Re: Get error please help me the server threw an exception. Programming Software Development by tinstaafl Have you tried looking at the answers on this page? [Click Here]( How to ungroup Excel worksheets programmatically? Programming Software Development by Eruditio …I'm having trouble with grouped worksheets. **How do I ungroup worksheets from VB.NET?** I've tried…Microsoft themselves. As I'm iterating through the worksheets with a For loop, I wondered if …like: For Each xlsSheet As Excel.Worksheet In xlsBook.Worksheets xlsSheet.Select() ... Next Instead of xlsSheet.Select(),… Re: How to ungroup Excel worksheets programmatically? Programming Software Development by Eruditio … as soon as I posted here! Before iterating through the worksheets, I used: `CType(appExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1), Excel.Worksheet).Select… Populate textboxes from multiple worksheets based on combobox selection Programming Software Development by Divinedar_1 … a 5 year span. On each of the worksheets are there is a list of countries that make up …;Scripting.Dictionary") 'populate combobox For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets Select Case UCase(ws.Name) Case "FY2019", "… VBA to hide rows if value is zero on multiple worksheets Programming Software Development by bren1519 … value. The same macro would apply to 75% of the worksheets in the workbook but not to all so is there… a way to run one macro for a range of worksheets? thx for any help! Brenda Load userform on opening .xlsm file and completely hide worksheets. Programming Software Development by arsenal_fan … excel sheet. Everything works fine except I can briefly see worksheets before the userform appears. How do I ensure that… worksheets arent visible even briefly when I double click the macro-… Formatted row not applying to other worksheets Programming Software Development by Gus_19 …first worksheet changes made, but none of the other worksheets within the same workbook are being changed. Here ….Sheets.Add() End With End If objws = CType(objwb.Worksheets(worksheet_index), Excel.Worksheet) objws.Name = dt.TableName With objws… Re: PHPExcel, worksheets Programming Web Development by LastMitch **@tapuwa2002** > I would like to add data from 2 worksheets in the same document and have them combined in one …(combined worksheet1+worksheet2) When you combine `2 worksheets` it becomes `1 worksheet` not `3 worksheets`. `PHPExcel` should have this code that does… Removing blank worksheets Excel worksheet Programming Software Development by ChrisHunter Is there a way to remove blank worksheets from an excel report that is generated in SSRS? I'… finialised but before it's displayed, to remove the blank worksheets from the report? Thanks in advance. Re: Formatted row not applying to other worksheets Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim If you want to do something to each worksheet then the typical method is to enumerate over the collection as follows: For Each sheet As Excel.WorkSheet In onjwb(1).WorkSheets 'apply formatting Next Re: Removing blank worksheets Excel worksheet Programming Software Development by Ketsuekiame Seems odd that Reporting Services would add blank worksheets, wonder the reasoning behind it... Do you have access to the MS Office library for .NET? That will be quite powerful for doing what you need. Re: Removing blank worksheets Excel worksheet Programming Software Development by ChrisHunter … excel work book before it's opened, remove the blank worksheets or add a macro (I've seen some examples of… Re: Removing blank worksheets Excel worksheet Programming Software Development by Ketsuekiame Yeah, you should be able to get the office library to remove the worksheets you don't need. Once you load your spreadsheet, you should be able to select the worksheet (via an array) and call `Delete()` on it. When you're done, save it again and you should be good to go :) Re: Removing blank worksheets Excel worksheet Programming Software Development by EterS ….LoadFromFile("sample.xls"); //Remove Worksheet Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[1]; sheet.Remove(); How do I replace worksheets in Excel? Programming Databases by V_W … would be very nice would be to replace unused pages/worksheets with the new and keep them in one workbook. Can… Need help in converting multiple text files into excel worksheets in a workbook Programming Software Development by ahjiefreak … and I want to insert these txt files into separate worksheets in excel workbook. Any idea how to use bash script… Problem transfer data across worksheets Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by smnadig … error pops up as "Cannot use reference to other worksheets or workbooks". Can anybody suggest me how do I… PHPExcel, worksheets Programming Web Development by tapuwa2002 I would like to add data from 2 worksheets in the same document and have them combined in one worksheet. Am using PHPExcel could you guys kindly help. -worksheet 1 and worksheet 2 = worksheet 3(combined worksheet1+worksheet2) Thanks Create Excel file with multiple worksheets from delimited file Programming Software Development by spowel4 Is it possible to create a delimited file and structure the delimited file in some way so that opening that file in Excel creates an Excel file with multiple worksheets with data on each worksheet? VBA - Converts worksheets to csv but appends previous worksheet name Programming Software Development by Tensigh … filename. For example, Workbook1 has 1 worksheet Workbook2 has 2 worksheets Workbook3 has 1 worksheet Result is Workbook1.xls-Sheet1.csv… Re: Copy Multiple Worksheets Programming Software Development by violette …Set wbkSecond = Workbooks.Open(strSecondFile) For Each wksSheet In wbkFirst.Worksheets If wksSheet.Name = "Year" Then With wksSheet… Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Copy End With With wbkSecond.Worksheets("Yearly") .Range("B" & … Re: Combining Worksheets Programming Software Development by kRod Hello Jimmy_1, Just want to ask a few questions. From each of the worksheets how many Columns are you totaling and Are you Creating a new Worksheet in a new workbook from the others or do you just need the totals of the columns? For the Daily run you could set a Scheduled Task of your project executable so that's not a problem. Re: Select 2 or more Excel Worksheets to show in Datagrid Programming Software Development by jared.geli Nevermind guys problem solved! I can now merge 4 worksheets into 1 datatable Dim first As String = "Select [Seller … Excel: ledger, dynamically creating button Programming Software Development by helraizer …quot;G64").Value + 1 End With End With If Worksheets("stock").Range("C9").Value <= … " & Right(Now(), 8) End With Application.Goto Worksheets("Receipt").Range("A1") Else Exit Sub… Have problem in Manipulating Workbook Object and make macro shortest as possible Programming Software Development by Irmann … this:- Sub PullData() If Worksheets("sheet1").Range("C2").Value = Worksheets("sheet2").Range("…"). _ Range("G2").Value Else Worksheets("sheet1").Range("D2:E2:F2:G2…"). _ Range("G3").Value Else Worksheets("sheet1").Range("D3:E3:F3:G3… Converting code for Excel/Windows to code for Excel/mac Hardware and Software macOS by Ross36 …B" & ctitle.Row Set raddress = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range(strRange) raddress.Value = strAddress strRange = …" & ctitle.Row Set rEmail = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range(strRange) rEmail.Value = strEmail End If… Need help with Delphi code Programming Software Development by sonya795 …B1'].EntireColumn.NumberFormat := '#,##0_);[Red](#,##0_)'; XLApp.Workbooks[1].Worksheets[1].Range['C1', 'C1'].EntireColumn.NumberFormat := '#,##0_);[Red…F1'].EntireColumn.NumberFormat := '#,##0_);[Red](#,##0_)'; XLApp.Workbooks[1].Worksheets[1].Range['G1', 'G1'].EntireColumn.NumberFormat := '#,###_);[Red](#,###)';… Export pictures to Excell from vb6 Programming Software Development by bonzo2008 … Excel.Application Set xlTmp = Excel.Application objWb.Worksheets("blad1").Range("A3") =…;).Range("F10") = Text7.Text objWb.Worksheets("blad1").Range("F11") =… TxtPostNr.Text 'Text8.Text objWb.Worksheets("blad1").Range("G11") = TxtPostAdr… How to read excel cells into Array Programming Software Development by kharri5 … CustmClas 'WE NEED SOMETHING LIKE THIS?? curEnt.Response = srcWb.WorkSheets.item("Sheet1").Cells(lineCount, 1).value curEnt.Category…Sheet1").Cells(lineCount, 6).value curEnt.EntType = srcWb.WorkSheets.item("Sheet1").Cells(lineCount, 7).value 'important for… excel serial daq with xmcomm Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Ravenn …quot;Baud_Rate") & "," & _ Worksheets("Settings").Range("Parity") & ",&…quot;Data_Bits") & "," & _ Worksheets("Settings").Range("Stop_Bits") ' Tell the …