I have created a class Vacancy which has some variables :
public $salary;
public $id;

I am looping through the result of a query and creating a vacancy for each match
Then I adding the vacancy to an array.

$tempVacancy=new Vacancy();
$tempVacancy->salary = mysql_result($result,$i,"salary");
$tempVacancy->id =mysql_result($result, $i, "yid");

//Then when i what to put the created vacancy in an array something happens $vacancies[$i] = $tempvacancy; <===============Somehow this is not working because

when i try to access vacancies[$i] it is giving the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function printVacancy() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\home\search.php on line 210

Is there a special way to create an array of objects in php??

Thanks in advance!

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Well, if the code you provided is what you're using, then the problem is simply that the "V" is capital in $tempVacany in the top code, but when you are putting it into the array you wrote $tempvacany - which is not the same thing.

Can you verify that this is not the issue?

No no it's not the issue.. this is just to show u my code logic..

Can you post some more of the code (like the loop where $i is assigned/used and where the call happens on line 210)?

This is the Vacancy Class

class vacancy {
   	public $vacancyid; 
	public $salary; 
	public $workinghours; 
	public $major; 
	public $company; 
	public $requirements; 
	public $jobdescription;
	public $type;
	function getId()
		return $this->vacancyid;
	function printVacancy()
		echo "<table width=\"600\" height = \"60\" bordercolor= \"#33CCCC\" border= \"1\" bgcolor= \"#FFFFCC\"><tr>";
		echo "<td>
		<td><p><strong>Job Description: </strong>$this->jobdescription <br> 
			<strong>Type: </strong>$this->type <br>
			<strong>Requirements: </strong>$this->requirement<br>
			<strong>Salary: </strong>$this->salary<br>
			<strong>Working Hours: </strong>$this->workinghour<br> 
			<strong>Major: </strong>$this->major <br>
			<strong>Vacancy Number: </strong>$this->vacancyid </p>";
		echo "</td></tr></table>";

This is the code where I am creating the vacancy (from the mySQL database) and "attempting" to insert it to the array $vacancies

$vacancies = array();
if (isset($_POST['vacancyid']) && $_POST['vacancyid'] !== '')
	$result = mysql_query("select * from vacancy where vacancyid = '$vacancyid'", $db);
	while ($i < mysql_numrows($result)) 
		$tempVacancy=new Vacancy();
		$tempVacancy->company = mysql_result($result,$i,"company");
		$tempVacancy->jobdescription = mysql_result($result,$i,"description");
		$tempVacancy->requirement = mysql_result($result,$i,"requirement");
		$tempVacancy->salary = mysql_result($result,$i,"salary");
		$tempVacancy->workinghour = mysql_result($result,$i,"workinghour");
		$tempVacancy->major =mysql_result($result,$i,"major");
		$tempVacancy->type =mysql_result($result, $i, "type");
		$tempVacancy->vacancyid =mysql_result($result, $i, "vacancyid");
		$vacancies[] = $tempvacancy;		

And this is the statement that is causing the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function printVacancy() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\home\search.php on line 211 $vacancies[0]->printVacancy();

I can't believe i just wasted 4 hours because over capitalization issue!!

No worries - and glad I caught it. I do the same thing from time to time too and I'm sure it happens to everyone! Glad it's working now!

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