Does anyone know how to remove the title bar from a popup window? I have a close label so I do not need any of the windows buttons in the title bar. I have read that you cannot disable the title bar for ie 5 and later and need a work around.

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No, you can't do this in any cross-platform way. There's many good reasons why not - for one, a site could launch popups that were difficult to close without using hotkeys or a task manager. The fact you feel that a given window 'doesn't need a titlebar' is a little irrelevant - it's not your choice to make.

If you really want a workaround; use a top-layer absolutely positioned element holding your popup message, with the visibility of the layer controlled via Javascript. It wont be a popup, but it'll look like one.

I wish people would do that, instead of using real popups.

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