hey im new to microsoft access and databases.im trying to create database with
Tables for
1.Researchers(have that)
2.Test performed by researchers (at least 5 different tests)(have that and my 5 test are diabetic,blood type,high blood pressure,positive for drug tests and eye sight)
3.and Results of the tests given by researchers
Data entry
1.forms(dont have that)
2.new researcher being able to be added to database
3.Test results(dont have that)
Populate the DB with sample data(have that)
I dont understand forms and querys and how to connect the data.Please help me and i used random data generator to tes this.Thanks

The kind of generalized help you are looking for is not the sort of help we supply here. If you need assistance with such fundamental concepts of MSAccess as queries and forms, and how to use a form and how to link data to it, you should probably either buy a book, use the MSAccess help file/tutorial, or go to a tutorial site on the web (google is great for finding those).

Sorry, but good luck to you anyway.

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