Oxiegen 88 Basically an Occasional Poster Featured Poster


Now I have another problem.

I have successfully implemented cross-page postback with ASP.NET 1.1 using:

Protected Sub submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
  For Each o As Object In Page.Request.Form
       Dim ctlName As String = o.ToString()
       If Not ctlName.StartsWith(UniqueID & ":") Then
             GoTo cont
       End If

       Dim parts() As String
       parts = Split(ctlName, ":")
           Context.Items(parts(parts.Length - 1)) = Page.Request.Form(ctlName)
End Sub

However, i have several grouped radiobuttons. All in all, two groups.

The problem is that above subroutine only extracts the unique id of each rendered webcontrol (i.e. the name of the input field), not the ID of the control.
There is a snag during population of the form on the recieving page when using grouped radiobuttons, because the variable ctlName contains the name of the group, not the name of the control.

I have considered not grouping them, but that's not an option in this case.

I would like to extract and transfer the ID's instead of the names of the control.

Any ideas?