I have a MySQL database with a table that has a field/column labled "user8" (which is the field for users' state).

I have this PHP call and its working fine if I call all states individually and I only want numbers of rows.

mysql_select_db("freeskat_promail") or die(mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * 
FROM `users` 
WHERE `user8` LIKE '%Georgia%'
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

echo $num_rows - Georgia\n; 

I would like the MySQL call and the PHP to echo out the lists of all states by percentage.

United States 50%
Candana 30%

This is what I have so far.

mysql_select_db("freeskat_promail") or die(mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query("SELECT user8, COUNT(*) AS Total, SUM(in) AS TotalIn, SUM(in)*100/COUNT(*) AS Percent FROM lm_users GROUP BY user8
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

echo $num_rows \n; 

It should work, but doesn't.

Any help would be appreciated.

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use subquery to get total records and then calculate percent by using count of data for each state using group by clause.

SELECT user8, concat((count( * ) *100 / (SELECT count( * ) FROM `lm_users`)) ,  "%") AS percent FROM `lm_users` GROUP BY user8

This is good.

But, trying to round up % to 0 decimal point.

Florida 3% not 3.3317%

Something like...

round(percent,0) as rnd FROM user8

Also I'm getting the error...

Warning: Division by zero in /

I'm not echoing it correctly, I'm sure.

My code...

$result = mysql_query("SELECT user8, concat((count( * ) *100 / (SELECT count( * ) FROM lm_users)) , "%") AS percent FROM lm_users GROUP BY user8
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

echo "<FONT COLOR=\"#CCCCCC\">   $num_rows -\n</FONT>"; ?>

Thanks so much for your help.

You are trying to add round on string as i am concatenating it with %.So try by adding round before concat method,it sould work.

SELECT state, concat(round(count( * ) *100 / (SELECT count( * ) FROM `test123`)) ,  "%") AS percent FROM `test123` GROUP BY state

This is good. Thank you.

If you don't mind, just another question.

I have the data displaying on the page, however I need an "IF" statement and I've tried several conditions. None are working.

I do not want to echo/show data that has 0%. Just data that has at least 1%.

Here is the code:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT user8, concat(round(count( * ) *100 /
(SELECT count( * ) FROM lm_users)) , \"%\") AS percent
FROM lm_users GROUP BY user8");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

for ($i=0; $i<mysql_num_fields($result); $i++)
echo $row[$i] . " ";
echo "<br>";

Thanks so much for your help

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