over WikiLeaks' release last month of the [URL="http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Afghan_War_Diary,_2004-2010"]Afghan War Diary[/URL], thousands of secret documents involving the war in Afghanistan from 2004 through …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16424[/ATTACH]In its daily briefing for reporters today, Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell demanded that [URL="http://wikileaks.org"]WikiLeaks[/URL] return over 15,000 documents that the site has not yet published. He also denied reports that WikiLeaks had asked Department of Defense officials for assistance in going through the as yet unpublished documents. [I]"The Defense Department …

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[ATTACH=right]16135[/ATTACH]A day after Wikileaks dropped one of the biggest leaked bombshells on the U.S. government, perhaps since the Pentagon Papers, typing wikileaks.org into a browser is likely to get you nothing more than a blank browser window. The somewhat mysterious collective site released over 91,000 secret reports related to the …


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