i'm trying to make a pdf, but i get the following error:
as you can see in the code i echo the $factuurnummer, that's the 1 in the error, then i echo the patth it should go to what is temp/wk1.pdf
and then i echo the error.
does anyone know what i'm doing wrong here?
seems like the pdf can't write itself to the temp dir.

this is my code:


$temp = $_GET['id'];
$i = 1;
$query = "SELECT wijnen.naam, orders.aantal, wijnen.prijs6, wijnen.prijs12, wijnen.prijs24 FROM wijnen INNER JOIN orders ON orders.productnr = wijnen.id INNER JOIN orderinfo ON orderinfo.id = orders.ordernr WHERE orderinfo.id = '$temp'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error());
while(list($naam, $aantal, $prijs6, $prijs12, $prijs24) = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))
		if ($aantal < 12){
			${"prodpps".$i} = $prijs6; //prijs per stuk
			${"prodpps".$i} = number_format(${"prodpps".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodaantal".$i} = $aantal; //aantal per product
			${"prodprijs".$i} = $prijs6 * $aantal; //prijs totaal per item
			${"prodprijs".$i} = number_format(${"prodprijs".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodnaam".$i} = $naam; //prijs van product
			elseif($aantal < 24){
			${"prodpps".$i} = $prijs12; //prijs per stuk
			${"prodpps".$i} = number_format(${"prodpps".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodaantal".$i} = $aantal; //aantal per product
			${"prodprijs".$i} = $prijs12 * $aantal; //prijs totaal per item
			${"prodprijs".$i} = number_format(${"prodprijs".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodnaam".$i} = $naam; //prijs van product
			elseif($aantal > 23){
			${"prodpps".$i} = $prijs24; //prijs per stuk
			${"prodpps".$i} = number_format(${"prodpps".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodaantal".$i} = $aantal; //aantal per product
			${"prodprijs".$i} = $prijs24 * $aantal; //prijs totaal per item
			${"prodprijs".$i} = number_format(${"prodprijs".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodnaam".$i} = $naam; //prijs van product
			${"productenpdf".$i} = "
			<td align='right'>
			<td align='right'>
			<td align='right'>
$query3 = "SELECT COUNT(wijnen.naam) FROM wijnen INNER JOIN orders ON orders.productnr = wijnen.id INNER JOIN orderinfo ON orderinfo.id = orders.ordernr WHERE orders.ordernr = '$temp'";
$result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die(mysql_error());
while(list($teller) = mysql_fetch_array($result3, MYSQL_NUM))
$AllOrders = "";
	$AllOrders .= ${"productenpdf".$int};
$query2 = "SELECT bedrijf, geslacht, contactpersoon, adres, huisnummer, postcode, plaats, land, email, telefoon, abedrijf, ageslacht, acontactpersoon, aadres, ahuisnummer, apostcode, aplaats, aland, aemail, atelefoon FROM klantgegevens WHERE id = '$temp'";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error());
while(list($bedrijfa, $geslachta, $contactpersoon, $adresa, $huisnummera, $postcode, $plaatsa, $landa, $emaila, $telefoon, $abedrijf, $ageslacht, $acontactpersoon, $aadres, $ahuisnummer, $apostcode, $aplaats, $aland, $aemail, $atelefoon) = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_NUM))
		$bedrijf = $bedrijfa;
		$geslacht = $geslachta;
		$naam = $contactpersoon;
		$adres = $adresa . $huisnummera;
		$postcode = $postcode;
		$plaats = $plaatsa;
		$land = $landa;
		$email = $emaila;
		$telefoon = $telefoon;
		$s_bedrijf = $abedrijf;
		$s_naam = $acontactpersoon;
		$s_adres = $aadres . $ahuisnummer;
		$s_postcode = $apostcode;
		$s_plaats = $aplaats;
		$s_land = $aland;
		$s_telefoon = $atelefoon;
$query4 = "SELECT besteldatum, bedrag FROM orderinfo WHERE id = '$temp'";
$result4 = mysql_query($query4) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error());
while(list($besteldatum, $bedrag) = mysql_fetch_array($result4, MYSQL_NUM))
	$datum = $besteldatum;
	$prijs = $bedrag;
$datum = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($datum));
$sitenaam = "Kerstens Wijnhandel";
$query5 = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM orderinfo WHERE betaald = 'ja'";
$result5 = mysql_query($query5) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error());
while(list($tellerfn) = mysql_fetch_array($result5, MYSQL_NUM))
$factuurnummer =$tellerfn;
echo $factuurnummer;
//gevulde variabelen
$query6 = "UPDATE orderinfo SET factuurnr = $factuurnummer WHERE id = '$temp'";
mysql_query($query6) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error());


$pdf = new pdffile;
$page = $pdf->new_page("letter");

$in = 0;

$sitenaamfont["height"] = 30;
$sitenaamfont["font"] = "Helvetica";

// Sitenaam

$fh = fopen("../images/logo.jpg", "r"); 
$filedata = fread($fh, filesize("../images/logo.jpg")); 
$image = $pdf->jfif_embed($filedata); 
$pdf->image_place($image, 600, 0, $page); 

// Dikke lijn

$pdf->draw_rectangle(605, 0, 605, 470, $page);
$pdf->draw_rectangle(604, 0, 604, 470, $page);
$pdf->draw_rectangle(603, 0, 603, 470, $page);

	// Factuur of Credit-factuur?

	$factuurfont["height"] = 20;
	$factuurfont["font"] = "Helvetica-Bold";

	if ($prijs<0) {
		$pdf->draw_text(15, 580, "Credit-Factuur", $page, $factuurfont);
	else {
		$pdf->draw_text(15, 580, "Factuur", $page, $factuurfont);
		// NAW gegevens

		$nawfont["height"] = 12;
		$nawfont["font"] = "Times-Roman";
		$pdf->draw_text(20, 560, "$bedrijf", $page, $nawfont);
		$pdf->draw_text(20, 548, "$naam", $page, $nawfont);
		$pdf->draw_text(20, 536, "$adres", $page, $nawfont);
		$pdf->draw_text(20, 524, "$postcode $plaats", $page, $nawfont);
		$pdf->draw_text(20, 512, $land, $page, $nawfont);

			// Factuurnummer

			$factnrbold["height"] = 12;
			$factnrbold["font"] = "Times-Bold";
			$pdf->draw_text(315, 548, "Factuurnummer:", $page, $factnrbold);

			$factnrnormal["height"] = 12;
			$factnrnormal["font"] = "Times-Roman";
			$pdf->draw_text(415, 548, "KW$factuurnummer", $page, $factnrnormal);

			// Datum

			$datumbold["height"] = 12;
			$datumbold["font"] = "Times-Bold";
			$pdf->draw_text(363, 500, "Datum:", $page, $datumbold);

			$datumnormal["height"] = 12;
			$datumnormal["font"] = "Times-Roman";
			$pdf->draw_text(410, 500, "$datum", $page, $datumnormal);

// Dikke lijn

$pdf->draw_rectangle(490, 0, 490, 470, $page);
$pdf->draw_rectangle(489, 0, 489, 470, $page);
$pdf->draw_rectangle(488, 0, 488, 470, $page);

// Van alles wat

$vanalleswatbold["height"] = 12;
$vanalleswatbold["font"] = "Times-Bold";
$pdf->draw_text(10, 468, "Artikelnr", $page, $vanalleswatbold);
$pdf->draw_text(80, 468, "Aantal", $page, $vanalleswatbold);
$pdf->draw_text(125, 468, "Omschrijving", $page, $vanalleswatbold);
$pdf->draw_text(420, 468, "Prijs", $page, $vanalleswatbold);

// Artikelen


$artikelen["height"] = 12;
$artikelen["font"] = "Times-Roman";

$totaal = "";
$query = "SELECT wijnen.id, wijnen.naam, orders.aantal, wijnen.prijs6, wijnen.prijs12, wijnen.prijs24 FROM wijnen INNER JOIN orders ON orders.productnr = wijnen.id INNER JOIN orderinfo ON orderinfo.id = orders.ordernr WHERE orderinfo.id = '$temp'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error());
while(list($id, $naam, $aantal, $prijs6, $prijs12, $prijs24) = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))
		if ($aantal < 12){
			${"prodpps".$i} = $prijs6; //prijs per stuk
			${"prodpps".$i} = number_format(${"prodpps".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodaantal".$i} = $aantal; //aantal per product
			${"prodprijs".$i} = $prijs6 * $aantal; //prijs totaal per item
			${"prodprijs".$i} = number_format(${"prodprijs".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodnaam".$i} = $naam; //prijs van product
			elseif($aantal < 24){
			${"prodpps".$i} = $prijs12; //prijs per stuk
			${"prodpps".$i} = number_format(${"prodpps".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodaantal".$i} = $aantal; //aantal per product
			${"prodprijs".$i} = $prijs12 * $aantal; //prijs totaal per item
			${"prodprijs".$i} = number_format(${"prodprijs".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodnaam".$i} = $naam; //prijs van product
			elseif($aantal > 23){
			${"prodpps".$i} = $prijs24; //prijs per stuk
			${"prodpps".$i} = number_format(${"prodpps".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodaantal".$i} = $aantal; //aantal per product
			${"prodprijs".$i} = $prijs24 * $aantal; //prijs totaal per item
			${"prodprijs".$i} = number_format(${"prodprijs".$i},2,".","");
			${"prodnaam".$i} = $naam; //prijs van product
			$pdf->draw_text(10, 450-$in, "$id", $page, $artikelen);
			$pdf->draw_text(80, 450-$in, ${"prodaantal".$i}, $page, $artikelen);
			$pdf->draw_text(125, 450-$in, ${"prodnaam".$i}, $page, $artikelen);
			$pdf->draw_text(420, 450-$in, "€ ".${"prodprijs".$i}, $page, $artikelen);

		$pdf->draw_text(20, 115, "Verzonden naar:", $page, $vanalleswatbold);
		$pdf->draw_text(20, 103, "$s_bedrijf", $page, $nawfont);
		$pdf->draw_text(20, 91, "$s_naam", $page, $nawfont);
		$pdf->draw_text(20, 79, "$s_adres", $page, $nawfont);
		$pdf->draw_text(20, 67, "$s_postcode $s_plaats", $page, $nawfont);
		$pdf->draw_text(20, 55, $land, $page, $nawfont);

	// Medium lijn

	$pdf->draw_rectangle(115, 390, 115, 470, $page);
	$pdf->draw_rectangle(114, 390, 114, 470, $page);

		// Woordje "Bedrag (excl btw)" en "BTW"

		$bedragbold["height"] = 12;
		$bedragbold["font"] = "Times-Bold";
		$pdf->draw_text(290, 95, "Bedrag (excl btw)", $page, $vanalleswatbold);
		$pdf->draw_text(350, 82, "BTW", $page, $vanalleswatbold);

			// Bedrag ex btw en BTW

			$intotaal=$totaal - $btw;

			$bedragnormal["height"] = 12;
			$bedragnormal["font"] = "Times-Roman";
			$pdf->draw_text(390, 95, "€ $intotaal", $page, $bedragnormal);
			$pdf->draw_text(390, 82, "€ $btw", $page, $bedragnormal);

				// Medium lijn

				$pdf->draw_rectangle(72, 390, 72, 470, $page);
				$pdf->draw_rectangle(71, 390, 71, 470, $page);

					// Woordje "totaal"

					$bedragbold["height"] = 12;
					$bedragbold["font"] = "Times-Bold";
					$pdf->draw_text(345, 51, "Totaal", $page, $bedragbold);

						// Totaal bedrag

						$bedragnormal["height"] = 12;
						$bedragnormal["font"] = "Times-Roman";
						$pdf->draw_text(390, 51, "€ $totaal", $page, $bedragnormal);

// Dikke lijn

$pdf->draw_text(15, 33, "Factuur voldaan", $page, $bedragbold);

$pdf->draw_rectangle(31, 0, 31, 470, $page);
$pdf->draw_rectangle(30, 0, 30, 470, $page);
$pdf->draw_rectangle(29, 0, 29, 470, $page);

// Footer

$footer["height"] = 8;
$footer["font"] = "Helvetica";
$footerbold["height"] = 8;
$footerbold["font"] = "Helvetica-Bold";

$pdf->draw_text(37, -7, "Kerstens Wijnhandel", $page, $footer);
$pdf->draw_text(37, -17, "Sprendlingenpark 25", $page, $footer);
$pdf->draw_text(42, -27, "5061 JT Oisterwijk", $page, $footer);

	$pdf->draw_text(210, 15, "ABN AMRO", $page, $footer);
	$pdf->draw_text(193, 5, "Rekeningnr", $page, $footer);
	$pdf->draw_text(177, -5, "IBAN NL 73 ABNA0 515663565", $page, $footer);
	$pdf->draw_text(207, -15, "BIC ABNANL2A", $page, $footer);

	$pdf->draw_text(193, -35, "BTW-nr. NL111397674B01", $page, $footer);
	$pdf->draw_text(179, -45, "KVK Handelsregister 18052581", $page, $footer);

		$pdf->draw_text(380, 3, "Tel: +31 13 521 00 13", $page, $footer);
		$pdf->draw_text(379, -7, "Fax: +31 13 521 00 14", $page, $footer);
		$pdf->draw_text(370, -17, "info@kerstenswijnhandel.nl", $page, $footer);
		$pdf->draw_text(352, -27, "http://www.kerstenswijnhandel.nl", $page, $footer);

$output = $pdf->generate();
$myFile = "temp/KW$factuurnummer.pdf";
echo $myFile;
if (file_exists($myFile)) unlink ($myFile);
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("Error!!");
fwrite($fh, $output); 

//header("Content-type: application/pdf");
//echo $output;
echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' CONTENT='0; URL=email.php?id=$temp'>";


I have found a very nice article about creating a pdf using php. <SPAM>


i can find enough tutorrials online, just the problem is i have it working on my windows machine with xampp, but when i transfer it to my webspace it's not working, i use the exact same class on the same webserver(for other website) only changed the content and that one works. so i'm looking for what i'm doing wrong here

never mind, it was a protection setting i didn't set yet.
should be 777 instead of 755. already found it so this is solved.

Try to see if your webhost server supports plugins for your PDF creator. You can contact your webhost webmaster for this.


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