Deplorable followers of Bill Gates hate kissing their project managers while commencing to destroy projects

Deplorable followers of Bill Gates hate kissing their slum managers while commencing to destroy projects

Blind followers of Bill Gates hate kissing their slummanagers while commencing to destroy projects

Blind followers of Linux hate kissing their slum-managers while commencing to destroy projects.

Blind followers of Linux hate kissing their slum-managers while commencing to destroy Windows.

Elitist followers of Linux hate kissing their slum-managers while commencing to destroy Windows.

Elitist followers of Linux hate compiling their slum-managers while commencing to destroy Windows.

Elitist followers of Linux hate compiling their worries while commencing to destroy Windows.

Elitist hackers of Linux hate compiling their worries while commencing to destroy Windows.

Elitist hackers of Linux hate remembering their worries while commencing to destroy Windows.

Elitist hackers of Linux hate remembering their woes while commencing to destroy Windows.

Elitist hackers of Linux hate remembering their woes while pretending to destroy Windows.

Elitist hackers of Linux hate debugging their woes while pretending to destroy Windows.

moralist hackers of Linux hate debugging their woes while pretending to destroy Windows.

Moralist hackers of Linux hate debugging their woes while preparing to destroy Windows.

Moralist hackers of Linux gate debugging their problems while preparing to destroy Windows.

Moralist hackers of Linux gate debugging their problems while preparing to crack Windows

Moralist hackers of Linux gate debugging their problems while preparing to crack Lindows

Moralist hackers of Linux gate debugging their problems while preparing to kill Lindows.

Moralist hackers of Linux gate BEGAN debugging their problems while preparing to kill Lindows.

Moralist slackers of Linux gate began debugging their problems while preparing to kill Lindows.

Moralist slackers of Linux gate began debugging their problems while preparing to kiss Lindows.

Immoral slackers of Linux gate began debugging their problems while preparing to kiss Lindows.

Immoral slackers of Linux gate began IMPROVING their problems while preparing to kiss Lindows.

Immoral slackers of Linux gate began improving their concentration while preparing to kiss Lindows

Immoral slackers of Linux gate began improving their concentration while preparing to kiss paris hilton

Immoral slackers of Linux gate began improving their kissing while preparing to kiss paris hilton.

Immoral slackers of Linux gate began improving their kissing while preparing to kiss miss Hilton.

Immoral slackers of Linux gate began improving their loving while preparing to kiss miss Hilton.

Immoral slackers of Linux gate began improving their loving while confusing to kiss miss Hilton.

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