40 Unanswered Topics

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Member Avatar for Mike Askew

Howdy So I have a set of data coming back from a process with five different pieces of data per entry in the set. Are there any fancy ways you can generate some kind of look-a-like report on the fly in WCF, else what would be the best way to …

Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

I was just wondering, is there a way to change the colour of the squiggly line when a word is misspelled in a WPF TextBox? Here's what I mean: [Click Here](http://puu.sh/dwAdC/701c7f2c59.png) I have no idea as to where to start because I'm simply clueless. I tried editing the Textbox to …

Member Avatar for burhanahmed92

I have a multicolumn listview. There are three button Add, delete and Updata. List is working fine, it add, delete and update list data. But i want to save every row inside listview when i click save button. Bellow is my XAML. <TextBox Canvas.Left="12" Canvas.Top="12" Height="23" Name="textBox1" Width="120" TextChanged="textBox1_TextChanged" KeyDown="textBox1_KeyDown" …

Member Avatar for game4tress

I've made a rectangle with another 3D point inside. The rectangle is textured with an image. Now, I need to move the point that is inside the rectangle to another 3D position. Does anyone knows how this is possible? The only way I found, that is no good for what …

Member Avatar for kalcio

Hi, I want to use the microsoft office theme (rubban for example,the word button's form) in my C# wpf application,is it possible? I work with visual studio 2010 thanks for help

Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi All, I am facing some issues when writing a xaml and my code goes as follows :- <Grid> <Grid.Resources> <!-- Shared Storyboard across the system --> <!-- This storyboard will make the image (button) grow to double its size in 0.2 seconds --> <Storyboard x:Key="expandStoryboard"> <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetProperty="RenderTransform.ScaleX" To="2.5" Duration="0:0:0.2" …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe

Hey guys, I am desperated right now. Im my application i want to export some data from an entityset to excel. So far so good. But i want to exclude some properties. So i thought creating a custom attribute for those properties is might a good idea to make things …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make a spark effect the follows a path using WPF. Please Help...

Member Avatar for LMat619

Hey everyone. I am making an application where a user can draw shapes with their mouse. All the other shapes are implemented, but I am having difficulty with drawing arcs correctly. I got the program to draw arcs, but I am having some bugs in the code. Basically it's supposed …

Member Avatar for game4tress

Hi, I'm trying to print a document in landscape, but i'm only being able to print it in portrait. I've searched for the problem but i haven't found a solution to the problem. Can you, please help? Here's the source code: public void btnImprimir_Click() { try { PrintDialog pDialog = …

Member Avatar for oldSoftDev

Hey guys, I am trying to use TextInputPanel for passwordbox but since its part of WPF it does not allow us to use TextInputPanel. I followed the following link http://interactiveasp.net/blogs/natesstuff/archive/2008/10/01/ink-in-wpf-using-textinputpanel-for-text-input.aspx this works fine with the textbox but not with passwordbox, I modified the class to accept password boxes but when …

Member Avatar for Sravanthi Ch

Hi, I have a ListView control in WPF. I need to resize the columns of listview according to window size. Can you please let me know how to approach this. Thanks in advance for help. Regards, Sravanthi Chepooru

Member Avatar for albana

need some help with this, i'm new in WPF, im working in a address book application, i have implemented MVVM ,in the main window i have a list box and three text boxes, also i have and a button which one makes possible to add new items,now i want to …

Member Avatar for anaisthitos2

Is there a way to call a visiblox chart that created with c# code in wpf? Let's say that i have created a chart like : [CODE]private Chart CreateNewChart(int num_chart, string chartName) { Chart newChart = new Chart(); newChart.Name = "Chart_"+num_chart; newChart.Title = chartName; newChart.Width = 600; newChart.Height = 120; …

Member Avatar for dhanlak

Hi, I am trying to bind a datagrid with a datatable in WPF. This is my first project in WPF. The datatable has a single column. The datatable is bound with a table that has a varbinary image column in database. In database, this is the table structure table tblPicture …

Member Avatar for Sravanthi Ch

Hi, Is there any alternative way to reset the scrollbar postion when datacontext chaged with out using the datagrid datacontext changed event..? Thanks in advance for help. Sravanthi Chepooru

Member Avatar for toadzky

I am building a 2-3-4 tree animator as a favor for one of my teachers. I want to use animations to have the newest value traverse the tree to find where it goes and then insert the value into the node. The problem comes when I have more than 1 …

Member Avatar for arya6000

Hello I have the following code for a WPF application here is the code Code from MainWindow.xaml.cs [CODE] public partial class MainWindow : Window { public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Thread[] threads = new Thread[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; …

Member Avatar for arunkumars

Hi, I would like to get few tutorials on rendering and vector data in WPF. The requirement I have right now is to get the vector data (path) of a text that has been rendered on a canvas. I can however get the vector data of the text using the …

Member Avatar for game4tress

I need to save a video as an image in silverlight, for my new webpage functionality, at [url]http://www.game4tress.com/ecardsender.aspx[/url]. Now, this would be easy in WPF, but seems that silverlight can't access the RenderTargetBitmap and BitmapEncoder. I was able to discover that RenderTargetBitmap can be replaced with WriteableBitmap, but i can't …

Member Avatar for stbuchok

Does anyone have a good tutorial on how to capture video and images from a webcam in WPF. All the ones I've come across give code but little explanation as to what they are doing. Something that is step by step would be nice. The funny thing is that in …

Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi, Can anyone get the translation of this xaml code to c# code? In order words, I am trying to set listbox items to be displayed in the textblock encapsulated by stackpanel, datatemplate and within listbox.itemtemplate. I am trying to do this from the back end and not using databinding. …

Member Avatar for dakota5150

I have a label and text block on a WPF window and I'm trying to update those from a 2nd cs code file. I've tried the below code but the label is not getting updated...any help is greatly appreciated! [CODE] MainWindow main = new MainWindow(); main.statusLabel.Content = "Blah...blah"; main.statusTextBlock.Text = …

Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi, I have a window (Window1) with a ListBox (list1) bound to an xml file and a button that calls another page (Page1). Page1 implements methods to append to or alter the xml file however the control list1 is not recognized on Page1. So far I have referenced Window1 in …

Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi all, I have a textblock that is bound to an xml document. This displays the innertext of an xml-node element and the width of the textblock is fixed at "auto". The issue is that of the display as the innertext may exceed the width of the textblock and therefore …

Member Avatar for wade2462

I want to be able to have a Textblock set to a certain width and height so it can contain two lines of 36pt font. I have accomplished this with word wrap, but it can still overflow. Is there anyway to make the font size shrink when there is an …

Member Avatar for Nirvin M

I am developing a electrical application. I need to present the user with controls like resistor, capacitor etc. How can I create such controls in VB.NET? Can I use GDI or WPF for this? If possible then how?

Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi, I have a WPF program written in C# that updates an Xml file from a textbox when a submit button is clicked. The code works as I can tell that the xml file is updated after the execution of the program, however I would like the update in real …

Member Avatar for dotnextnewb

Hello, Can anyone please help me with the Image Reflection. I want to put use some or group of images/icons in WPF App. I want their reflection as well. I am using Border opasitymask for each image but I think that is not the right way to code. I want …

Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi, I have a listbox that is bound to a textblock as target and also has an xml file as source. My problem now is the correct syntax for inserting another listbox in between the listbox and the xml file. My code is shown below... <Window x:Class="newTestApp.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Window1" …


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