    <script language="javascript">
    function validate(dt1,dt2)
    var jdt1=Date.parse('20 Aug 2000 '+dt1);
    var jdt2=Date.parse('20 Aug 2000 '+dt2);
    alert('invalid start time');
    return false;
    alert('invalid end time');
    return false;
    if (jdt1>jdt2)
    alert('start is greater');
    alert('start is less equal');
    <form name=frm id=frm action=temp.php method="get" accept="text/csv">
    start <INPUT id=txt1 name=txt1 value='10:30:05 am'>&nbsp; <br>
    end <INPUT id=txt2 name=txt2 value='10:40:05 am'>&nbsp;
    <input type=button value=ok id=button2 name=button2 onclick ='validate(document.frm.txt1.value,document.frm.txt2.value)'>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <script language='javascript'>
    <div id="txtHint">&nbsp;

Any body help to get the differnce in munutes .

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Try this

    function validate(dt1, dt2)
        var jdt1 = Date.parse('20 Aug 2000 ' + dt1);
        var jdt2 = Date.parse('20 Aug 2000 ' + dt2);
        var diffMs;
        var diffMins

        if (isNaN(jdt1))
            alert('invalid start time');
            return false;

        if (isNaN(jdt2))
            alert('invalid end time');
            return false;

        if (jdt1 > jdt2)
            diffMs = (jdt1 - jdt2);

            diffMins = Math.round(((diffMs % 86400000) % 3600000) / 60000); // minutes

            alert('start is greater by ' + diffMins + ' minutes');
            diffMs = (jdt2 - jdt1);

            diffMins = Math.round(((diffMs % 86400000) % 3600000) / 60000); // minutes

            alert('start is less equal by ' + diffMins + ' minutes');

        return true;

Excellent DaveAmour, It is working..

Very Usefull code,

Very Thanks

Youre welcome. I also added return true since you were not doing that.

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