Member Avatar for bben95

Does anyone know how to get this javascript code working please?

<script language="JavaScript">
var blnSiteUp="1"
var camera="Please wait for my javascript to check if the webcam is online...";
document.write (camera)
function setblnsiteup()
var blnSiteUp="0";
<img id=test onerror="javascript:setblnsiteup();" style="visibility:hidden" src="">
<script language="JavaScript">
document.write (blnSiteUp)
<script language="JavaScript">
if (blnSiteUp="0")
  document.write("site is not up")
else if (blnSiteUp="1")
 document.write("site is up")

What I want it to do is check if the site is up (by checking the image shown) and report back.
After I manage to get this working I want to add this code to something else that shows a webcam stream (in cgi format) for browsers other than internet explorer and it shows internet explorer an image that updates itself every second ( because IE tries to save the file if its a cgi video stream)

Thanks in advance to anyone that helps!

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CSS in document HEAD:

.siteCheckMsg {
  display: none;

Javascript in document HEAD:

onload = function() {
  var siteCheckMsg1 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg1');
  var siteCheckMsg2 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg2');
  var siteCheckMsg3 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg3'); = 'block';
  var siteCheckImg = new Image();//This is a socalled "off-screen image".
  siteCheckImg.onerror = function() { = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'none';
  siteCheckImg.onload = function() { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'block';
  var d = new Date();//For cachebusting in next line
  siteCheckImg.src = "" + d.getTime();

HTML in document BODY:

<div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg1">Checking webcam availability ...</div>
<div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg2">Site is not up</div>
<div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg3">Site is up</div>


Member Avatar for bben95

Thanks for that but I put it all in a html file with html tags head and body and all that but it just gives the output "1.2.3." (without speech marks) on the page.

Here is how I put it together:

<style TYPE="text/css">
.siteCheckMsg {
  display: none;
      onload = function() {
      var siteCheckMsg1 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg1');
      var siteCheckMsg2 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg2');
      var siteCheckMsg3 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg3');
   5. = 'block';
      var siteCheckImg = new Image();//This is a socalled "off-screen image".
      siteCheckImg.onerror = function() {
   8. = 'none';
   9. = 'block';
  10. = 'none';
      siteCheckImg.onload = function() {
  13. = 'none';
  14. = 'none';
  15. = 'block';
      var d = new Date();//For cachebusting in next line
      siteCheckImg.src = "" + d.getTime();
      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg1">Checking webcam availability ...</div>
      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg2">Site is not up</div>
      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg3">Site is up</div>

Whats gone wrong?

And thanks again for your help it's really appreciated.

Member Avatar for bben95

Oh dear.... I didn't realise it copied the line numbers. Lol. Ill try again without them when I get to my computer. (I'm on my phone)


Yikes, which browser copies the line numbers to clipboard? Safari? Konqueror? Web TV?

Either go through and remove the line numbers from your page or start over, from scratch, but this time copy my three blocks of code from the Daniweb page as follows:

  1. Click "toggle plain text"
  2. Click anywhere in the clode block
  3. Cntl-A to select all.
  4. Cntl-C to copy to clipboard


OK, I just read your post - phone - that explains.

Member Avatar for bben95

It was firefox actually! Maybe I just copied it badly. I think it would be easier to just remove the numbers so ill do that.

BBen, correction to my javascript ...

Line 16 should be close curly brace }, not close round bracket ).


Member Avatar for bben95

I wasn't on my phone when I copied it, only that post and this one were sent from my phone

So that was FF on a desktop/laptop? Under which OS?

Member Avatar for bben95

Yes laptop. On vista.

I corrected the code removing all of the line numbers and changing the )

Here it is:

<style TYPE="text/css">
.siteCheckMsg {
  display: none;

      onload = function() {

      var siteCheckMsg1 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg1');

      var siteCheckMsg2 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg2');

      var siteCheckMsg3 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg3'); = 'block';

      var siteCheckImg = new Image();//This is a socalled "off-screen image".

      siteCheckImg.onerror = function() { = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'none';

      siteCheckImg.onload = function() { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'block';


      var d = new Date();//For cachebusting in next line

      siteCheckImg.src = "" + d.getTime();


      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg1">Checking webcam availability ...</div>

      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg2">Site is not up</div>

      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg3">Site is up</div>

And it seems to be working great.
Would it be possible to add a timeout, so if the image dosen't load in 2 seconds it will say its offline?

Member Avatar for bben95

And please tell me if I'm asking to much but I want to have a script that sends the user to the webcam image in different formats for MSIE and other browsers.
Would that be possible? And could I replace these:

<div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg1">Checking webcam availability ...</div>

      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg2">Site is not up</div>

      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg3">Site is up</div>

messages site is up and site is not up with the script?

I know the basic outline of how the script goes. Something like this:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
var browserName=navigator.appName; 
 if (browserName=="MSIE")
  document.write('<img src=" id=stream');
    document.write('<img src="" id=stream');

Thanks so much

Member Avatar for bben95

By the way feel free to visit those links and you'll see my webcam!
I'm going to sleep now so won't be able to respond until tomorrow afternoon.


Me too - sleep that is. Speak tomorrow.


Member Avatar for bben95

I've improved the code a but so it shows the webcam now. I think I'll leave it instead of adding the script to check the browser. I still want to add a timeout to it though, as if the webcam is offline is just shows the page as loading forever.
Here is the code at the moment:

<style TYPE="text/css">
.siteCheckMsg {
  display: none;
      onload = function() {
      var siteCheckMsg1 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg1');
      var siteCheckMsg2 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg2');
      var siteCheckMsg3 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg3'); = 'block';
      var siteCheckImg = new Image();//This is a socalled "off-screen image".
      siteCheckImg.onerror = function() 
	  { = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'none';
      siteCheckImg.onload = function() { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'block';
      var d = new Date();//For cachebusting in next line
      siteCheckImg.src = "" + d.getTime();
      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg1">Checking webcam availability ...</div>
      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg2">Unfortunately, the webcam in not online. <br> <a href="javascript:location.reload(true)">Try again?</a>
      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg3">
	  <!-- show webcam begin --> 
      <IMG src="" width="640" height="480" border="0" name="refresh"> 
      <SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
      var t = 1 // interval in seconds 
      image = "" //name of the image 
      function Start() { 
      tmp = new Date(); 
      tmp = "&"+tmp.getTime() 
      document.images["refresh"].src = image+tmp 
      setTimeout("Start()", t*1000) 
      <!-- show webcam end -->

Hi Ben,

I see you're at the computer ... give me a wave.

Here's some code which pretty well does what you want. I stuffed loads of comments in there to explain what's what.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<title>Airshow :: Untitled</title>
<style type="text/css">
.msg {
	display: none;
#webcam {
	display: none;
	border: 1px solid #000;

onload = function(){
  var constants = {
    siteTestTimeout : 2000, //milliseconds
	msWbcamRefreshInterval : 5000 //milliseconds
  var messages = [ //Array of "message" nodes
  ]; = function(x) { //Utility that allows a particular message to be shown (and hides all others)
    for(var i=1; i<this.length; i++) {
      this[i].style.display = (i == x) ? 'block' : 'none';
  var webcam = document.getElementById('webcam');//The webcam inmage node.
  webcam.onerror = function() {//Webcam image error handler;
  webcam.onload = function() {//Webcam image successful onload handler;// Hide all messages
  var webcamURLs = [ // Array of urls
  var int_1;//in case we add a "stop" button some time
  var loadWebcam = function() { = 'inline';//Show the webcam inage
    if(navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') > -1) { //MSIE
      (function loadStatic() {
        var d = new Date();//For cachebusting in next line
        webcam.src = webcamURLs[0] + d.getTime();
      })();//Define the MSIE loader function, and execute it immediately
	  int_1 = setInterval(loadStatic, constants.msWbcamRefreshInterval);
    else {//other browsers
      webcam.src = webcamURLs[1];//Streamed source
  };//initially show the "checking ..." message
  var siteCheckImg = new Image();//Off-screen "check" image
  siteCheckImg.onerror = function() {//"check" image's error handler
    clearTimeout(tim_1);//Make sure we don't also get the timeout message.;//Show "site not up" message
  siteCheckImg.onload = function() {
    clearTimeout(tim_1);//Make sure we don't also get the timeout message.;//Show "site is up" message
	loadWebcam();//Initiate the webcam stream/images
  var tim_1 = setTimeout(function() {
    siteCheckImg.src = '';//Kill checkmessage loading;//Show "timeout" message
  }, constants.siteTestTimeout);
  var d = new Date();//For cachebusting in next line
  siteCheckImg.src = "" + d.getTime();//Load the "site check" image


<img id="webcam" src="" border="0">
<div class="msg" id="msg1">Checking webcam availability ...</div>
<div class="msg" id="msg2">Site is not up</div>
<div class="msg" id="msg3">Site is up</div>
<div class="msg" id="msg4">Timeout</div>
<div class="msg" id="msg5">Site is up but webcam failed to load</div>



commented: really helpful thanks airshow +1
Member Avatar for bben95

Oh hey airshow. I did'nt see that you posted. I didn't recieve an email from the board to tell me :(.
I've updated what I posted before some more. Here it is:

<style TYPE="text/css">
.siteCheckMsg {
  display: none;
      onload = function() {
      var siteCheckMsg1 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg1');
      var siteCheckMsg2 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg2');
      var siteCheckMsg3 = document.getElementById('siteCheckMsg3'); = 'block';
      var siteCheckImg = new Image();//This is a socalled "off-screen image".
      siteCheckImg.onerror = function() 
	  { = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'none';
      siteCheckImg.onload = function() { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'block';
      var d = new Date();//For cachebusting in next line
      siteCheckImg.src = "" + d.getTime();
function usrcheck()
{alert ("Please click ok to continue viewing the webcam (This is to save badwidth - the stream is paused while this alert is open)"); 
timecheck()} //resets the timer by sending it back to timecheck
var time="3" //time in minutes
function timecheck() 
setTimeout ("usrcheck()",time*60000);} //checks if the user is still here after 300 seconds 
      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg1">Checking webcam availability ...</div>
      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg2">Unfortunately, the webcam in not online. <br> <a href="javascript:location.reload(true)">Try again?</a>
      <div class="siteCheckMsg" id="siteCheckMsg3">
	  <!-- show webcam begin --> 

      <IMG src="" width="640" height="480" border="0" name="refresh"> 
      <SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
      var t = 1 // interval in seconds 
      image = "" //name of the image 
	  function Start() { 
      tmp = new Date(); 
      tmp = "&"+tmp.getTime() 
      document.images["refresh"].src = image+tmp 
      setTimeout("Start()", t*1000) 

      <!-- show webcam end -->

I'll take a look at what you wrote.

Member Avatar for bben95

Oh wow what a coincidence. I was just checking the page when you posted that. That's why I didn't get the email, I got it now, about a minute after you posted.

OK, I'll have a look at yours.

Member Avatar for bben95

I'll add both of them together (The scripts)

There's some overlap of functionality so they will most probably "interact". (ie mess each other up).

Member Avatar for bben95

oh dear
well I've already done it:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<title>Airshow :: Untitled</title>
<style type="text/css">
.msg {
	display: none;
#webcam {
	display: none;
	border: 1px solid #000;
onload = function(){
  var constants = {
    siteTestTimeout : 2000, //milliseconds
	msWbcamRefreshInterval : 5000 //milliseconds
  var messages = [ //Array of "message" nodes
  ]; = function(x) { //Utility that allows a particular message to be shown (and hides all others)
    for(var i=1; i<this.length; i++) {
      this[i].style.display = (i == x) ? 'block' : 'none';
  var webcam = document.getElementById('webcam');//The webcam inmage node.
  webcam.onerror = function() {//Webcam image error handler;
  webcam.onload = function() {//Webcam image successful onload handler;// Hide all messages
  var webcamURLs = [ // Array of urls
  var int_1;//in case we add a "stop" button some time
  var loadWebcam = function() { = 'inline';//Show the webcam inage
    if(navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') > -1) { //MSIE
      (function loadStatic() {
        var d = new Date();//For cachebusting in next line
        webcam.src = webcamURLs[0] + d.getTime();
      })();//Define the MSIE loader function, and execute it immediately
	  int_1 = setInterval(loadStatic, constants.msWbcamRefreshInterval);
    else {//other browsers
      webcam.src = webcamURLs[1];//Streamed source
  };//initially show the "checking ..." message
  var siteCheckImg = new Image();//Off-screen "check" image
  siteCheckImg.onerror = function() {//"check" image's error handler
    clearTimeout(tim_1);//Make sure we don't also get the timeout message.;//Show "site not up" message
  siteCheckImg.onload = function() {
    clearTimeout(tim_1);//Make sure we don't also get the timeout message.;//Show "site is up" message
	loadWebcam();//Initiate the webcam stream/images
  var tim_1 = setTimeout(function() {
    siteCheckImg.src = '';//Kill checkmessage loading;//Show "timeout" message
  }, constants.siteTestTimeout);
  var d = new Date();//For cachebusting in next line
  siteCheckImg.src = "" + d.getTime();//Load the "site check" image
function usrcheck()
{alert ("Please click ok to continue viewing the webcam (This is to save badwidth - the stream is paused while this alert is open)"); 
timecheck()} //resets the timer by sending it back to timecheck
var time="3" //time in minutes
function timecheck() 
setTimeout ("usrcheck()",time*60000);} //checks if the user is still here after 300 seconds 
<img id="webcam" src="" border="0">
<div class="msg" id="msg1">Checking webcam availability ...</div>
<div class="msg" id="msg2">Site is not up</div>
<div class="msg" id="msg3">
<!-- show webcam begin --> 
<IMG src="" width="640" height="480" border="0" name="refresh"> 
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
var t = 1 // interval in seconds 
image = "" //name of the image 
timecheck() //to save bandwidth
function Start() {
tmp = new Date(); 
tmp = "&"+tmp.getTime() 
document.images["refresh"].src = image+tmp 
setTimeout("Start()", t*1000) 
Start(); //back to the start
<!-- show webcam end --></div>
<div class="msg" id="msg4">Timeout</div>
<div class="msg" id="msg5">Site is up but webcam failed to load</div>

It seems to work all right but I think we should remove the overlap anyway. Which feature of the script is it?

Member Avatar for bben95

I decided I didn't want it to detect the browser before because internet explorer and other mobile browsers need the snapshot.cgi one and firfox,chrome and other good (hehe) browsers need videostream.cgi file. I decided it would be easier to show all browsers the same thing otherwise I would have to specify all of the mobile browsers with internet explorer and all the other browsers in another group, which would be impossible to maintain as new browsers come out.
The videostream.cgi also dosent stop streaming when my alert comes up. (The one to save bandwidth)

I'm looking at it now ......

Aha ... your bandwidth saver - that's the only thing my code doesn't do .... I think.

My browser sniffer is very crude - it distnguishes between "IE" and "eveything else".

It could be made more comprehensive if necessary. There are some very good sniffer scripts out there.

Member Avatar for bben95

I'd really rather not have the browser sniffer in, it would be too difficult unless we could just say all mobile browser and IE, and then all desktop browsers.

Could you help me remove the browser sniffer but leave the image timeout in please?
I would do it myself but I'm having trouble working out which bits of code are for the browser sniffer and which are for other parts.

Hey, you're back.

It would certainly be nice to avoid browser sniffing but that would requirte some research. As it stands you need to browser-sniff because it appears that there's no onerror event to trigger the use of snapshot.cgi after videostream.cgi has failed.

The good news (at least as a stop-gap) is that there's a reasonable chance of finding a sniffer which will tell you very simply whether the browser is IE or mobile. The test will be something like if(is.IE || {.....} else {.....} I have refactored my version of the code to accommodate play/pause on either user-demand or in response to a bandwith saver. Here it is:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<title>Airshow :: Untitled</title>
<style type="text/css">
.msg {
	display: none;
#webcam {
	display: none;
	border: 1px solid #000;

onload = function(){
  var constants = {
    siteTestTimeout : 25000, //milliseconds
    msWebcamRefreshInterval : 2000, //milliseconds
    bandwidthSaverTimeout : 300000 //milliseconds
  var webcamURLs = [ // Array of urls
  var tim_1, tim_2, int_1;
  var messages = [ //Array of "message" nodes
  ]; = function(x) { //Utility that allows a particular message to be shown (and hides all others)
    for(var i=1; i<this.length; i++) {
      this[i].style.display = (i === x) ? 'block' : 'none';
  var webcam = document.getElementById('webcam');//The webcam inmage node.
  var playPause = document.getElementById('playPause');
  playPause.setPlaying = function() { this.innerHTML = 'Pause'; };
  playPause.setPaused = function() { this.innerHTML = 'Play'; };
  playPause.onclick = function() {
    if(this.innerHTML === 'Play') {; }
	else if(this.innerHTML === 'Pause') { webcam.pause(); }
  if(navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') > -1) { //MSIE = function() {
      int_1 = setInterval(webcam.loadStatic, constants.msWebcamRefreshInterval);
      tim_2 = setTimeout(webcam.bandwidthSaver, constants.bandwidthSaverTimeout);
    webcam.pause = function() {
  else {//other browsers = function() {
      webcam.src = webcamURLs[1];//Streamed source
      tim_2 = setTimeout(webcam.bandwidthSaver, constants.bandwidthSaverTimeout);
    webcam.pause = function() {
  webcam.loadStatic = function() {//Loader function for webcam static image
    var d = new Date();//For cachebusting in next line
    webcam.src = webcamURLs[0] + d.getTime();
  webcam.bandwidthSaver = function() {
    if(!confirm("To save badwidth, the stream has been paused.\nClick OK to close this dialog\nClick Cancel to continue viewing the webcam")) {;
  webcam.onerror = function() {//Webcam image error handler;
  webcam.onload = function() {//Webcam image successful onload handler;// Hide all messages
  };;//Initially show the "checking ..." message
  var siteCheckImg = new Image();//Off-screen "check" image
  siteCheckImg.onerror = function() {//"check" image's error handler
    clearTimeout(tim_1);//Make sure we don't also get the timeout message.;//Show "site not up" message
  siteCheckImg.onload = function() {
    clearTimeout(tim_1);//Make sure we don't also get the timeout message.;//Show "site is up" message = 'inline';//Show the webcam image;//Initiate the webcam stream/images
  tim_1 = setTimeout(function() {
    siteCheckImg.src = '';//Kill checkImage loading;//Show "timeout" message
  }, constants.siteTestTimeout);
  var d = new Date();//For cachebusting in next line
  siteCheckImg.src = webcamURLs[2] + '?d=' + d.getTime();//Load the "site check" image


<img id="webcam" src="" border="0">
<div id="controls"><a id="playPause" href="#">Play</a></div>

<div class="msg" id="msg1">Checking webcam availability ...</div>
<div class="msg" id="msg2">Site is not up</div>
<div class="msg" id="msg3">Site is up</div>
<div class="msg" id="msg4">Timeout</div>
<div class="msg" id="msg5">Site is up but webcam failed to load</div>


I think this meets all requirements to date without any additional js.


Where in London are you?

Member Avatar for bben95

I'm in north west london.

When I said I didn't want a browser sniffer I wanted to make the code a lot more simple: I just wanted to show all browsers the still image that updates. The snapshot.cgi with the script that I put in before.
I suppose if we can make it detect mobile browsers too that would be great. More functionality is often better in a script.

I just tested that code and the pause thing dosent work. After I paused it, it wanted a user and password to view it again. It dosent matter too much, as I dont think my webcam viewers will need to pause it, or even bother to if they go afk. Leaving it with just the alert it fine I think.

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