ricksvoid -1 Light Poster

Hi, Im using Microsoft's Bing Map control in order to display Push Pins based on a series of latitudes and longitudes that i have strored in the database. Once I figure out how to display multiple hard coded push pins, I can figure out how to pass the values from the database into variables. My problem right now is simply trying to figure out how to display more then one push pin. I have an array with four coordinates but only the first one gets displayed.

var map = null;
          var pinid = 0;
          var points = new Array(
   new VELatLong(45.01188, -80.06687, 0, VEAltitudeMode.RelativeToGround),
   new VELatLong(45.01534, -104.06324, 0, VEAltitudeMode.RelativeToGround),
   new VELatLong(41.01929, -104.06, 0, VEAltitudeMode.RelativeToGround),
   new VELatLong(41.003, -111.05878, 0, VEAltitudeMode.RelativeToGround)
          //KEY = An8l2FLXh9E71WiBxSf-K7T_b3LTKgNxM0wgFieMmfS8ZotmowBLEwMWDjn1Soyn
          function GetMap() {
              map = new VEMap('myMap');
              var myPolygon = new VEShape(VEShapeType.Pushpin, points);


I dont have a whole lot of Javascript experience so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Rick Pace