eswar.aspire 0 Newbie Poster

I have doubt on passing value from Java script to action script.I have flash player which load the songs from the XML and it was in Iframe parent window.
When user login in child window iframe HTML_login page, the username from java script passes the value to flash and load the flash in the same Iframe of parent window with selected path.

My concept:

Action script:

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
ExternalInterface.addCallback("sendTextToFlash", getTextFromJavaScript);

function getTextFromJavaScript(str:String):void
var path = +str+ "/song_list.xml";
mp3player.loadxml ("xml/song_list.xml");

Java script:

function load_right(url_src,user_name) {
document.getElementById("mp3player").src = url_src;

Any help is appreciated…Any suggestion or guidance.

Thanks in advance,
With Regards,
Eswaran Saravanan,
University west,