119 Topics

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Member Avatar for jtaylor408

I want to be able to have a set of panels of vertical panels that remain the same size, but I want to have a vertical scroll bar that will allow me to scroll in the window. Right now I'm using a wx.ScrolledPanel and adding panels to that and putting …

Member Avatar for tarun123

hey if anyone knows how to open open window when we click on open option in menu bar of gui which is created by boa constructor.

Member Avatar for neo_31591

(<type 'exceptions.NameError'>, NameError("global name 'MenuPage' is not defined",), <traceback object at 0x028BEC38>) The MenuPage contains buttons to All functions of the PDF shuffler software. This is one such function which retirieves Information about the PDF files. Problem is, It executes once, goes back to MenuPage , then again if i …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ganeshrnet

Friends, kindly help me how to update the progress bar in WX Widgets python while copying folder in windows... i tried searching a lot.. please do help me out.. Thanks in advance! Ganesh R

Member Avatar for bishisht
Member Avatar for ihatehippies

I'm trying to create a wx.ListCtrl with a searchable header. I've been looking through the listctrl mixins, but I really don't have the wx expertise needed. I'm thinking I need to paint a textctrl using a dc object, but other than that I'm lost. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for arindam31

Hi, I have the a situation here . My motive : Hiding one panel and showing another. Whats Working :Layout wise , my app is behaving like i want it to . The Problem : After the I hide one panel and show another , the button in this panel …

Member Avatar for arindam31
Member Avatar for TLSK

I have create in MySQdb a DB with a table named example,in this table i want to save a name, this name is in Greek language.My problem is thw follown when i try to save the name instantly without use textctrl, its ok but when i use textctrl i take …

Member Avatar for TLSK
Member Avatar for arindam31

Hi All . I am trying to make a Frame to which we add dynamically Add panels. Also I want to remove panel dynamically . The dynamic Addition is working perfect. Please see the code below: # panels.py #self.Fit() causes the whole frame to shrink.So we are using self.Layout instead …

Member Avatar for arindam31
Member Avatar for joryrferrell

I'm sort of on the way, but my current method will require me to save the converted array first, then display it. What are a few ways I could use wxPython, numpy, and scipy to efficiently display the changes realtime, without saving every damned time? I don't need actual code, …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Hey everyone, I was wondering what some reasons would be to use an XRC file in a program? Does it make it easier to read? Does it help with organization? Are there times where that format is needed/beneficial? Just looking to know, - [B][I]WolfShield[/I][/B]

Member Avatar for WolfShield

Hey guys, I actually have two questions here. I've made a splitter window with two panels and set the min size to '200'. But how do I make one panel not be allowed to re-size to larger than '200'? And the second question is: if I wanted to put a …

Member Avatar for Lalit Chattar

Hi all i am college student and making a project related to file compression in python. I want to creat a listCntl with image and text that will look like image that i attached wih this post. plese help me how will i implement this in wx python.

Member Avatar for imperialguy

Following is the system and software info [b]Platforms: Windows XP and OSX Lion Activestate Python 2.7.2 wxPython2.9-osx-cocoa-py2.7 (for OSX) wxPython2.9-win32-py27 (for Windows XP)[/b] I am trying to create a UltimateListCtrl using ULC_VIRTUAL and ULC_REPORT mode. I would like to know how can I put a checkbox beside the first column …

Member Avatar for Lemony Lime

So, this seems like it should be the default to me... if you're going to make your own picture for a button, I don't see why you'd want the default border around it, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get rid of it. I …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for arindam31

Hi Guys , this questioned has been asked before , but the answers haven helped me . I want to seperate lines when i am appending the text control. But "\n" is simply not working . I am using Python 2.7 , on Windows 7. Please help. I want to …

Member Avatar for arindam31
Member Avatar for Lemony Lime

I'm pretty new to programming, so this may be really obvious, but I'm having trouble with it. I'm trying to learn python, so I thought I'd make a simple program in python to help me write similar lines of java code faster, (I'm going to easily have hundreds of lines …

Member Avatar for Lemony Lime
Member Avatar for arindam31

Hi Everyone, I am trying to call a function after every T secs . When i use time.wait() , the app hangs, i do not have control over the app. For now , this programs will do the process once , and then after T secs . But i do …

Member Avatar for arindam31
Member Avatar for stefh

Hi everyone :) Title says it all... I'm trying to bind events to a wx.GenericDirCtrl. I've visited more than 20 web sites but i haven't found how to do it. I've tried different manners but it doesn't work as i expect it to. In some case my control is seen …

Member Avatar for stefh
Member Avatar for arindam31

Hi Guys, I am trying to make a text box that will accept a password from user.The password should be masked while typing. [CODE]def MyFunc2(self,event): box2=wx.TextEntryDialog(None,"Enter Password","PASSWORD","Waiting",style=wx.TE_PASSWORD) if box2.ShowModal()==wx.ID_OK: global pwd1 pwd1=box2.GetValue()[/CODE] The code is a piece of a program . The above code when run , shows the text …

Member Avatar for arindam31
Member Avatar for imperialguy

I want to create an ultimate list ctrl based table where the user can sort the columns by clicking on the column header. Here's the code I attempted: [CODE]import wx import wx.lib.mixins.listctrl as listmix from wx.lib.agw import ultimatelistctrl as ULC APPNAME='Sortable Ultimate List Ctrl' APPVERSION='1.0' MAIN_WIDTH=300 MAIN_HEIGHT=300 musicdata = { …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for giancan

Hi guys, I'm having problems with wxPython. If I put in the header of my files from wxPython.wx import * it works fine, even if I see a DeprecationWarning about it. If I write import wx (as also wxformbuilder would do) I get errors like name wxPySimpleApp is not defined …

Member Avatar for RMWChaos

Maybe this is a bit too broad a question and too much code for this forum, but I'll give it a shot... OS: Win7x64 6.1.7601 py: 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 14:24:46) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] wx: 2.8-msw-unicode My question is more of a general nature than in regards …

Member Avatar for imperialguy

Some system info before proceeding further: Platform: Mac OS X 10.7.1 Python Version: ActiveState Python 2.7.1 wxPython Version: [url=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython2.9-osx-]wxPython2.9-osx-cocoa-py2.7[/url] I want the button label to be changed while performing a task So, here is what I did/want: [code]self.run_button=wx.Button(self.panel,ID_RUN_BUTTON,label='Install') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnRun,id=ID_RUN_BUTTON) def OnRun(self,evt): self.run_button.SetLabel('Installing..') #call a function that does the installation …

Member Avatar for Pupo
Member Avatar for fortozs

I am new to Python and I'm trying to make a simple updating window. Most suggest I should use wxtimer for the task. I have tried to get it going but it fails. Here is the code without a timer that works for me. I had been using time.sleep in …

Member Avatar for fortozs
Member Avatar for Kleiner

Hi. I am working on improvement of my program. Here is it's code. [CODE]import wx class bucky(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, id): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, "Testing erea", size=(280,400)) panel = wx.Panel(self) food = wx.Button(panel,label='Food',pos=(10,10),size=(80,40)) drink= wx.Button(panel,label='Drink',pos=(100,10), size=(80,40)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.drink, drink) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.food, food) def food(self, event): box = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, 'What is …

Member Avatar for darkmikey
Member Avatar for Kleiner

Hi. I am having a problem in creating of one simple program in Python. Here is code. [CODE]import wx class bucky(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, id): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, "Testing erea", size=(280,400)) panel = wx.Panel(self) food = wx.Button(panel,label='Food',pos=(10,10),size=(80,40)) pets = wx.Button(panel, label='Pets', pos=(100,10), size=(80,40)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.food, food ) def food(self, event): …

Member Avatar for Kleiner
Member Avatar for duffsil

Hey there, i would like to do a rank of the averages, but when i click in the button ranking, it says that global name 'media1' is not defined. can someone help me please? thanks in [CODE]# -*- coding: cp1252 -*- import wx class duff(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent,id): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,'Duffan Formula', size=(400,370)) …

Member Avatar for duffsil
Member Avatar for imperialguy

Some details of my machine and installed packages before proceeding further: [B]Mac OSX version: 10.6.6 Python version: Activestate Python 2.7.1 wxpython version: wxpython 2.8 (uses Carbon API hence limited to 32-bit mode arch only) [/B] I installed wxPython2.8-osx-unicode-py2.7 from wxpython website using their .dmg installer file. This package uses the …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for chrisvj11

I have 2 images, one is supposed to be on top of the other. This works fine until one of the "movement" keys are hit (a,s,d,w) [CODE]import sqlite3 as sqlite import wx username=None class MainWindow(): def drawmap(self): self.map4_31="C:/python27/game/4_31.gif" self.map1=wx.Image(self.map4_31,wx.BITMAP_TYPE_GIF).ConvertToBitmap() height=self.map1.GetHeight() width=self.map1.GetWidth() self.map1.map4_31 = wx.StaticBitmap(frame, -1, self.map1, (270, 170), (width,height)) def …

Member Avatar for blackrusader

Basically, it is an open source software creation application that revolves around databases (similar to Microsoft Visual studio in some aspects but with python as the language). The user will be able to create forms with a drag and drop GUI builder, create an SQLite database and add functionality to …

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The End.